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Printed from on February 23, 2025 05:49
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Not truly refused. Because the applicant did not respond to the consultation email from the authority, the request is taken to have been withdrawn by t...
Dear Mr Glew,
We refer to our email below of 17 May 2018.
Please find the attached decision in relation to your revised request of
16 May...
Dear Ms Broinowski,
We refer to our email below of 17 May 2018.
Please find the attached decision in relation to your revised request of 16 May 2018....
Dear Mr Smith,
We refer to our email below of 18 May 2018.
Please find the attached decision in relation to your revised request of 16 May 2018.
Good afternoon
Please see the attached decision for your Freedom of Information request.
Kind Regards
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Ass...
Good morning,
We refer to your email below of 15 April 2018.
You have requested organisational structure of the department for the year 2013 to 2018....
This person's annotations
None made.