FOI 24/25-0174
Complete a streaming case
(Streaming and Restreaming)
SGP KP Publishing
Exported on 2024-09-10 09:53:14
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FOI 24/25-0174
SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
Table of Contents
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand streaming and restreaming ............................................................................ 6
Streaming ........................................................................................................................... 6
Restreaming ....................................................................................................................... 6
When to complete a streaming case .................................................................................. 7
Consider the Complex and YPIRAC streams .................................................................... 8
Create a streaming case ...................................................................................................... 9
Complete the streaming case ........................................................................................... 10
If restreaming, manually route the streaming case for decision .................................. 12
Next Steps ........................................................................................................................... 13
Identify streaming factors.............................................................................................. 14
Supported ..................................................................................................................... 14
Intensive ........................................................................................................................ 14
Super Intensive ............................................................................................................. 16
Table of Contents – 2
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
This article provides guidance for a planner, early childhood partner, local area coordinator or
access delegate:
to understand streaming and restreaming
when to complete a streaming case
to consider the Complex and YPIRAC streams
to create the streaming case
to complete the streaming case
if restreaming, to manually route the streaming case for decision
to identify streaming factors.
An access delegate will only complete the streaming case if the National Contact Centre (NCC)
creates the Access Request case. In all other situations, the planner or local area coordinator
that creates the Access Request case will complete the streaming case.
Recent updates – 3
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
1 Recent updates
29 July 2024 Updated guidance on streaming factors for a person with Motor Neurone Disease (MND). They
will need to be referred to the Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) stream.
Recent updates – 4
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
2 Before you start
You have either:
been supporting the person to apply to the NDIS and need to create an Access
Request case
identified a new streaming factor that impacts the current stream.
Before you start – 5
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
3 Understand streaming and restreaming
3.1 Streaming
Streaming helps to make sure the person receives the support they need to engage with the
NDIS. Some people need more support than others.
Internally this is called
streaming. We
don't use this term with the person.
Streaming doesn't affect the level of reasonable and necessary NDIS-funded supports in the
participant's plan.
The 6 streaming values and the
My NDIS Contact roles are:
General – local area coordinator or early childhood partner
Supported – local area coordinator or early childhood partner
Intensive – early childhood partner or planner
Super Intensive – early childhood partner or planner
Complex – planner from the Complex Support Needs (CSN) Branch
YPIRAC – planner from the Aged Care and Hospital Interface Branch, formerly the
Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) Branch.
If the person has restricted access, they will be supported by a planner.
3.2 Restreaming
Restreaming is when you identify a new streaming factor that impacts the current stream.
Understand streaming and restreaming – 6
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4 When to complete a streaming case
must complete a streaming case:
before creating an Access Request case. This is critical to make sure the Typical
Support Package (TSP) is generated if they're eligible, so they are assigned to the right
must complete a new streaming case (for restreaming)
if you identify a new streaming
factor that impacts the current stream. This may include:
being notified the person's situation has changed
receiving additional information
identifying the person was streamed incorrectly.
The streaming case will be allocated to a delegate to approve or override the streaming request.
This must be completed
before the plan is approved to identify the my NDIS contact that will
implement the plan.
When to complete a streaming case – 7
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
5 Consider the Complex and YPIRAC streams
1. Consider if the
Complex stream is needed, with referral to CSN. Review article Submit
a referral to the Complex Support Needs (CSN) Branch. If:
o Yes, follow article Submit a referral to the Complex Support Needs (CSN)
Branch. If confirmed complex by CSN, they'll complete the streaming case.
o No, continue to the next step.
2. Consider if the
YPIRAC stream is needed. Review the article Create a referral to
Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) in an enquiry case. If:
o Yes, follow article Create a referral to Younger People in Residential Aged Care
(YPIRAC) in an enquiry case. If confirmed by YPIRAC, they'll complete the
streaming case.
o No, continue to the next step.
For access delegates only Applicants with a disability due to terminal illness
who are eligible for the specialised
planning pathway don't need a referral to YPIRAC. Instead, they can be streamed directly to
YPIRAC. Follow the steps in section
Create a streaming case.
Consider the Complex and YPIRAC streams – 8
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6 Create a streaming case
1. From
Person Account, select
2. Select
3. Select
4. Select
5. At
Type, select either:
Streaming – if
Current Streaming is
Not Specified in the
Details tab
Restreaming – if there's an existing
Current Streaming value in the
6. Select
Create a streaming case – 9
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7 Complete the streaming case
1. Select
Streaming tab.
