This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016'.

From: Graham Ritter
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July 2013 2:04 PM
To: Toni Hambilton
Subject: FW: Feedback Submission Details

Graham Ritter
Building Surveyor
Junee Shire Council
Ph: 02-69248100
Fax: 02-69242497

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July 2013 2:04 PM
To: Graham Ritter
Subject: Feedback Submission Details

FRP - Enforcement Agency Activities Report v1 July 2013
-- Copy of submission for your records -- ===================================

Enforcement activities for the reporting period of 1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013

Food business profile
Number of high risk food businesses : - 21 Number of medium risk food businesses : - 5 No. of food
businesses requiring FSS : - 26 Estimated no. of these food businesses that have a current FSS : - 10
Number of childcare facilities serving food in the LGA : - 0 Number of childcare facilities inspected : - 0
Was any significant enforcement action required within a childcare facility : - No If yes to the above,
what type of enforcement action (if several, separate entries with semi-colon) : - How many 'standard
food outlets' (Fast Choices) are in your LGA? : - 46 Are you checking whether nutrition information is
displayed at 'standard food outlets'? : - No If yes, how many 'standard food outlets' did not display
nutrition information? : -

Regulation services profile
No. of authorised officers engaged in food regulatory work over the 12 month reporting period : - 2 No.
of FTE** authorised officers engaged in food regulatory work over the 12 month reporting period : - 0.3
Private contractors used : - No Resource sharing with other council/s : - Yes

Regulation inspection profile of high and medium risk businesses (excluding low risk businesses) Number
of primary inspections*** conducted : - 26 Number of primary inspections*** found to be
satisfactory**** : - 26 Number of food businesses requiring re-inspection : - 0 No. of food businesses
found to be satisfactory**** after re-inspection/s : - 0

Food complaint profile
Total number of complaints received : - 0 Total number of complaints investigated : - 0 Hygiene and
handling : - 0 Foreign matter : - 0 Food quality including deterioration : - 0 Labelling and advertising : - 0
Alleged single-incident foodborne illness : - 0 Other : - 0

Enforcement action
Number of Improvement Notices issued : - 0 Number of warning letters issued : - 0 Number of
Prohibition Orders served : - 0 Number of seizures : - 0 Number of Penalty Notices issued : - 0 Number of
prosecutions determined : - 0 Number of Penalty Notices court-elected : - 0

Value-added services
Technical advice provided for food businesses : - Yes Information provided to food businesses, e.g.
leaflets, hand-outs, fact sheets, websites : - Yes Food handler training organised or facilitated : - No Any
other service provided, e.g. participation in surveys or pilot programs : - No If yes, please give brief
details (if several services, separate entries with semi-colon) : -

IT/data management systems
What data management system, and what version, does your council use (eg Infor/Pathways, Civica) : -
Microsoft Access and Excel Is this system used for council???s food surveillance data? : - Yes

Comments / explanations (optional)
Please provide any comments/explanations to support the data provided : -

Contents of Report have been authorised by GM or their delegate : - Yes,

Submission details for your reference
Enforcement Agency name : - Junee Shire Council Name of person submitting report : - GrahamRitter
Submission date : - 17-Jul-2013 Copy of completed report will be emailed to : -