Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 12:56:31 +1100
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Approaches to analysis and action of SmartRider/Live Times GPS data to address Timed Stop performance
From: Michael H <>
To: FOI requests at PTA <>
Dear Public Transport Authority of Western Australia,
Due to the continued recent poor experience of myself and my acquaintances in respect of drivers for your contracted service providers in areas we frequent not upholding what is known on the timetable as “Timed stops” by virtue of repeated early departures; I wish to seek access to the following information:
1. Documents relevant to PTA’s specific expectations in respect of how Drivers of the contracted service providers are expected to perform in respect of early departures from timed stops, including any:
a) relevant materials and communications pertinent to decision making on how these performance expectations were decided;
b) policies and/or procedures published by PTA for its employees, and persons working in the PTA customer contact center (including any contracted service providers delivering the customer contact centre service) in respect of handling these issues;
c) policies, procedures, memorandums, education and training materials, and other records (including but not limited to the non-commercially sensitive portions of contracts and their standard forms between PTA and their contracted service providers) covering how drivers and the contracted service providers are informed, educated, tracked, investigated, disciplined, accountable, fined and/or penalised for any relevant behaviours;
2. A summary of how, if at all, PTA analyses it’s available data to identify these issues, including:
a) A summary of which specific data sets are actively used by PTA for these purposes (For the avoidance of doubt, this is to know which specific data sets, and the data fields that are used for the performance of any potential analysis; and not a summary of copy of the actual data held itself);
b) Policies and procedures relevant to data analysis;
c) A summary of the resources allocated by PTA to the purposes of data analysis and timetable compliance, including:
- Head count,
- Position titles, title of the EBA or other industrial document under which their position is established, and their salary band under same,
d) A year on year breakdown of the issues identified as a result of any potential data analysis (specific period of the year on year breakdown to depend on how far the PTA has data for these purposes), including but not expressly limited to:
- Impacted service area/region,
- Impacted bus route,
- Source/channel of how the concern was identified (i.e. PTA analysis, self-reporting by driver, self-reporting by service provider, customer contact centre enquiry, social media enquiry, or other channels),
- Response of the contracted service provider and/or driver upon the issue being raised,
- Identified cause,
- Investigation outcomes and actions implemented to address the issue
- Penalties or outcomes, if any, imposed on the contracted service providers and/or their drivers for these issues.
3) Any other materials and/or responsive records that PTA may identify relevant to the subject matter in the course of handling this request.
Yours faithfully,
Michael H
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