This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'FSANZ Style/Writing/Brand Guides'.

FSANZ Specific requirements
This page provides advice on common FSANZ specific requirements.
If you can't find what you're looking for we recommend the Australian Government Style

Please note: this guide does not apply to legal and commercial documents, instruments or
drafting. If you are unsure whether you should be applying this advice please contact
the Legal helpdesk.
On this page
Applications and proposals
FSANZ legislation or regulations
Call for submissions or approval reports
Templates and tables
Referencing guide
Applications and proposals
Use upper case for applications and proposals only when writing the full name of the
application or proposal. Then the shortened form using a single letter and number or lower
case for reference to the application and proposal.
Application A1038 – Name (first mention), then A1038 or the application
Proposal P293 – Nutrition, Health and Related Claims (first mention) then P293 or the
Use the en dash as the separator (with a space either side) between the numbers and names
of applications and proposals.
Use lower case when referring to the application, for example: the applicant for A481

When referring to an applicant after the first mention, the preferred approach is to use they
or the company, instead of he or she.
Use lower case when talking about applications or applicants generally.
Referencing the Code
The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code is not to be italicised. This is because
it is not legislation. It can be referenced in the first instance as The Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) and then abbreviated as the Code
throughout long documents.
The word standard is lower case "s" unless it's the proper name of the standard.
The word schedule is lower case "s" unless it's the proper name of the schedule.
Titles of standards apply the following capitalisation: Standard 1.5.2 – Food produced
using gene technology.
The names and numbers of standards in the Code are not italicised.
Use the en dash as the separator (with a space either side) between the numbers and
names of standards.
Refer to several standards as in variations to standards 1.1.1, 2.9.3 and 2.9.4 rather than
variations to Standard 1.1.1, Standard 2.9.3 and Standard 2.9.4.
Having identified Standard 1.1.1 – Name of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards
Code (the Code) in full at the front of the document, it is sufficient to refer to Standard
X alone thereafter, rather than Standard X of the Code.
When referring to standards in chapters 1 and 2 use lower case section, subsection and
paragraph, for example Standard 1.2.7 section 1.2.7–4, paragraph 4(a).
When referring to standards in chapters 3 and 4 use lower case clauses and subclauses,
for example Standard 4.5.1, clause 4.5.1–5, subclause 4.5.1–5(1) or paragraph 4(1)(a) or
When referring to schedules use lower case section, subsection and paragraph, for
example schedule 16, section S16–1.  
FSANZ legislation or regulations
Our Act should be referred to as the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 in
full italics as shown. It is abbreviated to FSANZ Act or the Act (if it is clear you are
referring to the FSANZ Act) – not italicised.
Regulations should be referred to as the Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Regulations 1994. They are abbreviated to FSANZ Regulations.
When referring to sections or other parts of the FSANZ Act, use lower case as in section
18 objectives or s. 18 objectives, section 5, subsection 5(1), paragraph 5(1)(b) and
subparagraph 5(1)(b)(i)). If you are referring to sections you can use ss.  for example
see ss. 4‒7 of the Copyright Act. If we are referring to the individual parts of our
Regulations, we use lower case and refer to regulation 1 or regulation 2A or r 1 or r 2A.

Call for submissions or approval reports
Capitalise the call for submissions report and approval report in the title only of the
documents, then use the short form—the report, as appropriate.
Use 1st Call for Submissions Report and 2nd Call for Submissions Report, not First Call
for Submissions Report and Second Call for Submissions Report.
Section: Use Section and the number (up to four digits) when referring to a part of a
Report rather than subsection. 
Templates and tables
When writing documents and reports, please use the FSANZ templates in Microsoft word
with correct styles and formatting already included. You need to ensure you document is
Referencing guide
The FSANZ referencing guide is under review and will be available at a later date. In the
meantime please continue to refer to the 2011 guide.
Related pages
Writing and editing guide home
How we write
Writing for the web
Grammar and punctuation