2. Select
Yes or
No to the
Streaming Questions based on your conversation with the
person and any available supporting information.
o Review
Streaming factors below to help you answer each question.
3. Select
4. Review
Stream to make sure it's correct.
5. If incorrect, select
Previous to update the
Streaming Questions.
6. Select
7. At
Streaming Override, confirm the
Stream matches the previous screen.
Do not select
Complex or
YPIRAC, unless you're from the Complex Support
Needs (CSN) Branch or the Aged Care and Hospital Interface Branch.
o For Complex or YPIRAC, you
must complete a referral to the relevant branch
for consideration. The relevant branch must accept the referral. Refer to section
Consider the Complex and YPIRAC streams.
For access delegates only: applicants with a disability due to a terminal
who are eligible for the specialised planning pathway can be
streamed directly to
YPIRAC. You don't need to complete a referral to YPIRAC.
This process is
only for new applicants. Existing participants with a disability
arising from a terminal illness should not be restreamed to YPIRAC.
For partners or planners: applicants with a disability arising from a terminal
who are eligible for the specialised planning pathway should be
streamed as
Super Intensive. Access delegates will override this to YPIRAC
where the applicant is suitable to enter the specialised planning pathway.
8. Select
9. Review
Auto calculated streaming value and
Streaming questions and
answers to make sure they're correct. You can look at the
Identify Streaming factors section of this article to check the
Auto calculated streaming value is correct.
Auto calculated streaming value is based on the answers to the
General – no streaming factors
Supported – one Supported streaming factor
Intensive – two or more Supported streaming factors or one Intensive
streaming factor
Super Intensive – two or more Intensive streaming factors or one Super
Intensive streaming factor
10. If incorrect, select
Previous to update the
Streaming Questions.
11. If streamed
Intensive or
Super Intensive, log an
o Select
Log Activity tab on the
Activity panel on the right of the screen.
o Select
o At
Activity Type, select
Internal Note.
o At
Subject, select
Internal Communication.
o At
Comments, record the information you used to select the streaming factor.
Your notes must include the streaming factor, why it applies to this participant,
and reference to any evidence you used to make this decision.
o Select
Complete the streaming case – 10
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12. Select
Complete the streaming case – 11
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8 If restreaming, manually route the streaming case
for decision
If streaming, leave the case allocated to you. If restreaming, allocate the case to the
Streaming Routing Queue.
1. Select
Change Owner icon next to the current
Case Owner.
2. Select the down arrow next to the
Users icon and then select
3. Search
Re-Streaming Routing Queue (restreaming only).
4. Select
Change Owner.
If restreaming, manually route the streaming case for decision – 12
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
9 Next Steps
1. The streaming case will be assigned to a delegate:
They will follow article Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and
Restreaming) to review the streaming value, including the answers to the
streaming questions.
They will then approve or override the streaming request. This
must be
before you approve the plan to identify the my NDIS contact that
will implement the plan.
2. When streaming is approved:
if streaming, continue to support the person to apply to the NDIS
if restreaming, continue to support the person to develop their plan
if the person moves to a different stream, follow articles Understand and check
the my NDIS contact and Update the my NDIS contact.
Next Steps – 13
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SGP KP Publishing – Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
10 Identify streaming factors
10.1 Supported
Unless there are 2 or more, the following factors will result in a
Supported stream:
Person has no known or minimal informal or community support
Think about whether a lack of informal supports impacts the person's ability to engage with
the NDIS. Look at how well informal supports can help the person engage with the NDIS, not
the number of informal supports.
Person has a primary disability of mental health condition
Assistance needed during access. For example, they need a face-to-face
Person is culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and culturally isolated
Look at whether the person is from other cultures and are isolated from their community. Or
their primary language is not English and they are isolated from their community.
Think about whether either or both factors impact the person's ability to engage with the
Person holds a humanitarian or protection visa
Person has a 202 (Global Special Humanitarian), 866 (Protection visa) or 200, 201, 203 and
204 (Refugee visas).
Parent or carer with disability
Think about if the person's parent or carer has a disability that impacts their ability to engage
with the NDIS and other service systems.
If the person with disability is a parent or pregnant, think about the support they may need to
navigate mainstream birth, parenting and health services and their connection to advocacy
and peer support.
More than one child or family member with a disability
10.2 Intensive
Unless there are 2 or more, the following factors will result in an
Intensive stream:
2 or more Supported streaming factors
Person currently involved with the justice system
At the time the streaming case is completed, the person is either:
in custody in a correctional facility such as prison, remand centre or youth detention
on bail, probation or parole and required by court order to report to a correctional or
community correctional agency
serving a community-based order
under forensic orders. This may include restrictions on the person's movements or other
requirements. For example, drug testing or going to prescribed treatment.
