Nosey Rosey
20 December 2024
Dear Nosey
1. I refer to your request for access to documents relating to personal information received by
Screen Australia originating from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (
DVA) under the
of Information Act 1982 (
FOI Act). I have taken your request to be for:
a. All records of data sharing arrangements between DVA and Screen Australia, including
but not limited to, memoranda of understanding, service-level agreements, emails,
letters, meeting minutes, file transfer logs, internal reports, and instructions that outline
what data was shared, when it was shared, and the format or system used for the
transfer between December 2014 and December 2024;
b. Any internal Screen Australia policies, procedures, guidelines, or frameworks that govern
how Screen Australia requests, obtains, stores, handles, or uses DVA client information.
This includes documents that detail the criteria for approving access to such data, any
consent or authorization processes, security controls, and retention or destruction
policies between December 2014 and December 2024;
c. Any internal Screen Australia copies of any ethics committee approvals, privacy impact
assessments, internal review board decisions, or other documents that reflect
deliberations or authorisations from Screen Australia for obtaining DVA client
information. This includes records that show the agency considered the ethical, legal, or
privacy implications of receiving or using DVA client data between December 2014 and
December 2024;
d. Screen Australia documents that outline the intended uses or practical applications of
the DVA client data, such as project proposals, business cases, internal strategy papers,
or briefings that explain why Screen Australia sought access to this information, how it
was intended to be integrated into the agency’s operations, and any expected outcomes
or benefits between December 2014 and December 2024.
2. Please note that for the purposes of processing your request information relating to other
applicants or applications will be considered irrelevant and will be redacted from any documents
that are otherwise responsive to your request in accordance with section 22 of the FOI Act,
unless you notify us within 10 calendar days after the date of this letter that you are seeking
access to that material.
3. If you notify us that you require access to such material, then we may consider whether a
practical refusal reason exists in relation to the provision of that information. I note that
information relating to third parties may require consultation with those parties under the FOI
Act. If Screen Australia considers a practical refusal reason exists, we will notify and consult with
you further in accordance with sections 24 and 24AB of the FOI Act.
4. Please be aware that notwithstanding the redaction of irrelevant information, there is no
guarantee that documents will ultimately be released in response to your request. This is
because the documents may, on review and assessment, be otherwise exempt.
Acknowledgment of access request received and timeframe for decision
5. I confirm Screen Australia received your request on 14 December 2024 and the 30-day statutory
period for processing your request commenced from the day after that date.1 You should
therefore expect a decision from us by 13 January 2025. However, the period of 30 days may be
extended if we need to consult third parties, undertake a practical refusal consultation or for
other reasons. We will advise you if this happens.
6. You will be notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as possible, before we
process any requested documents or impose a final charge. Our charges for processing an FOI
request are published on our website at:
7. If Screen Australia makes a decision to impose a charge in respect of your request, we will give
you notice of that decision, the preliminary assessment of the charge, the basis for that
calculation and the deposit payable (if any).
8. You will be given an opportunity to modify your request if you wish to reduce any charge.
Administering your request and contact officer
9. Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on our
disclosure log subject to certain exceptions. (For example, personal information will not be
published where this would be unreasonable.)
10. We will contact you using the
email you provided (being foi+request-12618- Please advise if you would prefer us to use an alternative means
of contact.
1 Section 15(5)(b) of the FOI Act. NB: If the last day for notifying a decision falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a
public holiday, the timeframe will expire on the first business day following that day: Section 36 of
Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth).
11. If you would like to revise your request or have any questions, please contact me using the
details below and include the SA reference number stated in the subject line above:
Kirsten Delaney
FOI Contact Officer
Yours sincerely
Kirsten Delaney
FOI Contact Officer