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Understand work and study 
SGP KP Publishing 
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Page 141 of 163

SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Understand work and study ................................................................................................ 6
Understand the importance of work and study goals ...................................................... 7
Talk about work and study goals with the participant ..................................................... 8
Understand work and study support categories .............................................................. 9
Understand work and study core supports ..................................................................... 10
Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation (core funding) ............. 10 
Economic participation – Supports in employment ..................................................................... 10 
Social and Community Participation ........................................................................................... 10 
Transport (core funding) .............................................................................................................. 10 
Understand work and study capacity building supports ...............................................  11
Finding and keeping a job (capacity building funding) ..................................................... 11 
Employment assistance .............................................................................................................. 11 
Employment related assessment, counselling, and advice ......................................................... 12 
Understand what supports are provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme 
(NDIS) and Disability Employment Services (DES) ................................................................ 13
Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 14
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
This article provides guidance for a planner delegate, local area coordinator or participant 
support officer to: 
  understand work and study 
  understand the importance of work and study goals 
  talk about work and study goals with the participant 
  understand work and study support categories 
  understand work and study core supports 
  understand work and study capacity building supports 
  understand what supports are provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme 
(NDIS) and Disability Employment Services (DES). 
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
1 Recent updates 
12 August 2024 
Guidance updated to advise the Plan Conversation Support Tool (PCST) must be used for all 
new plans and plan reassessments. 
29 July 2024 

Updated links to article Understand and update the plan conversation support tool.

Removed references to school leaver employment supports, which is now included
under employment assistance.

Clarified Supports in employment is included in the Core budget of the participant's plan

Clarified a participant may use social and community participation fund to help them
prepare for employment when they're ready.
Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline – Work and study (external) 
  Our Guideline – Mainstream and Community supports (external) 
  Our Guideline – Reasonable and necessary supports (external) 
 article 
Support Categories 
 the 
NDIS Participant Employment Strategy (external). 
You have: 
  completed the work and study eLearning modules available on LEAP. These include 
Economic participation for NDIS participants and Let's talk about work 
 viewed 
Employment intranet page to understand any recent changes. 
Before you start – 5 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
3  Understand work and study 
Work and study are an important part of life for most people. Every person living with a disability 
should have the opportunity to reach their full potential in a career of their choosing. If an NDIS 
participant wants to work or study, we want to support them. We can fund work and study 
supports that meet the NDIS funding criteria (external) to help a participant: 
  study at school, university, TAFE or somewhere similar 
  prepare for work 
  find their first job or a new job 
  do their job 
  work towards a promotion or career change 
  start an apprenticeship or traineeship 
  try volunteering or work experience 
  work in their own business. 
Learn more in Our Guideline – Work and study (external). 
Consider other NDIS funded supports to help the participant pursue their work and study goals, 
 therapeutic 
  social, community and civic participation 
 daily 
 assistive 
  support coordination or a recovery coach. 
Understand work and study – 6 
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4  Understand the importance of work and study goals 
Work and study supports can help raise the expectations of future employment goals for people 
living with disability. The opportunity to work and study can benefit a person living with disability 

develop their sense of identity and personal achievement


increase their financial independence, for example to support family and pursue
hobbies and passions

improve their long-term mental and physical health

have a valued role in their community

grow their relationships and networks

increase their confidence and feeling of self-worth.
Talk with the participant (or their authorised representative) about what work and study supports 
we can fund. Help the participant understand supports they can access to find and keep a job or 
do other things like volunteering. 
Some participants may benefit from a mix of NDIS funded supports and mainstream 
employment supports to help them achieve their employment goals. You may be able to give 
more information about other government services, programs and mainstream services. This 
could include Job Access (external), Disability Employment Services (external) or Department 
of Employment and Workplace Relations (external). Learn more about state and territory 
community and mainstream supports in article Community and mainstream supports contact 
You can also support the participant to use the Provider finder (external). The provider finder 
helps the participant find registered providers within their state or territory. You can search by 
registration groups, as follows: 