If the person has complex support needs, you may need to refer the person to the Complex
Support Needs (CSN) Branch. Follow article Submit a referral to the Complex Support
Needs (CSN) Branch.
Person currently involved with Child Protection.
Identify streaming factors – 14
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At the time the streaming case is completed, either:
the person is at risk of harm or neglect and has been removed from their primary carer.
Or is living in an arrangement under active investigation by Child Protection
there are active child protection orders in place and the child is not in a settled
environment. For example, temporary assessment order, interim accommodation order,
family preservation order, family reunification order or a long-term care order where the
child's living arrangement is not stable.
Government department involvement does not always mean the person is currently involved
with Child Protection. A child under long-term care orders and in a stable placement may not
need an Intensive streaming factor, as their Child Protection worker can support them to
engage with the NDIS effectively.
Person has recently been funded for 1:1 24-hour (or greater) care due to
behaviours of concern.
Behaviours of concern can be any behaviour that results in adverse impact on the person's
quality of life, including:
physical or verbal aggression
disinhibited and impulsive behaviour
self-injurious behaviour also referred to as self-harm, which can present differently with
each person. It can include head banging or picking and hitting, although may not be an
attempt to cause harm.
In mental health settings, the term 'self-harm' usually refers to intentional harm without
suicidal intent such as neglect, cutting, ingesting objects and self-poisoning.
If the participant has complex support needs, you may need to refer the person to the
Complex Support Needs (CSN) Branch. Follow article Submit a referral to the Complex
Support Needs (CSN) Branch.
Person is currently in, or will be moving into, shared supported accommodation
or a large residential centre.
Person permanently lives in a large residential centre or in supported independent living
(SIL). Or they have been approved for SIL or individualised living options (ILO) funding.
Living in or being likely to live in a residential aged care facility is a YPIRAC streaming factor.
Person has a primary disability of spinal cord injury which is recently acquired
(<9 months)
Person has a primary disability of severe brain injury which is recently acquired
(<9 months)
Multiple meetings or multiple stakeholders to engage with the planning pathway.
May include stakeholders with conflicting inputs.
Look at whether the person needs an intensive level of support to engage with the NDIS and
navigate the NDIS market. For example, if the person has complex disability-related health
support needs and needs extensive therapy and equipment.
Person has been a victim of abuse (physically, verbally and or emotionally) or
The history of abuse or neglect significantly impacts the person's ability to engage with the
Person has a history of abuse or risk behaviour towards others
Person has severe intellectual disability (level 10 or above) and no informal
supports to help with decision-making.
Identify streaming factors – 15
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Level 10 or above refers to the Internal Agency Assessment Tool (IAAT). Disregard the IAAT
level when determining streaming. Instead, use available evidence from reports,
assessments and other supporting information.
Person has a severe acquired brain injury (level 10 or above) and no informal
supports to help with decision-making
Level 10 or above refers to the IAAT. Disregard the IAAT level when determining streaming.
Instead, use available evidence from reports, assessments, and any other supporting
Person has a diagnosed degenerative neurological condition which is
progressing rapidly
For example, Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Huntington's disease, Kuf's disease, some
progressive Multiple Sclerosis types and early onset dementia.
If the person has MND, you'll need to refer the person to the YPIRAC stream. Follow article
Create a referral to Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) in an enquiry case.
10.3 Super Intensive
2 or more Intensive streaming factors will result in a
Super Intensive stream.
Identify streaming factors – 16
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Approve or override a streaming
case (Streaming and Restreaming)
SGP KP Publishing
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
Table of Contents
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understanding streaming and restreaming ...................................................................... 6
Streaming ........................................................................................................................... 6
Restreaming ....................................................................................................................... 6
When a streaming case needs approval ............................................................................ 6
Change the case owner ....................................................................................................... 7
Approve or override the streaming case ........................................................................... 8
If approved .......................................................................................................................... 8
If override ............................................................................................................................ 8
Next steps ........................................................................................................................... 10
Table of Contents – 2
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
This article provides guidance for a
planner delegate
or access delegate to:
understand streaming and restreaming
change the case owner
approve or override the streaming case.
Recent updates – 3
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
1 Recent updates
6 May 2024
Clarified specialised planning pathway for applicants with a disability arising from a terminal
illness. This is only to be used by access delegates.
Recent updates – 4
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
2 Before you start
You have:
been allocated a streaming case for approval
Complete a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming) for information about
each streaming factor.
