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Printed from on February 23, 2025 03:30
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Good morning Dave,
Your information request will need to be lodged as a formal GIPA
application. You can do so via our online form -
Good morning Dave,
Tree removals in NSW require approval from council, so you will need to
contact the relevant local councils individually.
Dear Dave,
The City's Urban Ecology Coordinator has just received clarification from the Department of Planning Industry and Environment. They clarifi...
Thank you very much for your kind assistance and the information provided.
Very much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Dave Anderson
Dear Dave,
For more of a question and answer type response, I would recommend submitting your question via the Write to Council facility: https://form...
Thank you kindly.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Anderson
Afternoon Dave,
Thank you for your email.
Should you wish to apply for access to information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 200...
This person's annotations
None made.