s. 47F(1)

s. 47F(1)

Document 1.3
Factsheet – subclass 449 and subclass 786 visas
Benefits and services available to subclass 449 and subclass 786 visa holders
Both visas allow holders to work and study in Australia without any limitations.
Holders of either visa are eligible to access settlement support through the Humanitarian Settlement
Program (HSP). The HSP supports humanitarian entrants and other eligible visa holders. Further information
about the HSP is available on our website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/settling-in-australia/humanitarian-
Holders of either visa can apply for payments and services from Services Australia, including:
Special Benefit
Family Tax Benefit
Low income health care card
Holders of either visa can receive free English language tuition to through the Adult Migrant English Program
(AMEP) (https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/settling-in-australia/amep/about-the-program).
Holders of either visa can access the Australian Government’s Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS
National https://www.tisnational.gov.au/), which provides interpreting services to people who do not speak
English and to agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
These services enable non-English speakers to independently access services and information in Australia.
Medicare access
Medicare is a part of Australia’s health care system that helps eligible people with the cost of their health
You wil not be able to access Medicare if you have been granted a Subclass 449 Humanitarian Stay
(Temporary) visa. You wil only be able to access Medicare once you are granted a subclass 786 Temporary
(Humanitarian Concern) visa.
If you currently have access to Medicare, your access wil be restored once you are transitioned to a
subclass 786 Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) visa.
Medical requirements
To be granted a Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) (subclass 786) visa, you will likely be required to
undertake a medical examination and/or a chest x-ray. If this is the case, you wil be required to pay for the
cost of the examination and/or chest x-ray.
Accepting the offer of a temporary stay in Australia
If an offer of a temporary stay in Australia is extended to you, the Department of Home Affairs wil contact
you in writing to confirm if you would like to accept the offer.
It is recommended that you consult with a registered migration agent or legal practitioner before deciding to
apply for the temporary humanitarian visa pathway. More information is available on our website:
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s. 47F(1)