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Printed from on February 23, 2025 03:58
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Note 1: Mostly I classify a response like this one to say "clarification requested" because the agency has told the applicant that some more informatio...
The response has come back as delayed. Please advise on any updates you have.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Graham
Attention: Mr Anthony Graham
Dear Mr Graham
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) application seeking data related to School spend on relie...
Dear Mr Graham
I refer to your application received by the Department of Education and Training (the Department) seeking access under the Freedom of I...
Dear Mr Graham
Thank you for your email.
To make a request for access to information under the Right to information
Act 2009 you will hav...
Thank you for your email, we will get back to you shortly.
This person's annotations
None made.