This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Zoe Naden authority to act as the Incubator Support Initiative Program Delegate'.

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 18:46:41 +1000
Subject: Re: Your Freedom of Information Request - Section 24AB consultation notice (LEX 68432)
From: Menzies <>
To: Christina Graves <>

- With reference to

- as bundle A - please release a document stating on or before 20/1/2020 that Zoe Naden was (then) employed at EL2 level (an employment agreement or a payslip will do)

- as bundle B - please release a document stating on or before 20/1/2020 that Zoe Naden was (at the time) the Incubator Support Manager

- as bundle C - please release a document stating on or before 20/1/2020 that Zoe Naden was (at the time) the Incubator Support Delegate

- as bundle D - please release a document stating that Zoe Naden was on leave during a timespan that overlaps or includes 3/12/2019

- please ensure bundles A-D are addressed in the statement of reasons as separate documents, identified as such if not found, delivered as separate files, and redacted such that only the dates and the very least the last character are visible (redacting everything else)


-----Original Message-----

Dear Menzies


Please find attached a notice issued by the Department of Industry,
Science, Energy and Resources pursuant to section 24AB of the Freedom of
Information Act 1982.


Please respond to the notice within 14 days (i.e. by 3 May 2021).



Yours sincerely,



Christina Graves
Special Counsel
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MinterEllison Constitution Place, 1 Constitution Avenue, Canberra City ACT
[2] Follow us on [3]LinkedIn and [4]Twitter

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range of COVID-19 related topics and a COVID-19 Hub [6]on our website.



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