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Printed from on March 26, 2025 16:38
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Jesse,
The University's FOI Officer is unable to continue with your request as it's deem invalid until such time the application fee has been pai...
Hi Jesse
As previously advised, can you please complete the form with all relevant details, including your address, etc. and any further details about...
Dear JesseĀ
That is correct.
In order to access any Monash records you will need to submit a Freedom of
Information (FOI) request for the documents...
Correspondence has been conducted via email.
Yours sincerely,
Jesse Boylan
Correspondence has been conducted via email.
Yours sincerely,
Jesse Boylan
Payment is required via the LTU website. I will pursue.
Yours sincerely,
Jesse Boylan
[email address]
Yours sincerely,
Jesse Boylan
This person's annotations
None made.