assistance to access and/or maintain employment and/or education


assistance in coordinating or managing life stages/transitions and supports

participation in community/social and civic activities

development of daily living and life skills.
Work and study providers will support participants to explore their work and study options. 
Learn more about work and study providers available in the participant's area in article Connect 
with providers. 
Understand the importance of work and study goals – 7 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
5  Talk about work and study goals with the participant 
You can talk with the participant about their work and study goals. This can happen during a 
plan meeting, implementation meeting, at a check-in or during a plan change. It's important 
these conversations start when the participant reaches working age and continue to make sure 
they achieve employment, and their job suits them. 
This is an opportunity to find out: 
  about any changes to their current work or study situation 
  if they'd like to pursue any new work or study goals 
  if there are any big changes coming up in their life. For example, reaching working age, 
finishing school, changing jobs or starting to study 
  what they like to do in their spare time 
  the things they do well and enjoy 
  if they want to explore work or study options, now or in the future 
  where they would like to work or study 
  if there's any new evidence, like a school report or workplace assessment. This gives 
us information on the type and level of employment assistance they need 
  if they use any community or mainstream services to pursue their work or study goals. 
Encourage the participant to think about and share ideas on how we can help them achieve 
their work and study goals. The information the participant shares helps us understand more 
  what support they'll need to get a job 
  the work the participant already does 
  their interests and strengths 
  their work or study goals 
  what supports they may need to maintain or change their job. 
The Let's talk about work booklet (external) will help the participant get ready to think and talk 
about work. 
Talk about work and study goals with the participant – 8 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
6  Understand work and study support categories 
There are a number of work and study NDIS funded supports available. These help participants 
of all ages who want to explore work and study opportunities, or who already have a job. To 
access work and study funded supports, the participant will have a work or study goal in their 
The participant can have a mix of core and capacity building funded supports in their plan. 
These could be: 
  Supports in employment (Core) – this is the ongoing support the participant needs at 
work to maintain their employment 
  Capacity building employment supports – this includes Employment Assistance and 
Employment Related Assessment, Counselling and Advice. These can help the 
participant build skills for work, and find and keep a job. 
To learn more about funded supports, go to article Support Categories. 
You can find the pricing arrangements for these support categories in the NDIS Pricing 
Arrangements (external). 
Understand work and study support categories – 9 
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7  Understand work and study core supports 
Work and study core supports help participants who: 
  need regular and ongoing supports delivered in a workplace 
 are 
  plan to start working during the plan period. 
For participants who need support to build skills for work, and to find and keep a job, go to the 
section Understand work and study capacity building supports of this article. 
7.1  Assistance with Social, Economic and Community 
Participation (core funding) 
7.1.1  Economic participation – Supports in employment 
Supports in employment help the participant manage their disability and succeed at work. 
These day-to-day supports provide the participant with regular and ongoing help when they are 
at work. This can be in a range of workplace settings, like a supported employment service or 
disability enterprise, a job in open employment, a family-run business, or micro enterprise. 
This support is included in the core Assistance with Social, Economic, and Community 
Participation category in the participant's plan. 
To add or update supports in employment using the Plan Conversation Support Tool (PCST), 
go to article Understand and update the plan conversation support tool. You must use the 
PCST for all new plans and plan reassessments. 
7.1.2  Social and Community Participation 
The participant may not be ready to start building capacity specifically for work. But they can 
use social and community participation funding to learn to be more independent in daily living 
and accessing their community. This will help them prepare for employment when they are 
7.1.3  Transport (core funding) 
This helps the participant travel to and from their place of work. This can also include activity-
based transport or specialised transport to school, an educational facility, or within their 
To add or update transport support using the PCST, go to article Understand and update the 
plan conversation support tool. You must use the PCST for all new plans and plan 
reassessments and attach to the participant record. 
Understand work and study core supports – 10 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
8  Understand work and study capacity building 
Capacity building employment supports can help the participant develop employment skills to 
successfully find and keep a job. These supports are available to participants of all ages who 
have a work or study goal in their plan. 
Capacity building employment supports are for participants at different stages of their working 
life. This can include: 

A young person of working age who has an employment goal and needs support to
develop their skills for work. This may include support to participate in work experience,
which complements supports available through the school curriculum. Or it might
include help to find and keep a part-time job outside of school hours.

A young person moving from school to work with functional impacts in areas of learning,
social interaction and self-management. They may need support to develop skills for
work and to find and keep a job.

A participant of any age with minimal work experience. They have interrupted or no
previous employment history and need intensive support to build their capacity to work.
These supports can help participants who need support in areas of learning, social
interaction and self-management.

A young person of working age who needs support to connect with mainstream
services when moving from school to work or further education. Or, to connect with
work following tertiary study to get a job in line with their qualification.

A participant who needs support to build their work skills to move from a supported
employment service or disability enterprise to open employment. This may include
where the participant wants to use a different provider to their current disability
enterprise employer.

A participant who needs support to progress their career or change jobs.
To understand the minimum hours of support you can include in the participant's plan for each 
scenario above, use the PCST. Go to article Understand and update the plan conversation 
support tool. You must use the PCST for all new plans and plan reassessments and attach to 
the participant record. 
8.1  Finding and keeping a job (capacity building funding) 
8.1.1 Employment assistance 
Employment assistance is for participants of all ages who have an employment goal in their 
NDIS plan. It's to support the participant to build skills for work and find and keep a job. It 
means the participant can: 

explore what work means to them

build essential foundation skills for work through experience in work settings

manage complex barriers to get and keep a job

customise a job to suit their skills and abilities

connect with the right job and employer

change jobs, including moving from a supported employment service to open
employment, if the provider is not the supported employment service employer

connect with higher education or training

get a job after completing a course or training
Understand work and study capacity building supports – 11 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 

