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FOI 24/25-0868
Record information – Life Skills 
Profile (LSP - 16) 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:41:50 
Page 1 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand the life skills profile (LSP - 16) ....................................................................... 6
Record LSP-16 information in PACE ................................................................................. 7
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 2 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to:   
  understand the life skills profile (LSP - 16)  
  record LSP - 16 information in PACE. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 3 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency. 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 4 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
Page 5 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
3  Understand the life skills profile (LSP - 16)   
The life skills profile considers areas such as social relationships, and an individual’s ability to 
complete day-to-day tasks. Its focus is on the person’s general functioning and disability, rather 
than their symptoms.  
The four sub-scales in the LSP-16 are:  
 withdrawal 
 self-care 
 compliance 
 anti-social 
The total score can range from 0 to 48, increasing with the severity of the impact of the 
An allied health professional will complete the assessment. You will enter the received 
assessment score in PACE. 
Understand the life skills profile (LSP - 16) – 6 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
4  Record LSP-16 information in PACE 
To record an LSP-16 assessment, complete the following PACE steps at the Select Tools step 
in the Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment. 
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Life Skills Profile (LSP-16)
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Enter 
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Record LSP-16 information in PACE – 7 
Page 7 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Life Skills Profile (LSP - 16) 
5 Next steps 
There are no further steps 
Next steps – 8 
Page 8 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:44:29 
Page 9 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record a PEDI-CAT assessment ............................................................. 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 10 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand a PEDI-CAT assessment 
  understand the difference between a new assessment and manually entered score   
  complete a new PEDI-CAT assessment 
  record a manual PEDI-CAT assessment. 
Recent updates – 3 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
1 Recent updates 
18 December 2023 
Update to include the transfer of work instruction on PACE for PEDI-CAT domain manual score 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 12 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
3  Understand and record a PEDI-CAT assessment 
The PEDI-CAT assessment 
A PEDI-CAT assessment helps us understand a child’s ability to complete tasks in their daily 
We use the PEDI-CAT assessment with children younger than 6. Sometimes, we use PEDI-
CAT for children aged 7-16 if there isn’t another tool available. 
The difference between a new assessment and manually entered score   
You complete a New PEDI-CAT assessment in PACE. You begin by creating a new Functional 
Capacity Assessment
 case. PACE will direct you to an external Pearson site. Pearson will 
automatically populate a score based on answers to the questions. 
Manual PEDI-CAT assessment is one completed outside of Pearson. You will enter the score 
in PACE. For example, a parent might give you a PEDI-CAT assessment from their child’s 
Note: If you receive a PEDI-CAT assessment score from within the last 3 months, use this to 
update the manually entered score. If the PEDI-CAT assessment score is from more than 3 
months ago, use Pearson to get a new assessment score. 
Complete a new PEDI-CAT assessment 
To record a New PEDI-CAT assessment, complete the following PACE steps. 
From the functional capacity assessment view: 
1. Select 
Yes to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
No to Manually enter scores
3. Select 
4. Select 
5.  Confirm details are correct.   
6. Select 
Launch PEDI-CAT to open in Pearson. 
7.  Complete online PEDI-CAT assessment. 
8.  Once completed, return to PACE and select Check status to refresh.  
9. Select 
Save for later or Next
10.  Check confirmation details. 
11. Select Done
Note: Don’t open a new assessment if you do not intend on completing it that day. 
Record a manual PEDI-CAT assessment 
To record a manual PEDI-CAT assessment, complete the following PACE steps. 
At the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
Understand and record a PEDI-CAT assessment – 6 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
3. Select 
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Enter 
Domain Scaled Scores. 
o  Add the numerical scores into the domain fields.Note: For children younger 
than 3 years, record the PEDI-CAT Responsibility Domain as 0. This is 
because domain scaled scores are not completed for children younger than 3 
years old. 
7. Enter 
Domain T Scores. 
o  When the T score generates and displays as less than 10, record the score as 
1 in PACE. 
o  When the T score generates greater than or equal to 10, record the exact 
score in PACE.Note: For children younger than 3 years, record the PEDI-CAT 
Responsibility Domain
 as 0. This is because domain T scores are not 
completed for children younger than 3 years old. 
