Requests similar to 'Correspondence to trustees to comply with disclosure obligations'

In 2014 the SENATE ECONOMICS REFERENCES COMMITTEE undertook an “Inquiry into the performance of ASIC”. Included in the “Questions on notice for A...
In 2014 the SENATE ECONOMICS REFERENCES COMMITTEE undertook an “Inquiry into the performance of ASIC”. Included in the “Questions on notice for A...
In 2014 the SENATE ECONOMICS REFERENCES COMMITTEE undertook an “Inquiry into the performance of ASIC”. Included in the “Questions on notice for A...
Dear Mr Sweeney, ASIC's response to your FOI request  is attached below.   Yours sincerely Mirijana Soldatic | FOI Coordinator| Chief Legal Offic...
I refer to your letter of 20 July 2020 {ASIC Re: FOI 110-2020} You state: “In your Request (at part 1), you refer to your complaint to ASIC date...
Prior to 1 July 2019 ASIC staff were subject to the Public Service Act 1999. Subsection 13(9) provides: (9) An APS employee must not provide fals...
Warren Day, Executive Director, Assessment and Intelligence, testified before the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Servi...
Warren Day, Executive Director, Assessment and Intelligence, testified before the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Servi...
In 2014 the SENATE ECONOMICS REFERENCES COMMITTEE undertook an “Inquiry into the performance of ASIC”. Committee decided to receive late submissi...
Prior to 1 July 2019 ASIC staff were subject to the Public Service Act 1999. Subsection 13(9) provides: (9) An APS employee must not provide fa...
I am lodging a request for documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) that relate to the statutory obligation of the Australian...
I am lodging a request for documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) that relate to the statutory obligation of the Australian...
In 2011 an approach was lodged with the Commonwealth Ombudsman in relation to a failure of ASIC to enforce superannuation law in a compulsory supera...
Stradford (a pseudonym) v Judge Vasta [2023] FCA 1020
Response by Attorney-General to Waldek on .


OFFICIALOFFICIALOFFICIAL   Agency ref:         AGOFOI23/465 OAIC ref:             MR23/01375   Dear Mr Lupinski   I refer to your request...
Stradford (a pseudonym) v Judge Vasta [2023] FCA 1020
Response by Attorney-General's Department to Waldek on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL   Dear Waldek   Freedom of Information Request FOI23/463 and FOI23/500   I refer to your requests to the Attorney-General's Depart...
Dear Mr Sweeney   I refer to your email to Mr Asadi of 22 August 2019. Please find attached the FOI decision and document released in response to...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Freedom of Information Request 152-2020   Please find attached notice of a request consultation process due to a practical r...
I refer to my FOI Requested of 6 April 2021. Attached to an FOI response from Owen Brailsford (APRA) dated 21 March 2011 was a copy of an unexecut...
Prior to 1 July 2019 ASIC staff were subject to the Public Service Act 1999. Subsection 13(9) provides: (9) An APS employee must not provide fals...
OFFICIAL Dear Jay Doe I understand you're seeking copies of previous DFAT Country Information Reports (CIRs) and Thematic Reports relating to Afghanis...
Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime
Request sent to Australian Securities and Investments Commission by Phillip Sweeney on .

Information not held.

Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission, I am writing to lodge a request for documents pursuant the Freedom of Information Act 1982....
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James,   Please find attached part 2 of the documents in relation to Defence FOI 1003/23/24. Due to the file size, this email is p...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please refer to the attached letter. Kind regards Evelyn Evelyn Ong | Lawyer | ASIC Deposit Takers, Credit & Insurers 100 Mark...
Attached to an FOI response from Owen Brailsford (APRA) dated 21 March 2011 was a copy of an unexecuted draft copy of a document titled “Foster’s Gr...
Newstart Allowance Statistics
Response by Department of Social Services to Julie Middleton on .


Dear Julie,   Thank you for your query. The Department has investigated your enquiry. Officers within the Policy Analysis & Reporting  Branch, and...