This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents Re: Red Telecom and Limni enterprises'.

Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 21:47:08 +1000
Subject: Re: FOI request (1004937) - Lapse letter [SEC=OFFICIAL]
From: J <>
To: FOI <>

Dear FOI,

This request can be withdrawn.

Yours sincerely,


-----Original Message-----



Dear Jay,


Please find the attached letter for your consideration.


Kind regards,


Sonya Petreski

FOI Officer | Corporate Law Unit, Legal Group
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Level 2 | 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601 |
[1]http://www.[ACCC request email]
T: +61 2 6243 1244 | F: +61 2 6243 1210
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