This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Southern Cross Station V/Line Announcements'.

PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001    
T (03) 9619 5900    F (03) 9619 5000
26 February 2025
Mr Callum Campbell
By email only: foi+request-12871-8df08d7d@righ
Dear Callum,
Your freedom of informa on request 
I refer to your correspondence dated 25 February 2025 in which you requested:
“the original files of the automated V/Line pla orm announcements at Southern Cross”
You are making a request under the Freedom of Informa on Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act), however 
at this  me your request is not valid under sec on 17 of the FOI Act because you have not 
paid the applica on fee of $32.70.
This means we cannot start processing your request un l you pay the applica on fee or 
request a fee waiver.
Paying the applica on fee
To proceed with your request, please pay the applica on fee of $32.70 by cheque or bank 
transfer (EFT). 
Account name
V/Line Corpora on
Westpac Banking Corpora on, 303 Collins Street, 
Melbourne VIC 3001
Account no.
Reques ng a fee waiver or reduc on
If paying the applica on fee would cause you hardship, you may ask us to waive or reduce it. 
To do this, please provide suppor ng informa on so we can assess your eligibility for a fee 
waiver or reduc on. 
Suppor ng informa on may include a copy of a current concession or health care card, a 
bank statement, or statutory declara on outlining why paying the applica on fee would cause 
you hardship. If you are not sure what informa on to provide, please contact us to discuss 
What you need to do
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001    
T (03) 9619 5900     F (03) 9619 5000     ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege

PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001    
T (03) 9619 5900    F (03) 9619 5000
Please pay the applica on fee of $32.70 using the payment method outlined above, or, 
provide evidence of hardship for a fee waiver or reduc on by 19 March 2025. 
If you have any ques ons about the applica on fee or reques ng a fee waiver or reduc on, 
please email us at
If we do not hear from you by this date, we may close your request without processing it. If 
we close your request without processing it, you will need to make a new request if you wish 
to access the document.
If you have any ques ons, please also email us at
Yours sincerely
Ashley Peter-Budge
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001    
T (03) 9619 5900     F (03) 9619 5000     ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege