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Printed from on February 23, 2025 04:38
Freedom of Information requests made by this person
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This person's 5 annotations
I find it strange the AG refers to the very case that finds the Australia Act 1986 void and illegal as it breehed section 128 of the constitution. [Ema...
The state government sorry
I have written to every council in NSW with a letter of demand to cease their illegal claim to be a 3rd tier of government as they have committed treas...
The Australia Act 1986 has already been found to be void by High Court of Australia all 6 Justice's rule it to be illegal on constitutional issues sect...
It is registered as a cooporation and yes it is ilegal this all started with Goth Whitlam when he ilegally changed the constitution in 1973 Royal Style...
Kevin Rudd was going to call a referendum on local government when he was reminded of the Local Government Act and it could cause massive high court he...