Our reference: MR25/00329
Agency reference: FOI 24-25/086, FOI 24-25/097
respondent is:
applicant is:
Department of Finance
Mature Data
By email
: xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx.xx
By email
: foi+request-12855-
Notice of IC review and request for documents
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has received an application for
Information Commissioner (IC) review of an internal review decision made by the
Department of Finance under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). A copy of the
IC review application and the decision under review are attached.
The OAIC will commence a review of the FOI decision and provides this notice under s 54Z of
the FOI Act.
Scope of IC review
The IC review applicant contests the respondent’s reasons for refusing access as set out in
the decision under review.
Requirement for parties to engage and share submissions
As part of this process:
• the OAIC requires respondents and applicants to engage with each other to attempt
to resolve or narrow the issues in dispute. The respondent should initiate this
• the respondent has until
9 April 2025 to complete the engagement and share its
submission with the OAIC and the applicant
• the respondent also has until
9 April 2025 to provide the OAIC with the information
set out in Table A
of the Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies
and ministers in IC reviews
1300 363 992
T +61 2 9942 4099
GPO Box 5288
F +61 2 6123 5145
Sydney NSW 2001
ABN 85 249 230 937
• the applicant has 10 business days after receiving the respondent’s submission to
share their submission with the OAIC and the respondent.
Annexure A has more information for applicants about the engagement process and sharing
Annexure B has more information for respondents about the engagement
process and sharing submissions.
Request for information from respondent
Table A of the
Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in
IC reviews sets out the information the respondent must provide to the OAIC. Please provide
the information outlined in Table A that relates to this review.
Respondents can comply with this notice by delivering the response to xxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx by
9 April 2025.
Obligations during the IC review process
The obligations of the respondent during the IC review process are set out under:
• ss 55D, 55DA and 55Z of the FOI Act
• Part 10
the Guidelines issued under s 93A of the FOI Act, which agencies and
ministers must have regard to when performing a function or exercising a power
under the FOI Act
Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC
reviews issued under s 55(2)(e)(i) of the FOI Act.
The obligations of the applicant during the IC review process are set out under:
• Part 10
the Guidelines issued under s 93A of the FOI Act
Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information
Commissioner reviews issued under s 55(2)(e)(i) of the FOI Act.
Yours sincerely
Ishraq Quashem
Early Resolution Team
Freedom of Information Branch
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
[Attached: IC review application and decision under review].
26 February 2025
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Annexure A: Further information for applicants
The procedure that applicants are to follow in IC reviews is set out i
n Direction as to certain
procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews. The below
summarises your obligations to engage with the respondent, and provide submissions to
both the OAIC and respondents.
Obligation for you to engage
The respondent must initiate engagement with you and make reasonable attempts to
.1 The engagement aims to resolve or narrow the issues in dispute in the IC review.
Engagement could involve a phone call or video conference between you and the
respondent. You can tell the respondent if you would prefer to engage another wa
The respondent must demonstrate to the OAIC what they have done to engage with you to
resolve or narrow the issues in dispute in the IC review. If the respondent does not take
sufficient actions to engage with you, the OAIC will direct them to engage furthe
If you fail to participate in the engagement process (without reasonable excuse), the OAIC
may decide to not continue the IC review. This will be on the ground you have failed to
cooperate in progressing the IC review without reasonable excuse
.4 The OAIC will warn you if
we are considering this possibility and give you the opportunity to respond.
We expect that you and the respondent will engage in the IC review process with respect and
Sharing submissions between you and the respondent
If respondents make a submission in support of their FOI decision, they must send their
submission to you at the same time as sending them to the OAIC. You can then make a
1 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.17]
2 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.19]
3 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.20]
4 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.21]
5 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.23]
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submission in response. You will have 10 business da
ys6 to make a submission about why
you disagree with the respondent, and you are required to send your submission to the
respondent at the same time as sending to the OA
When it sends its submission to you and the OAIC, the respondent should remind you that
you then have 10 business days to make your submission.
The OAIC will generally proceed with making an IC review decision on the basis of the
evidence respondents provide in response to this notice, and any submissions the parties
make. If you do not make submissions when an opportunity to do so has been provided, the
OAIC may make a final decision without giving any further opportunity to make
You can ask the OAIC to make a submission in confidence. Your request must give reasons
why you want to make a confidential submission and the OAIC will consider those reasons
and decide whether to accept the submission on a confidential basis. If the OAIC agrees to
treat a submission confidentially, you will generally be required to provide a second version
of the submission which can be share
6 Respondents have 30 business days because they must engage with applicants as well as providing information
and making submissions. You have 10 business days because you only need to make submissions.
7 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.27]
8 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.28]
9 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.30]
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Annexure B: Further information for respondents
The procedure that respondents are to follow in IC reviews is set out i
n Direction as to certain
procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews. The below summarises
the obligations of the respondent to engage with the applicant, and provide submissions to
both the OAIC and the applicant.
Obligation for respondents to engage
Respondents are required to make reasonable attempts to engage with applicants
.10 The
engagement should aim to resolve or narrow the issues in dispute in the IC review.
Engagement may comprise a phone call or video conference between the respondent and
the applicant. The OAIC will not be involved in arranging or attending these
.11 Applicants can
tell respondents if they would prefer to engage another wa
Respondents must provide the OAIC with information to demonstrate the actions they have
taken to engage the applicant to resolve or narrow the issues in dispute in the IC review
The IC has published a checklist to assist agencies and ministers to provide relevant
information relating to the agency or minister’s engagement with the applicant during the IC
review: see IC Review Practice Documents.
The OAIC will advise the respondent if they consider the respondent should undertake
further engagement with the applicant during the IC revie
If applicants fail to participate in the engagement process (without reasonable excuse), the
OAIC may decide to not continue their IC revie
10 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.8]
11 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3. 9]
12 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.10]
13 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.11]
14 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.13]
15 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.21]
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We expect that applicants and respondents will engage in the IC review process with respect
and courtes
Sharing submissions between the respondent and applicant
If respondents make submissions in support of their FOI decisions, they must send their
submissions to applicants at the same time as sending them to the OA
IC.17 Respondents
should include prominent reminders in covering correspondence that applicants will have
10 business days from the date of receiving the correspondence to make submissions.
Applicants will be required to send their submissions to respondents at the same time as
they are sent to the I
Respondents should be aware that if they do not make submissions when an opportunity to
do so has been provided, the IC may proceed to a decision under s 55K of the FOI Act without
any further opportunity to make submissions. Respondents should not expect the
opportunity for further submissions. Any request for extensions of time should only be made
where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. This is because extensions of time
will only be granted in exceptional circumstances
The OAIC will not accept submissions in confidence without a prior request. Any request for
confidentiality must be accompanied by reasons to support such a claim, including whether
the submission would reveal the contents of the documents at issue. Where the OAIC accepts
a submission in confidence, respondents must provide an open version of the submission to
the IC review applican
16 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by applicants in Information Commissioner reviews [2.23]
17 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.23]
18 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.23]
19 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.24-5]
20 Direction as to certain procedures to be followed by agencies and ministers in IC reviews [3.26-7]