30. s. 33(a)(i)
32.s. 33(a)(i), s. 47E(d)
33. s. 33(a)(i)
Consultation – internal/external
Internal – s. 47E(d).
External – s. 33(a)(i), s. 47E(d)
Consultation – Secretary
37. The Secretary has not been consulted on this submission.
Client service implications
38. Nil.
Risks and Sensitivities
39. Information that records or is the fact that an asset has been declared under section 52B of
the SOCI Act to be SoNS is protected information and must be handled in accordance with
Part 4 of the SOCI Act.
Financial/systems/legislation/deregulation/media implications
40. A media release will be provided to your office via the Department’s media team.
41. The information contained in this submission is classified and should not be publicly released
without the authority of the Department of Home Affairs. In accordance with our long
standing practices, should you wish for unclassified media lines to be prepared in relation to
this issue please contact the Home Affairs Media team –s. 22(1)(a)(ii)
s. 33(a)(i)
Authorising Officer
Cleared by:
Cleared electronically
Hamish Hansford
Deputy Secretary
Cyber and Infrastructure Security Group
Date: 04/09/2024
Mob:s. 22(1)(a)(ii) | T: s. 22(1)(a)(ii)
Contact Officer: Sally Pfeiffer, First Assistant Secretary, Industry Partnerships and Infrastructure Policy Division,
s. 22(1)(a)(ii) | s. 22(1)(a)(ii)
Deputy Secretary, Executive Group
Deputy Secretary, National Security and Resilience Group
Group Manager, Legal
National Cyber Security Coordinator
Director-General of Security, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Head, Australian Cyber Security Centre, Australian Signals Directorate