Department of Justice
Right to Information and Privacy
50 Ann Street Brisbane
GPO Box 149 Brisbane
Queensland 4001 Australia
Telephone 13 74 68 (13 QGOV)
In reply please quote: 250373 / 7302867
Your reference: Previous Application - 250220
ABN 13 846 673 994
14 February 2025
Dear Bob
I refer to your application under the
Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) which was received
by the Department of Justice (DoJ) on 13 January 2025. You were seeking to access:
I require any documents, legislation or policy held by the Attorney General’s Department
that allows a Queensland Government employee to:
1) Deny or defer a man or woman access to a court venue to prosecute a claim in
common law, the law of the land
2) Deny a man or woman a right
3) To unlawfully change the status of a man or woman in common law, to that of a legal
Documents that the Attorney General’s Department have used to
administer/communicate/enforce the above (1297) 25 Edward 1 ch 29 Magna Carta with
the Queensland Courts.
I also refer to
DoJ’s letter of 21 January 2025 requesting you send to this office by 7 February
2025 the following:
• the application fee; and
• sufficient information to enable us to identify the documents you are seeking to access,
that is the date range of your request.
To date, DoJ has not received the requested items.
In accordance with section 30(2) of the RTI Act, I am an officer authorised to make decisions
under this Act.
As DoJ has not received the requested items, I have today decided your application for access
to information does not comply with the relevant application requirements of the RTI Act,
therefore this application file is now closed.
In reaching this decision I have had regard to the
Human Rights Act 2019 (HR Act), particularly
an individual’s right to seek, receive and impart information. I consider that I have respected
and acted compatibly with that right and others prescribed in the HR Act as required by section
58(1) of the HR Act.
This letter constitutes written notice of my decision, in accordance with section 33(6) of the
RTI Act which states:
33 Noncompliance with application requirement
(6) If, after giving the opportunity mentioned in subsection (3) and any
consultation, an agency or Minister decides the application does not
comply with all relevant application requirements, the agency or
Minister must, within 10 business days after making the decision, give
the applicant prescribed written notice of the decision.
Review Rights
You are entitled to seek a review under the RTI Act if you disagree with this decision. If you
wish to seek an internal review by DoJ, please advise this office in writing within 20 business
days after the date of this letter.
However, should you wish to bypass the internal review option you are able to seek an external
review by the Information Commissioner. Your application for an external review must be
lodged with the Information Commissioner in writing within 20 business days from the date of
this let er. Applications for an external review should be addressed to:
Of ice of the Information Commissioner
PO Box 10143
Adelaide Street
Phone: (07) 3234 7373
For further enquiries please contact this office on telephone number (07) 3738 9893 or by
email at quoting reference number
Yours sincerely
Veerinder Kaur
Senior Advisor