Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 01:02:04 +1000
Subject: Freedom of Information request - A copy of information that relates to the contracts which involve former NDIA CEO Rob de Luca
From: Karen Reynolds <>
To: FOI requests at NDIA <>
Dear National Disability Insurance Agency,
I refer to the following response by Mr Oliver Bladek on the 25.3.21 Community Affairs Committee -;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Festimate%2F22c34e3c-d8ac-47c2-9bb3-787f23065247%2F0004%22;src1=sm1 -
(Response: Mr Bladek : We used a limited tender, consistent with the Commonwealth procurement rule 10.3(b)B.)
Given that the appointment of former CEO Rob de Luca's company was carried out in accordance with this finance rule, (when, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseen by the relevant entity, the goods and services could not be obtained in time under open tender) I make this request in accordance with the relevant rules:
I request the following information in relation to both Plena Healthcare and Healthstrong:
The written reports that were required to be provided that include:
- the value and type of goods and services procured;
- a statement indicating the circumstances and conditions that justified the use of limited tender; and
- a record demonstrating how the procurement represented value for money in the circumstances.
I further request a copy of the request documentation associated with the two companies, including:
- a complete description of the procurement, including the nature, scope and the quantity of the goods and services to be procured or, where the quantity is not known, - - the estimated quantity, and any requirements to be fulfilled, including any technical specifications, conformity certification, plans, drawings, or instructional materials;
- any conditions for participation, including any financial guarantees, information and documents that potential suppliers are required to submit;
- any minimum content and format requirements;
- evaluation criteria to be considered in assessing submissions and, if applicable to the evaluation, the relative importance of those criteria;
- any dates for the delivery of goods or supply of services, taking into account the complexity of the procurement; and
- any other terms or conditions relevant to the evaluation of submissions.
Yours faithfully,
Karen Reynolds
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