Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 20:08:09 +1000 Subject: Re: FOI/2021/070 - Freedom of Information - Decision [SEC=OFFICIAL] From: Trav S <[FOI #7269 email]> To: FOI <[email address]> Dear FOI, Thank you for providing the list and for looking for the other information. It is greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Trav S -----Original Message----- OFFICIAL FOI/2021/070   Dear Trav S   Please find attached the decision and document being released to you regarding your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.   Yours sincerely   FOI Adviser FOI and Privacy Section| Legal Policy Branch Government Division | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet [1] (02) 6271 5849 | [2][3][DPMC request email] | [4] [5] One National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 | PO Box 6500 CANBERRA ACT 2600 [6]cid:image001.jpg@01D30607.6CF4DA00[7]cid:image002.jpg@01D30607.6CF4DA00[8]cid:image003.jpg@01D30607.6CF4DA00 [9]cid:image004.jpg@01D30607.6CF4DA00 [10]cid:image005.jpg@01D30607.6CF4DA00     References Visible links 3. mailto:[DPMC request email] 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please use this email address for all replies to this request: [FOI #7269 email] This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at: Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed. If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page. -------------------------------------------------------------------