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Printed from on March 29, 2025 18:35
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Classified as OFFICIAL
Dear Bick,
Thank you for your email.
You can apply for access to a these documents by lodging a request with
Dear Bick,
Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 206/24/25.
Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitle...
Dear Bic,
Find attached correspondence for your attention.
Freedom of Information Team
Australia Post
27 February 2024
Dear Bick Rurr
Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 424/23/24.
Review Rights
If you disagree with the dec...
Thanks for your reply. A quick Google search was able to reveal various detailed breakdowns of the contents at various stages...
Good afternoon Bick
Thank you for your enquiry. I write to advise that you may seek access to those records by making a GIPA access application. Pleas...
Good Afternoon
Following on from our email dated 15 June 2021 (please see below) we are
seeking clarification from you in relation to...
This person's annotations
None made.