This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'AusIndustry grant application'.

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 02:35:14 +0000
Subject: CM: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - AusIndustry grant application
From: "Alby P." <>
To: Freedom of Information <>

Dear Department of Industry, Innovation and Science,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Industry, Innovation and Science's handling of my FOI request 'AusIndustry grant application'.

I respectfully object to the redaction / omission of:

* both name and region of the regional incubator facilitator who provided the draft feedback as these details are otherwise publicly available -

* application regional status as per these FOI releases -
page 75 in
page 9 in

* application funding breakdown (not the funding amounts) that reveals what was actually funded (the combined documents disclose Incubator Support funding for a website to facilitate connectivity among entrepreneurs and remotely deliver incubator programs - this should therefore be disclosed in the application funding breakdown as it is otherwise publicly available)

* sources of co-funding as it appears from the combined documents that the applicant had received additional Commonwealth support

In support of my objection, I note that the Department is on record stating that it will not approve regional funding terms unless 80% of the program is physically delivered in regional areas - see draft feedback from xxxxxxxxxxxx related to application ISI81321. Daniel also advised that only state and local co-funding is eligible.

Notably, the Department tendered incubator (facilitator) contractors ( ) to deliver an incubator grant program in plain view of imminent conflicts ( last page in ).

Discrediting online solutions in this way benefits the incubator (facilitator) contractors who offer in-person services to incubators - leaving the Australian public without online solutions during a global pandemic.

For these reasons, it is in the public interest to disclose how the Department dealt with this particular incubator support initiative application - leaving unredacted regional funding terms and funding items that involve online/web delivery (without funding amounts).

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Alby P.

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