This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Act No. 89 of 2009 - assented/signed copy and documents submitted for Royal Assent'.

Our ref: 
Your ref: 
Tyler Hu 
Dear Tyler 
Freedom of information request no. 24-2025 

I refer to your 31 January 2025 request for an internal review in relation to the 
handling by OPC and the Office of the Official Secretary of the Governor-General (OOSGG
of your 13 January 2025 request for documents relating to Royal Assent to the Foreign States 
Immunities Amendment Act 2009
 (the Act). 

OPC cannot review the OOSGG’s handling of the part of the request that was 
transferred to it. You should direct any further correspondence about it, including any request 
for internal review, to the OOSGG. 

In relation to the part of the request that OPC handled, I have concluded that there is 
no decision for me to review. My reasons are set out below, along with the background and 
some further information about your rights. 

In an email received by OPC on 13 January 2025, you requested access to: 
a copy of the Act as passed with the signature of the Royal Assent; and 
documents submitted to the Governor-General for the purposes of obtaining 
the Royal Assent, including certificates from the relevant House of the 
Parliament and the Attorney-General. 

On 28 January 2025, OPC’s authorised officer replied by: 
in response to the first part of your request—providing you with a true copy of 
the Governor-General’s signature on the Act; and 
in response to the second part of your request—noting that this part of the 
request had been transferred by OPC to the OOSGG on 22 January 2025 under 
subsection 16(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). You 
were separately advised of this on 22 January 2025. 

On 31 January 2025, you requested an internal review of the handling, by OPC and 
the OOSGG, of your request. 
28 Sydney Avenue  Forrest  ACT  2603 
Locked Bag 30 Kingston ACT 2604 • Telephone (02) 6120 1400 • Fax (02) 6120 1403 • ABN 41 425 630 817 
foi 24-2025 

No decision to review 

In relation to the part of the request that OPC responded to, OPC provided you with 
the material requested. Because OPC granted this part of your request, there is no decision for 
me to review under section 54C of the FOI Act. 

OPC has no ability to review action taken by OOSGG in relation to the part of your 
request that was transferred to OOSGG. Should you wish to pursue internal review of 
OOSGG’s actions, you should contact OOSGG directly. 
Material taken into account in preparing this response 

I have taken the following material into account in preparing this response: 
the correspondence between you and OPC mentioned above; 
the FOI Act; 
guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under section 
93A of the FOI Act. 
Your review rights 
This letter is not a decision on internal review, since I have found that there is no 
decision for me to review. OPC’s 28 January 2025 letter to you set out information about 
your review rights in relation to the decision set out in that letter. 
FOI complaints 
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your FOI request, please let us 
know what we could have done better. We may be able to rectify the problem. If you are not 
satisfied with our response, you can make a complaint to the Australian Information 
Commissioner. A complaint to the Information Commissioner must be made in writing. 
Complaints can be lodged in one of the following ways: 
post: Director of FOI Dispute Resolution, GPO Box 5218 Sydney 2001 
More information about complaints is available on the Office of the Australian 
Information Commissioner at
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has more information at 
Questions about this decision 
If you have any questions about this decision, please contact OPC’s FOI Coordinator: 
[H:\CORPORATE\FOI INTERNAL REVIEW\FOI 24-2025.DOCX] [27 Feb 2025] [9:56 AM] 
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by email: 
by post: 
FOI Coordinator 
Office of Parliamentary Counsel 
Locked Bag 30 
Kingston ACT 2604 
Yours sincerely 
Rebecca Considine 
Second Parliamentary Counsel 
27 February 2025 
[H:\CORPORATE\FOI INTERNAL REVIEW\FOI 24-2025.DOCX] [27 Feb 2025] [9:56 AM] 
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