This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Information from CASA received prior to Council making decision to extend parachute jumping at the airport in 2016'.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 07:53:52 +0000
Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - Information from CASA received prior to Council making decision to extend parachute jumping at the airport in 2016
From: Rob Cumming <>
To: Council <>

Dear Goulburn Mulwaree Council,

The following documents are being sought for the purposes of the Freedom of information Act.

All documents including but not limited to:
 Correspondence;
 File Notes;
 Meeting Notes;
 Internal Memo’s;
 Diary/ calendar entries;
 Telephone records;
 All data electronically collected, being by mobile phone, Dictaphone, tape recorder or mp3/4 recorder or other means
 E-mails;

from CASA [Civil Aviation Safety Authority] related to the approval in 2016 by Council, which recently extended hours for the Airport jump zone.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Cumming


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