This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'FOI Disclosure Log - FOI 24/25-0151, FOI 24/25-0379, FOI 24/25-0753, FOI 24/25-0368'.

FOI 24/25-0753
OFFICIAL   For Internal Use Only 
Case Management Guide 
Disability Related Health Supports 
Continence supports  
•  pads and/or nappies  
•  bedding and/or chair protection  
•  liners or shields  
•  anal plugs  
•  collection bags  
•  bottles  
•  straps or tape  
•  training for support workers or other supports 
to assist a participant with bodily functions 
and hygiene  
•  continence assessment(s)  
•  a bed wetting alarm  
Wound and pressure care supports  
•  a registered/clinical nurse/clinical nurse 
consultant to develop a chronic wound 
management plan or pressure care plan 
•  a support worker, enrolled/registered/clinical 
nurse to help implement that management 
•  training for a support worker or other supports 
to help implement the wound and  pressure 
management plan 
•  wound care items (gauze, bandages, dressing 
and tape)  
•  items to prevent wounds (including pressure 
relief cushions, moisturiser, barrier creams 
and non-PH washes) 
•  support to manage lymphoedema, either by a 
trained support worker, or by a qualified 
lymphoedema practitioner. 
Podiatry supports  
•  an initial consultation and assessment by a 
podiatrist, including the development of a 
podiatry care plan 
•  regular re-assessment(s) during a care plan 
•  appointments with a podiatrist to assist with 
overall foot care and foot health 
•  a support worker to be trained in foot care 
tasks that do not require the care of a 
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