This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Emails by staff members of tminus accelerator'.

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 12:29:23 +0000
Subject: CM: Re: Revised scope - 66879 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
From: "Alby P." <>
To: Freedom of Information <>

Dear Heather,

I think it is best that I do as you suggest so I will describe the information more generally.

* Noting 'DOIs Declared by RIFs' recorded at these committee meetings ( and ).

* Noting that incubators are taken to 'include accelerators' in the guidelines used to assess grant applications at the meetings ( ).

* Noting that RIFs appear to be in incubator/accelerator business - examples include ISI grant recipients...
Business in Bare Feet/xxxxxxxxxxxxx - ( )
Brad Twynham Consulting/Brad Twynham -
We Are Arising/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx -

* Noting (the obvious) reasons this is inappropriate ( ).

I am trying to find out if it is common knowledge among department staff that the incubator facilitators hired for public duty are actually incubator facilitators in private business too.

To put it bluntly, does anyone at the department realise that the contractors who are supposed to help ISI applicants are either direct competitors or associates of ISI applicants?

Since an FOI application cannot come in the form of a question, I would like to see all RIF DOIs from 1 September 2019 until 20 March 2020.

The date range provided will capture only a handful of meetings (inc. any DOIs outside meetings) however this is enough data to be able to arrive at a conclusion.

Please do not redact any disclosures as a matter of public interest and since RIF businesses are already openly advertising services online.

Alby P.

-----Original Message-----

Dear Alby

I refer to your email of 3 September 2020 (below).

After consultation with the line area, I am able to advise you that the information you have provided has not sufficiently assisted in reducing the size of your request, in particular in relation to the search time required.

Whilst you have provided more details regarding the emails you are seeking, we would still need to search the same repositories for any relevant documents. You have also increased the time period of when the emails were sent. As such, your revisions have not reduced the amount of time estimated to search and identify documents in order to begin processing your request.

Further, we ask if you could please clarify the last item regarding which emails you intend to exclude.

Alternatively, are you able to describe the information you are looking for? For example, a particular event or occurrence, or a specific piece of information sent from the department contractor staff. If you are able to provide this information, the department will be in a better position to assist you with your request.

I would be grateful for your response at your earliest convenience but no later than 16 September 2020.

In accordance with section 24AB(5) of the FOI Act, the consultation period is extended until such time that both parties have reach an agreement on the revised scope.


FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601

Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources |

Supporting economic growth and job creation for all Australians

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