Dear Mr Cumming
I will be the contact officer for your request.
Just to clarify, this is my understanding of the scope of your request, if you could please confirm as soon as possible.
- Documents relating to the basis for the SID's requirement;
- The RIS for private aircraft in Australia in the implementation of SID's and the basis for the mandatory requirement in Australia compared to the US, when the SID's requirements for Australia is based on the FAA requirements; and
- documents that refer to private operations vs. commercial operations and any direct communications with the FAA from/to CASA Australia on this issue.
Kind regards
Jennifer Smith-Roberts
Freedom of Information and Finance Officer
Legal Services Division
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Ph: 02 6217 1445
Fax: 02 6217 1607
Email: [email address]
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 24 December 2015 11:49 AM
To: Rob Cumming
Cc: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Evidence for the Cessna SID's being placed on Cessna aircraft in Australia and the Regulatory Impact Statement [RIS] support for the SID's programme [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Thanks. CASA's FOI Officer will commence assessing your request for access on 4 January.
However, I take this opportunity to note that the ruling itself explains the basis for the view that compliance with the SIDS is mandatory. On this basis, there is no RIS document and there need not be one, because CASA has simply explained
in the ruling how it considers the aviation legislation operates in relation to supplemental inspection documents.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 24 December 2015 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Evidence for the Cessna SID's being placed on Cessna aircraft in Australia and the Regulatory Impact Statement [RIS] support for the SID's programme [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
I have read the ruling under the signature of "Mark Skidmore" of 15th December 2015 and:
I require you to provide the effect and basis for the SID's requirement, including the RIS for private aircraft in Australia in the implementation of SID's and the basis for the mandatory requirement in Australia compared to the US,
when the SID's requirements for Australia is based on the FAA requirements.
The effect and basis for this is to include all documents that refer to private operations vs. commercial operations and any direct communications with the FAA from/to CASA Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Cumming
-----Original Message-----
The Cessna SIDS documents speak for themselves as to the basis or need for inspections, namely service experience of fatigue cracking and corrosion. The inspection documents are proprietary Cessna publications.
In light of the above, please clarify what you seek access to.
Adam Anastasi
General Counsel
and Executive Manager
Legal Services Division
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Ph 02 6217 1040
Fax 02 6217 1607
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