This person's Freedom of Information request
I have been reading some of the notes made. I would like to thank all that have done so, for it helps us all grow as a nation towards some form of equa...
This person's 14 annotations
Hi Jane & Stephen , There has not been any sort of clear answer to this corrupt Fiscal political system, but the idea is to get more people interested...
Good on you brother Ian, now you are starting to make some good points and that is what what needed , but we just don't want a "ROUGH" idea but closer...
Hi Amandjl, In responce to your Question " Has anyone asked the question WHY they get paid after they "retire" from Government". this is the question t...
Hi Darren , Good thinking mate , a line in the sand would be a great idea but how do you implament such an idea as the Beauracrats seem to have a close...
Brother Ian, Before we go any further with this "Useless rhetoric please be aware of the rules and regulations of the Forum , i certainly do not wish t...
Hi brother Ian: it would seem that you rare having some identity crisis in your life, it took you 3 month to respond to my post and it seems that you h...
for all those people "inluding Brother Ian" that beleive that the Question of politicians pay and perks have been answered ' NOT SO" , if you had watch...
I would like Firstly express my pleasure in the fact that so many people seem to be aware of the massive rorts occuring within our political system, bu...
In ones quest for information, it is interesting to note that it seems that our government is obviously being controlled by outside powers and helps so...
Appology accepted , in this day and age it is hard to know what is Fact and what is fiction, which brings us back to the fact that the Political systen...
Hi Folks , I did add an annotation with an answer for you all on the findings of politicians pay, but it didn't come up or was blocked, so will tyr aga...
To Lotus Sum, having had time to sleep on it and reflect, I think I have come up with answer to the whole solution.
If you beleive that if all directi...
In answer to " Lotus Sum" Your answer is indicative of all government departments, I did answer all annotations e-mails & correspondence ,But they all...
it is pretty obvious that this information will never be released in its entirety , the government and all politicians will protect their own greed for...