develop a career goal

engage with a Disability Employment Service (DES) provider, or other employment
service to secure employment, like Job Access (external).
8.1.2  Employment related assessment, counselling, and advice 
Employment related assessment, counselling, and advice can help the participant successfully 
engage in work. It can support the participant to: 

identify their work goals and strengths

explore any barriers to employment

understand the different types of employment support they may need because of their
These supports can include: 

a vocational assessment

a functional assessment

education and support for the participant, employer and others in the workplace

counselling when the participant's disability prevents them returning to their previous
This support can benefit participants who: 

need significant support to develop a new work pathway. For example, a participant
who has sustained a traumatic injury or acquired a disability

have had limited to no work experience.
To use the PCST to add or update capacity building employment supports, go to article 
Understand and update the plan conversation support tool. You must use the PCST for all new 
plans and plan reassessments and attach to the participant record. 
Understand work and study capacity building supports – 12 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
9  Understand what supports are provided by the 
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and 
Disability Employment Services (DES) 

The NDIS provides more frequent and intensive support to help participants build skills for work 
and to find and keep a job. Disability Employment Services (DES) can support a participant 

is independent accessing the community

understands their capabilities, interests and the skills required for work

is able to follow instructions

is not currently employed in open employment and has a future work capacity of at least
8 hours per week

has a history of successful work experience or employment.
Understand what supports are provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Disability 
Employment Services (DES) – 13 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand work and study supports 
10 Next steps 
To use the PCST to add or update employment supports to the participant's plan, go to article 
Understand and update the plan conversation support tool. You must use the PCST for all new 
plans and plan reassessments. 
Next steps – 14 
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Understand transport supports 
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FOI 24/25-0231
SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
Table of Contents 
Recent updates .................................................................................................................... 4
Before you start .................................................................................................................... 5
Calculate transport supports .............................................................................................. 6
Find the right support category .......................................................................................... 7
What to consider if transport support is part of community participation .................... 8
Next steps ............................................................................................................................. 9
Table of Contents – 2 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
This article provides guidance for a planner delegate to: 

calculate transport supports

find the right support category

understand what to consider if transport supports are part of community participation.
Recent updates – 3 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
1 Recent updates 
29 July 2024 

Next steps section updated to reflect process change.

Recent updates – 4 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
2  Before you start 
You have read and understood: 
  Our Guideline – Reasonable and necessary supports (external) 
  Operational Guideline - Including specific types of supports in plans – transport 
 article 
Support Categories. 
Before you start – 5 
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FOI 24/25-0231
SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
3  Calculate transport supports 
To help you decide how much funding to include in the participant's plan, use the Operational 
Guideline - Including specific types of supports in plans – transport (external). 
Use the levels of transport assistance below to help you decide how much funding to include 
the plan: 
Level 1 s47E(d) - certain operations 
: F
of agenc
or participants who are not working, studying, or attending day 
programs but want to improve their community access. 
Level 2 s47E(d) - certain operations 
: F
of agenc
or participants who are currently working or studying part-time (up to 
15 hours a week) or participating in day programs. This also includes goal based social, 
recreational or leisure activities. 
Level 3 s47E(d) - certain operations 
: F
of agenc
or participants who are currently working, looking for work, or studying 
(15 hours or more a week), and can't use public transport because of their disability. 
If the transport funding is significantly above Transport Assistance Level 3, or isn't related to 
activity-based transport, you'll need to seek advice from the Technical Advice and Practice 
Improvement Branch (TAPIB). For more information, go to article Create a technical advice 
Calculate transport supports – 6 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
4  Find the right support category 
Transport can be funded in Core or Recurring support categories. 
Go to article Support Categories to determine the correct support category. 
Find the right support category – 7 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
5  What to consider if transport support is part of 
community participation 
A participant might request transport support as part of community participation. Participants 
can use their transport budget funding for a support worker to help them: 
  participate in community activities 
  transport from their home to the community. 
Providers claim these labour costs at the relevant community participation hourly rate. For 
example: individual or group rates. 
You must also consider non-labour costs when deciding how much funding to include. Providers 
can claim non-labour transport costs to help the participant: 
  access community participation supports 
  access or maintain employment 
  access or maintain higher education. 
Non-labour costs associated with participant transport can include: 
  public transport fares 
 road 
 parking 
  reasonable vehicle running costs 
  taxi or ride-share fares. 
For more information about provider travel – labour and non-labour costs, go to the NDIS 
Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits (external). 
What to consider if transport support is part of community participation – 8 
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SGP KP Publishing – Understand transport supports 
6 Next steps 
1. For 
Plan Approval case, you'll need to use the plan conversation support tool to
calculate the funded supports. To add or update this support in a draft budget
go to article Change the draft budget
Plan Change or Participant Budget Update case, go to article Action a
budget update.
Next steps – 9 
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