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Printed from on March 29, 2025 20:16
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 28)
(page 2)
Article about this request: "DFAT keeps Australians in dark on TPP stance",dfat-keeps-australians-in-dark-on-tpp-s...
More write ups:
"'The elephant in the room': Data retention's controversial origins"
They claim for TPP, MAFTA and AJFTA, there are no documents and therefore they cannot release them.
They claim that the documents found for...
This person's 29 annotations
(page 2)
I would recommend that you now request that any processing or release costs be waived as the information is of public interest.
This usually works. C...
They claim for TPP, MAFTA and AJFTA, there are no documents and therefore they cannot release them.
They claim that the documents found for...
(Here are the contents of the attached Word document)
Dear Mr Molloy
Re: FOI Request
I refer to your recent request of 10 December 2012 under th...
At one point, I started receiving emails to my private address. I'll paste the relevant ones here, which was the redefined scope:
Dear Mr Molloy...