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Printed from on March 09, 2025 14:47
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Mr Tentchoff
Please see attached correspondence.
Yours sincerely
FOI Adviser
Legal Policy Branch
Department of the Prime Min...
Dear Mr Tentchoff,
Please find attached our letter of 26 November 2013.
Kind regards
Good afternoon Mr/s Tentchoff
Referring to your FOI request of 8 September 2013 with this Department,
the FOI decision maker's de...
Dear Mr Tentchoff,
Please find attached our decision in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
Your sincerely,...
Dear Mr Tentchoff,
Please find attached ATSB’s decision regarding your FOI request.
Best regards
Salina Cheung
Legal Services
Australian Transport...
Dear Mr/Ms Tentchoff,
I refer to your application to the Australian Communications and Media
Authority (ACMA) for access to documents under the...
Thank you for your response. You are correct: that's what I was looking for. However, as you state that it is unlikely that you have any relevant...
This person's annotations
None made.