10 February 2024
Our ref: 25/0002
By Email Only: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
Dear Glenn Hamiltonshire
RE: Freedom of Information: National Gallery Style/ NGA Style/Writing/Brand Guides
Decision on your Freedom of Information request
I refer to your request for access to documents under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (
Act) received on 11 December 2024, seeking access to documents the National Gallery of Australia (the
National Gallery) currently uses regarding Style Guides/Brand Guides/ Writing Guides
This letter sets out my decision regarding your request for documents.
I am an authorised decision-maker under section 23 of the FOI Act.
Timeframe for processing your request
You request was received on 11 December 2024, and the statutory period for processing your request is
30 days, the timeframe for processing your request was due to expire on 10 January 2025.
On 18 December 2024 the National Gallery sought your approval for an extension under section 15AA of
the FOI Act to extend the timeframe for release of this decision to 10 February 2025.
On 18 December 2024 you agreed to this extension. As such the decision on your request is due 10
February 2023.
My decision
I have found that six (6) documents (including attachments) fall within the scope of your request, and
which are released to you in full.
Attachment A to this letter is a schedule which describes each of the relevant documents and my
decision about each of them.
How we will send your documents to you
The documents are
Further assistance
If you have any questions about this notice, please do not hesitate to email xxx@xxx.xxx.xx.
Yours sincerely,
Alison Halpin
Chief Operating Officer