This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'External review of NDIA FOI 24.25 0253'.

FOI 24/25-0253 | MR25/00180 
‘Please provide the following information for the 2023-2024 financial year, for all AAT matters to 
which the NDIA was a Respondent: 
1. For all AAT matters that went to hearing, the overall average number of days that a matter was at 
hearing, and the overall average daily cost per matter incurred by the NDIA in participating in those 
hearings (being the cost of hearing days only). 
2. For all AAT matters, including those matters that did not go to hearing, the average total monthly 
cost per matter incurred by the agency in being a Respondent in these AAT matters (e.g. legal costs, 
costs associated with the engagement of expert witnesses etc)’. 

Updated Original FOI request response 
Please provide the following information for the 2023-2024 financial year, for all AAT matters to which 
the NDIA was a Respondent: 
1.  For all AAT matters that went to hearing, the overall average number of days that a matter 
was at hearing, and the overall average daily cost per matter incurred by the NDIA in 
participating in those hearings (being the cost of hearing days only). 
In 2023-2024, the average number of days that a matter was at hearing was 2.5 days.  
The average daily cost per matter for hearing days only was approximately $4,552 
excluding GST. 
2.  For all AAT matters, including those matters that did not go to hearing, the average total 
monthly cost per matter incurred by the agency in being a Respondent in these AAT matters 
(e.g. legal costs, costs associated with the engagement of expert witnesses etc). 
In 2023-2024, approximately $2,737 including GST per matter per month was spent per 
matter on hand. 

OAIC Review Additional Information Requested 
Average total external cost per matter incurred by the agency in being a Respondent in AAT matters 
for matters that went to a substantive hearing in 2023-2024 financial year. 
1)  All external legal costs per matter excluding GST. 
Cost breakdown of above: 
2)  Professional fees per matter 
This figure is inclusive of; 
a.  $286 transcription costs per matter 
b.  $873 witness costs per matter 
3)  Counsel Fees per matter 
4)  Disbursement costs per matter 

Note, internal legal costs cannot be directly attributed to an AAT Application and are therefore not 