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Printed from on March 29, 2025 20:59
This person's 35 annotations
(page 2)
I spoke to the FOI area today and was advised the request is awaiting signature from the manager and will be forwarded as soon as decision finalised.
The revised letter has reduced the charges by 50% to $181.00. Interesting to note the difference between 'of' public interest and 'in' the public inter...
@Henare I hope the department agrees with the assessment of this topic being in the public interest and have added your notes as advised earlier. It wo...
This letter seeks an extension of time to 15 December 2012 to allow time to consult with other parties. The intention to refuse due to unreasonable div...
I spoke with David Yardley today and he provided some useful advice regarding refining the request further to exclude, for example, documents prepared...
This letter imposes charges of $2,423.04 to be paid within 30 days unless applicant proves financial hardship or greater public interest in releasing t...
The advice I received pointed to my original request which did not specify a timeframe.
My personal interpretation of the advice provided was the sc...
Today I phoned Mr Nimalan Karthikeyan to seek advice about refining my FOI request. He advised me to think about exactly the sort of documents I want,...
The GIF image was an AFP letterhead logo.
I mistakenly referred to Senator Carr as an MP in the original letter.