8. Enter 
Domain Age Percentiles
Note: This score will show as either an exact number or a percentile band dependent on 
version used. 
o If 
exact score, enter as displayed. 
o  When the age percentile generates and displays as less than the 5th 
percentile, record the score as 1 in PACE. 
o For 
age percentile 5 to 25, record the lower percentile (5) or the number 
o For 
age percentile 25 to 50, record the lower percentile (25). 
o For 
percentile 50 to 75, record the lower percentile (50). 
o For 
percentile 75 or above, record 75. 
Note: For children younger than 3 years, record the PEDI-CAT Responsibility 
Domain as 0. This is because domain age percentiles are not completed for 
children younger than 3 years old. 
9. Select 
10. Check the Confirmation details. Select Done
Understand and record a PEDI-CAT assessment – 7 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record assessment - PEDI-CAT 
4 Next steps 
There are no further steps.  
Next steps – 8 
Page 16 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information - level of lesion 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:48:05 
Page 17 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record a level of lesion assessment ...................................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 18 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinatorearly childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand a level of lesion assessment 
  record information about level of lesion in PACE. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 19 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 20 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
3  Understand and record a level of lesion assessment 
A level of lesion assessment helps identify the injured vertebrae related to a spinal injury. This 
usually follows a traumatic injury from situations such as a: 
 diving 
  horse riding accident 
  car, motorbike, or other vehicle accident. 
An allied health professional completes the assessment. You will enter the assessment score in 
Level of lesion sections 
The level of lesion assessment groups vertebrae into sections. The higher the injury on the 
spinal cord, the more dysfunction can occur for the person. These sections are: 
  high cervical nerves (C1 – C4) 
  low cervical nerves (C5 – C8) 
  thoracic nerves (T1 – T12) 
  lumbar nerves (L1 – L5) 
  sacral nerves (S1 – S5). 
Record level of lesion information 
To enter a level of lesion assessment, at the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity 

1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Level of Lesion
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Select 
Score or rating
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Understand and record a level of lesion assessment – 6 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - level of lesion assessment 
4 Next steps 
There are no further steps. 
Next steps – 7 
Page 23 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information – the Care and 
Needs Scale 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:52:29 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record the Care and Needs Scale .......................................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 25 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand the Care and Needs Scale 
  record information from the Care and Needs Scale. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 26 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Updated to align with current steps in PACE. 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 27 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
 read 
Understand functional capacity assessments 
 read 
Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
Page 28 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
3  Understand and record the Care and Needs Scale 
We use the care and needs scale for people older than 16 years with traumatic brain injury. The 
scale has 8 categories to measure the support level a person needs. An allied health 
professional completes the assessment. You enter the assessment score in PACE. 
Record the Care and Needs Scale information 
To record a Care and Needs Scale assessment, at the Select Tools step in the Functional 
Capacity Assessment

1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores
3. Select 
The Care and Needs Scale (CANS)
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date
6. Select Score or rating
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Understand and record the Care and Needs Scale – 6 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – the Care and Needs Scale 
4 Next steps 
There are no further steps. 
Next steps – 7 
Page 30 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information - Vineland 
Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 03:11:41 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record Vineland 2 and 3 .......................................................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 32 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales second edition (Vineland 2) 
  understand Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales third edition (Vineland 3) 
  record a Vineland 2 or 3 assessment. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 33 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Updated Vineland 2 and Vineland 3 definitions. 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 34 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – Applying to the NDIS 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments  
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case. 
Before you start – 5 
Page 35 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
3  Understand and record Vineland 2 and 3 
Vineland measures a person’s adaptive behaviour. It can be used for diagnosis support 
for  individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. 
Vineland 2 
Vineland 2 assesses the personal and social skills needed for everyday living. 
It assesses many domains. It provides an overall adaptive behaviour composite. The four core 
Vineland 2 domains are: 
 communication 
  daily living skills  
 socialisation 
  motor skills.  
Use the Vineland 2 assessment information the participant provides you with, and the table 
below. This will determine the adaptive behaviour composite score to record in PACE: 
Option in PACE 
Adaptive behaviour composite 25 and below 
Adaptive behaviour composite 26 - 40 
Adaptive behaviour composite 41 - 55 
Adaptive behaviour composite 56+ 
Vineland 3 
This is a revised third version of the Vineland 2. It provides an overall adaptive behaviour 
composite. The three core domains are: 
 communication 
 daily 
 socialisation. 
