This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'DITRDCA Style/Writing/Brand Guides'.

Muli: the primary font family 
Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface that is the preferred font for use on departmental materials. Muli is available via an open source license. 
Body text should not be smaller than 9pt. In the case of newspaper advertising, where there is limited space, the typeface can be as small as 7.5pt.  
For visually impaired or low literacy audience set the text in Muli Regular 11pt for best legibility. When typesetting, ensure headings are clearly defined  
from the body text with adequate white space for readability. The black typeface is available as an alternate font for headings, featured content  
or design variations.
Muli Light 
Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Muli Regular 
Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Muli Bold 
Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Muli Extra Bold  Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Muli Black 
Muli is a minimalist sans serif typeface
8 | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts 

Microsoft applications 
Calibri Light 
Calibri is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Use the Microsoft Font Calibri when Muli is not available. Microsoft Word  
and PowerPoint templates are available with all headings and body text  
Calibri Regular 
sizes specified. See the Intranet for more information and to download  
Calibri is a minimalist sans serif typeface
office templates.
Calibri Bold 
Calibri is a minimalist sans serif typeface
Screen fonts
To use the Muli font on your website, use the following CSS:
Where possible, online font usage should use sans-serif webfonts that are 
similar to the print-specified fonts. Testing should be carried out to ensure 
that devices and browsers render the font correctly and fall back to similar 
system fonts where there are issues.
 Visual Style Guide | 9