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Printed from on March 07, 2025 08:06
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
The application was refused because the agency tried to consult with the applicant about her request but she did not contact the agency.
Dear Mr Galbraith,
The ABS has not heard from you regarding rescoping of your Freedom of
Information request within the 14 day timeframe. Accordingl...
Dear Mr Galbraith,
Freedom of Information Request no. FOI 15/238
I refer to your Freedom of Information request FOI15/238, and the...
Our references: FA 15/08/01808; ADF2015/45878
Dear Mr Galbraith,
I refer to your FOI request received on 28 August 2015, seeking acces...
Thank you for your letter dated 27 January 2015, your reference LS5200.
I accept your offer to provide the documents listed in paragraph 8 of your...
Dear Mr Galbraith
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
This person's annotations
None made.