This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Exemptions Provided Under the Relevant Acts to Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation'.

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:09:48 +1100
Subject: Re: Exemptions Provided Under the Relevant Acts to CSC (N8560156E)
From: Trent Morrison-Francis <>
To: FOI <>

Dear FOI,

The matter in relation to the scope is not broad in nature and is quite detailed.

In relation to the diversion of resources it is in the public intrest that your members of the funds know what "back door dealings" you have been doing or what exemptions you claim you hold but don't have any documents to support these.

Yours sincerely,

Trent Morrison-Francis

-----Original Message-----

Mr Morrison-Francis,


It would assist CSC in responding to your request if you could clarify the
extent of your request in relation to the type of ‘Exemptions’ or ‘Wavers’
it is you intend to seek access to.  We note the scope of this request
could result in the request being too broad to process and potentially
result in a substantial and unreason diversion of the resources of CSC
under s.24 of the FOI Act.


Best regards,


Adam Ivancic

Parliamentary and Information Release Coordinator

General Counsel Team



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