This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Incubator support initiative process and DOI requests'.

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2020 13:19:18 +0000
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Incubator support initiative process and DOI requests
From: Warrick Alexander <>
To: Freedom of Information <>

Dear Freedom of Information,

As request (A), I would like to see the incubator support initiative (ISI) application processing workflow that was followed by department staff (a simple list of steps or a flowchart) in handling ISI grant applications or inquiries (expressions of interest/draft applications/formal applications).

The document should list the steps that were followed before December 2019. I am not interested in steps that were only followed after December 2019.

As request (B), I would like to see how many regional incubator facilitator (RIF) declaration of interests (DOI) inquiries were initiated by department staff for each month (in relation to any matter) since the ISI program commenced. Please also include how many RIFs actually responded to any such inquiry for each month.

To simplify this FOI application and for example, please simply search for effective keywords (e.g. DOI/DOIs/declare/declaration/conflict) in emails sent by department staff to RIFs.

Each DOI approach (regardless of the number of RIF recipients or follow-up emails) should count as 1 DOI inquiry. Each RIF who responded to any such inquiry in any given month (even if no interests were disclosed) should count as 1 respondent.

Request B is simply a matter of counting the emails that were sent by department staff to RIFs to initiate a DOI request, and the number of RIFs who responded to DOI requests in each month. For avoidence of doubt, there cannot be more than four respondents for any given month.

Eg. month, DOI requests, RIFs declared
Apr 2018, 2, 4
May 2018, 0, 0
June 2018, 1, 2
-and so on.

Thank you,

Warrick Alexander


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