Before you start – 5
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
3 Understanding streaming and restreaming
3.1 Streaming
Streaming helps to make sure the person receives the support they need to engage with the
NDIS. Some people need more support than others. Streaming is an internal term used in
PACE, and we don’t use this term with the person.
Streaming doesn’t affect the level of reasonable and necessary NDIS-funded supports in the
participant’s plan.
The 6 streaming values and the
My NDIS Contact roles are:
General – local area coordinator or early childhood partner
Supported – local area coordinator or early childhood partner
Intensive – early childhood partner or planner
Super Intensive – early childhood partner or planner
Complex – planner from the Complex Support Needs (CSN) Branch
YPIRAC – planner from the Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC)
3.2 Restreaming
Restreaming is when a new streaming factor is identified that impacts the current stream.
3.3 When a streaming case needs approval
A streaming case is completed by a planner, local area coordinator or early childhood partner
and sent for approval before they create an Access Request case.
The streaming case
must be approved
before making the access decision. This is critical to
make sure the Typical Support Package (TSP) is generated if they’re eligible and so they are
assigned to the correct team. We do this to make sure they receive the level of support they
need to engage with the NDIS.
A plan
can’t be sent to a partner to implement if there is no stream in
Streaming is approved by an access delegate.
A new streaming case for restreaming is completed by a planner, local area coordinator, or
early childhood partner and sent for approval if they identify a new streaming factor that impacts
the current stream. This may include:
being notified that the person’s situation has changed
receiving additional information
identifying that the person was streamed incorrectly.
Restreaming is approved by a planner delegate.
Understanding streaming and restreaming – 6
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
4 Change the case owner
1. Select
Change Owner icon next to the current
Case Owner.
2. Search for your name.
3. Select
Change Owner.
Change the case owner – 7
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SGP KP Publishing – Approve or override a streaming case (Streaming and Restreaming)
5 Approve or override the streaming case
1. Select
Streaming tab.
Review streaming questions/answers based on any internal notes in the case and
available supporting information.
o Refer
Streaming factors in Complete a streaming case (Streaming and
Restreaming) to help you review each question.
3. Refer
Streaming factors in Complete a streaming case (Streaming and
Restreaming) to consider if there are any factors that are
Complex or
Complex or
YPIRAC factors are not part of the streaming questions.
o If there are complex streaming factors, follow article Submit a referral to the
Complex Support Needs (CSN) Branch
o If there are YPIRAC streaming factors, follow work instruction Create a referral
to Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) in an enquiry case
o If there are no complex or YPIRAC streaming factors, continue to the next step.
For access delegates only: Applicants with a disability arising from terminal
who are suitable to enter the specialised planning pathway can be
streamed directly to
YPIRAC. You don’t need to complete a referral to YPIRAC.
This process is
only for new applicants. Existing participants with a disability
arising from a terminal illness should not be restreamed to YPIRAC.
4. Select
5. Review
Auto calculated streaming value to decide whether to approve or
5.1 If approved
1. At
Stream, align
with the
Auto calculated streaming value.
Do not select
Complex or
YPIRAC, unless you are from the Complex Support
Needs (CSN) Branch or Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC)
Branch. For Complex or YPIRAC, you
must complete a referral to the relevant
branch for consideration.
Note: Applicants with a disability arising from terminal illness who are suitable
to enter the specialised planning pathway can be streamed directly to YPIRAC
by access delegates
2. At
Reason for changing streaming value in submitted request, select
miscalculation of streaming value.
3. Select
4. Select
5.2 If override
1. At
Stream, select the correct stream
Do not select
Complex or
YPIRAC, unless you are from the Complex Support
Needs (CSN) Branch or Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC)
Branch. For Complex or YPIRAC, you
must complete a referral to the relevant
branch for consideration.
Approve or override the streaming case – 8
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Note: Applicants with a disability arising from terminal illness who are suitable
to enter the specialised planning pathway can be streamed directly to YPIRAC
by access delegates
2. Select
3. Log
Activity (if streamed
Intensive or
Super Intensive):
o Select
Log Activity tab on the
Activity panel on the right of the screen.
o Select
o At
Activity Type, select
Internal Note.
o At
Subject, select
Internal Communication.
o At
Comments, note information you referred to when selecting the stream.
o Select
o At
Reason for changing streaming value in submitted request, select
Streaming criteria not met.
4. Select
Approve or override the streaming case – 9
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6 Next steps
1. If streaming, follow guidance in Make an access decision.
2. If restreaming, no further action required. The person that completed the streaming
case will update the
My NDIS Contact if needed.
Next steps – 10
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