December 2023
NOPSEMA’s Simple Style Guide
The NOPSEMA logo is the visual embodiment of the NOPSEMA brand.
There are two acceptable ways our logo can be presented - horizontally and vertically.
When deciding if you have applied the NOPSEMA logo correctly, ensure the dimensions of the logo
have not changed or become distorted. Also check the logo is clearly visible, and not clashing with
any background colours.
If there are issues with clashing background colours, please contact for assistance.
Logos are available in the
Logos Fonts and Corporate Stationary Objective folder (qA43381)
NOPSEMA’s Horizontal Logo
NOPSEMA’s Vertical Logo
Brand colours
NOPSEMA has four primary brand colours. When using colours for anything that will be viewed
externally, only use the colours listed below.
Pantone 647c
Pantone 431c
C80 M53 Y5 K12
C1 M0 Y0 K70
R56 G103 B160
R107 G110 B113
HEX #3767a0
HEX #6b6e71
NOPSEMA orange
Pantone 151c
Pantone 540c
C0 M60 Y100 K0
C80 M53 Y5 K70
R245 G130 B32
R13 G43 B78
HEX #FF7200
HEX #0d2b4e
NOPSEMA’s prefered font is Calibri, with Arial as a secondary option. Staff are encouraged to use
Microsoft Word’s included styles for headings. Recommended styles are:
For major headings
For sub-headings
If those styles are unavailable, staff are asked to use Calibri bolded for headings and sub-headings.
When writing the body, staff should be using the Normal style, which is Calibri size 11.
Editorial guidelines
Percentages - Should be expressed as the numerical digits followed by per cent.
Capitalisation - NOPSEMA follows the government convention of minimal capitalisation i.e. only
capitalise the first word of the sentence, to begin a title of a book or document, for country name
and nationalities, in full official titles, and in organisation names.
Hyphens - Used to join words or parts of words to form a single entity, e.g. five-page document,
state of-the-art, high-tech. Hyphens are also used with prefixes, e.g. non-compliant, or double-up
vowels, e.g. de-emphasise and pre-eminent. If a word is well known, a hyphen is less crucial, such
as cooperate and coordinate.
Shortened forms/acronyms - Names of countries, states and territories, organisations and
technical terms should be spelt out in full on first use with the acronym included in brackets after.
Numbers - Single digit numbers should be expressed as words when nine or below. Double digit
numbers should be expressed as numerical digits. This does not apply to dates.
Dates - Dates should be expressed as a numerical digit without the contraction. i.e. on 1 January
For other queries, please contact or visit the Federal
Government’s style guide at You can also view NOPSEMA’s complete
style guide
here (qA61449).
The Communications and Corporate Affairs Team have also prepared a range of templates that are
available on Objective within the N-16100 series.