Vineland 3 also offers optional motor skills and maladaptive behaviour domains for situations 
where these areas are of concern. 
Record a Vineland assessment in PACE 
An allied health professional will complete the assessment. You will enter the results into PACE. 
Understand and record Vineland 2 and 3 – 6 
Page 36 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
Where a participant presents with a Vineland assessment, complete the following PACE steps: 
At the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity Assessment
1.    Select No to Carry out a new assessment. 
2.    Select Yes to Manually enter scores
3.    Select Vineland 2 or Vineland 3
4.    Select Next
5.    Enter Assessment completion date
6.    Select or enter Overall score or rating. 
Note: For Vineland 2, select the relevant score range from the dropdown. For Vineland 3
manually enter the score as a whole number, with no decimal places. 
7.    Select Next
8.    Check the Confirmation details. 
9.    Select Done
Understand and record Vineland 2 and 3 – 7 
Page 37 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales 
4 Next steps 
There are no further steps. 
Next steps – 8 
Page 38 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information from the DSM5 - 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:32:20 
Page 39 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Autism 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record a DSM-5 assessment ................................................................... 6
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 40 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Autism 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand the DSM-5 assessment 
  understand the DSM-5 – autism levels 
  record the DSM-5 results. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 41 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Autism 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 42 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Autism 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
Page 43 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Autism 
3  Understand and record a DSM-5 assessment 
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is a diagnostic manual. 
Mental health professionals use it to diagnose and understand a range of diseases. This 
includes autism. 
A medical professional must complete the DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder assessment. 
To learn more about recording the DSM-5 for intellectual disability, go to record information 
from the DSM5 – intellectual disability

The DSM5 – autism levels 
A health professional determines the severity of autism using measures of social 
communication and of restrictive, repetitive behaviours. 
The DSM-5 Autism assessment allocates a person’s support needs into one of three levels:  
  Level 1 - Requiring support 
  Level 2 - Requiring substantial support 
  Level 3 - Requiring very substantial support. 
Record the DSM-5 results 
Where a participant presents with a DSM-5 Autism assessment, complete the following PACE 
At the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) Autism
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Select 
Score or Rating
7. Select Next.  
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Next steps 
There are no further steps.  
Understand and record a DSM-5 assessment – 6 
Page 44 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information from the DSM5 - 
Intellectual Disability 
SGP KP Publishing 
Exported on 2024-12-16 02:37:18 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record a DSM-5 intellectual disability assessment .............................. 6
The DSM-5 ID scale .............................................................................................................. 7
Record the DSM-5 ID results ............................................................................................... 8
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 9
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 46 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand the DSM-5 intellectual disability (ID) assessment 
  the DSM-5 ID scale 
  record the DSM-5 ID results. 
Recent updates – 3 
Page 47 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency 
Recent updates – 4 
Page 48 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case. 
Before you start – 5 
Page 49 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
3  Understand and record a DSM-5 intellectual 
disability assessment 
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is a diagnostic manual used 
by mental health professionals. They use it to diagnose and understand a range of diseases. 
This includes intellectual disability (ID). 
A medical professional must complete the DSM-5 ID assessment. 
To learn more about recording the DSM-5 for autism, go to Record information from the 
DSM5 – autism

Understand and record a DSM-5 intellectual disability assessment – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
4  The DSM-5 ID scale 
  The DSM-5 ID uses two measures: 
  cognitive function (IQ)  
 adaptive 
It rates an individual by the following four-level scale: 
  Mild level 1 
  Moderate level 2 
  Severe level 3 
  Profound level 4. 
The DSM-5 ID scale – 7 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
5  Record the DSM-5 ID results 
Where a participant presents with a DSM-5 ID assessment, complete the following PACE steps: 
At the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity Assessment
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment. 
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores
3. Select 
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) ID. 
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date. 
6. Select 
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Record the DSM-5 ID results – 8 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information from the DSM5 - Intellectual Disability 
6 Next steps 
There are no further steps. 
Next steps – 9 
Page 53 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
Record information – Manual ability 
classification system 
SGP KP Publishing 
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Page 54 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record the manual ability classification system ................................... 6
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 7
Table of Contents – 2 
Page 55 of 76

FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand the manual ability classification system 
  record a manual ability classification assessment in PACE. 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
3  Understand and record the manual ability 
classification system 
The manual ability classification system is a way to measure a person’s ability to complete tasks 
in daily life. It categorises the ability of people to handle objects in everyday life into five levels.  
