Workplace Gender
Equality Agency
Brand refresh
July 2024
Version 01
WGEA brand refresh | concept development | July 2024
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Brand rationale
Agency intentions inform brand direction
WGEA logo
Logo size and colour
Typography 5
Roboto san serif
Roboto serif (with roboto sans serif)
Our standards with type
Colour palette
Palette extension and skintones
Palette extension and skintones
Visual assets
Brand photography
Brand texture
Illustrated vignettes
WGEA brand refresh | concept development | July 2024

Brand rationale
A set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.
— Steve Jobs
Why refresh a brand?
By addressing the inconsistencies across the WGEA
brand and providing our teams with elegant and functional
Before making any changes to a brand, a clear
working templates, we will create a more cohesive
understanding of what the brand does, how it is seen,
contemporary brand that is fit for purpose and builds
and who are its audiences is, needs to be understood.
greater recognition across our audiences.
Investing in a brand refresh can help increase brand
How to succeed at our
recognition and awareness, which is especially important
during a recession when consumer spending may
brand refresh?
be down. By updating your logo, color scheme, and
Jumping into a rebrand is an exciting time, but there are
messaging, you can make your brand more memorable
some warnings to heed before proceeding too hastily.
and recognisable.
In particular, I have seen many brands fail because
Much like design, branding isn’t just about how our agency
they changed too quickly or drastically, leaving the core
looks, it informs how it works. Our brand is articulated in
brand unrecognisable and confusing to loyal patrons.
thousands of visual interactions - on our website, across
If audiences don’t see the brand they recognise, it’s more
our social media platforms, and in the many documents
likely they will disengage. Retaining familiar elements
and presentations we develop and share. Our people
ensures consumers still recognise their brand.
represent our brand too, as does the language we use,
One of the biggest mistakes any organisation can make
and the spaces we work in.
is to implement a brand refresh halfway – performing
The results of our brand audit show a wide range of
a cosmetic change to the brand without providing a
representations in play across our agency. Findings
functional collection of assets, or rationale to explain
demonstrate inconsistency across:
why the changes have happened. Also, getting the entire
• logo placement
organisation excited and properly trained on the new
positioning is all part of the strategy. For a rebrand to
• colour palette
be considered successful, it involves much more than
• typography
swapping out an old logo; it requires a shift in mentality.
• iconography
For those who believe in the process, manage it well
• character styles and graphics
and do it for the right reasons, benefits will ensue for
• key messaging
years to come.
WGEA brand refresh | concept development | July 2024
Agency vision, purpose and values
Agency intentions inform brand direction
About WGEA
Insights from WGEA
WGEA is responsible for promoting and improving
WGEA is a forward thinking change encouraging federal
gender equality in Australian workplaces.
government agency.
We provide advice and assistance to employers,
Our brand should feel:
collect and analyse information provided by employers,
• trustworthy
assess and measure workplace gender equality
• contemporary
performance and undertake research, education and
other programs to promote and improve gender equality
• accessible
in the workplace. We are both a regulator and a driver
• engaging
of change and we provide Australia with the most
• motivating
comprehensive gender equality dataset and collection
approach in the world.
Yellow tick recognition
Our Vision
The WGEA tick is well recognised and liked. People see
Our vision is achieving gender equality, where all people
our tick as a symbol of trust and government. The tick
are fairly represented and equally valued and rewarded
as a visual element is speaks of forward motion with the
in the workplace.
upward angles and the keyline can be seen to represent
Our Purpose
women and men moving together towards change.
Our purpose is to accelerate change to achieve gender
equality in Australian workplaces, by providing data backed
insights, practical enabling support, tools and research,
WGEA’s current brand font is foundry sterling. Foundry
and accessible pathways to leading practice.
Sterling is a functional and eloquent typeface family that
Our Values
has its origins in the desire to create a modern sans design
Our culture and values support us to achieve our
with a quintessentially English flavour. The letterforms
purpose now and into the future. We are committed to
have been designed with particular attention to classical
the Australian Public Service values of being impartial,
proportion and purity of form, resulting in the creation of
committed to service, accountable, respectful and ethical.
a functional yet graceful typeface with elegant beauty.
Foundry Sterling is a versatile font with a carefully chosen
weight range equally applicable to identity, editorial, and
signage use.
While this font is considered a modern san serif, it lacks
the feel of more contemporary online typefaces. It’s wide
spacing and characters hark back to more more classic
heritage fonts, and the lack of digital first approach, does
not align with WGEA currently. From a usability perspective,
Foundry Sterling is not a standard typeface and is not easy
to find or install, making it inaccessible and therefore not
always functional.
Foundry Sterling falls short when displaying numerals, with
unusual spacing meaning that numbers spread out and do
not sit well in detailed environments.
WGEA brand refresh | concept development | July 2024
RGB: 255 | 204 • HEX: FFCC00 • CMYK: 0 | 20 | 100 | 0
RGB: 255 | 176 | 53 • HEX: FFB035 • CMYK: 0 | 35 | 90 | 0
Document Outline