An allied health professional completes the assessment. You enter the details into PACE.  
Record a Manual Ability Classification assessment in PACE 
To record a manual ability classification assessment, at the Select Tools step in the 
Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment. 
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Manual Ability Classification System (MACS)
4. Select 
5. Enter Assessment completion date.  
6. Select 
Score or rating
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Understand and record the manual ability classification system – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information – Manual ability classification system 
4 Next steps 
There are no further steps.  
Next steps – 7 
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Record a communication function 
classification score 
SGP KP Publishing 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand the communication function classification score ....................................... 6
Record information from the CFCS .................................................................................... 7
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support
) to: 
  understand the communication function classification score (CFCS) 
  record information from the CFCS. 
Recent updates – 3 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency. 
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
 read 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
  read the article Understand functional capacity assessments 
  read the article Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
3  Understand the communication function 
classification score 
The communication function classification (CFCS) score is a 5-level classification tool. It 
measures the level of support a person needs. We use the communication function 
classification score for people with cerebral palsy. An allied health professional completes the 
You enter the assessment score in PACE. 
Understand the communication function classification score – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
4  Record information from the CFCS  
To record results of a CFCS, complete the following steps at the Select Tools step in the 
Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Communication Function Classification Score (CFCS)
4. Select 
5. Enter 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Select 
Score or rating
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Record information from the CFCS – 7 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record a communication function classification score 
5 Next steps 
There are no further steps. 
Next steps – 8 
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FOI 24/25-0868
Record information - Expanded 
Disability Status Scale 
SGP KP Publishing 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand and record an Expanded Disability Status Scale assessment ................... 6
Record EDSS information ................................................................................................... 7
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents – 2 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
This article provides guidance for a local area coordinator, early childhood coordinator and 
all NDIA staff (planner, payment officer, internal review officer, complaints officer, 
participant service officer, access officer, quality officer, technical advisor, SDA officer, 
NCC officer, provider support)
  understand the Expanded Disability Status Scale 
  record information about Expanded Disability Status Scale. 
Recent updates – 3 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
1 Recent updates 
July 2023 
Update to system steps and language to align with PACE and knowledge consistency. 
Recent updates – 4 
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FOI 24/25-0868
SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
2  Before you start 
You have: 
Our Guidelines – applying to the NDIS 
 read 
Understand functional capacity assessments 
 read 
Create a new functional capacity assessment case
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
3  Understand and record an Expanded Disability 
Status Scale assessment 
Understand the expanded disability status scale 
The expanded disability status scale (EDSS) is a scale from 0 to 10:  
  0 = no impairment  
  10 = the greatest severity.  
It measures disability in multiple sclerosis and monitors the change in the level of disability over 
It has a wide use in clinical trials and in assessing people with multiple sclerosis. It is based on 
published research developed by John Kurtzke in 1983. [1] 
To complete a multiple sclerosis assessment, use one of these sources in preference order: 
  Disease steps: for all ages – provided by a medical professional or equivalent. To learn 
more, go to article Record information – disease steps assessment. 
  Multiple sclerosis severity tool: for all ages – patient determined disease steps 
(PDDS), available on the NDIS intranet. Provided by a medical professional or 
equivalent or completed internally.  
  Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS): for all ages – provided by a medical 
professional or equivalent. 
Note: Evidence from a treating health professional should be from a neurologist or a disease 
steps trained nurse examiner. 
Understand and record an Expanded Disability Status Scale assessment – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
4  Record EDSS information 
To record results of an EDSS assessment, complete the following steps in PACE:  
At the Select Tools step in the Functional Capacity Assessment:  
1. Select 
No to Carry out a new assessment
2. Select 
Yes to Manually enter scores.  
3. Select 
Expanded Disability Status Scale
4. Select 
5. Record 
Assessment completion date.  
6. Select 
Score or rating
7. Select 
8. Check 
Confirmation details. 
9. Select 
Record EDSS information – 7 
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SGP KP Publishing – Record information - Expanded Disability Status Scale 
5 Next steps 
There are no further steps.  
[1] Kurtzke JF. Rating neurological impairment in multiple sclerosis: an expanded disability 
status scale (EDSS). Neurology. 1983;33(11):1444-1452 
Next steps – 8 
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