PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
28 January 2025
Mr Jarred Crowe
By email only: foi+request-12431-06c83837@righ
Dear Jarred,
No ce of decision – request for documents under the
Freedom of Informa on Act 1982 (Vic)
This le er contains my decision on behalf of V/Line Corpora on in rela on to your request for
documents under the
Freedom of Informa on Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act).
In making my decision, I have considered the object of the FOI Act, which is to create a general
right of access to informa on, limited only by excep ons and exemp ons necessary to protect
essen al public interests, privacy, and business affairs.
My decision and reasons are provided below. A schedule outlining the documents, and my
decision is also a ached to this le er.
On 1 December 2024, you requested the following documents in rela on to an incident that
occurred on 22/11/2024, in which a train at Gisborne expelled an oil-like fluid onto the sta on
pla orm and adjoining track.
Specifically, I request access to the following documents:
1. Incident report
2. The most recent maintenance report for the affected train prior to the incident.
Documents relevant to your request
A thorough and diligent search for documents within the terms of your request was
undertaken. The following searches were conducted:
Emails sent to the following internal business units to conduct search for documents
under the scope of the FOI request:
Customer Rela ons
Communica ons
Opera ons
Customer Service and Accessibility
Customer Inves ga ons
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
On this basis, we located three documents in rela on to the terms of your request.
These documents consist of an internal email between agency officers, an incident report and a
maintenance report.
Decision on each document
I have decided to:
release 1 document in part; and
refuse access to 2 documents in full.
Reason for decision
In making my decision, I applied the following exemp ons:
Sec on 33(1) – Documents affec ng personal privacy
Sec on 33(1) exempts from disclosure any document (or any part thereof) that would
unreasonably disclose informa on rela ng to the personal affairs of another person (including a
deceased person).
For this exemp on to apply to a document, two parts must be sa sfied:
the informa on contained in the document must relate to the personal affairs of a
person; and
the release of the informa on would be an unreasonable disclosure.
Sec on 33(9) defines ‘informa on rela ng to the personal affairs of any person’ to include
informa on that iden fies any person or discloses their address or loca on, or informa on from
which any person’s iden ty, address or loca on can reasonably be determined.
This exemp on has been applied to signatures and names of internal administra ve V/Line
employees and external third par es. Release of this informa on would be unreasonable as it is
not apparent that the individuals concerned would reasonably expect this informa on to be
disclosed under the Act.
Having considered the sensi ve nature and context in which the personal affairs informa on
was recorded, I consider the relevant third par es would likely object to the release of their
personal affairs informa on. Accordingly, I have determined consulta on with the relevant third
par es is not prac cable under sec on 33(2C) of the FOI Act.
I have determined the release of certain informa on in the documents would be unreasonable
for the following reasons:
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
generally, the direct contact details of an agency officers are not made widely available;
I do not consider disclosure of this personal informa on rela ng to third par es and
agency officers peripheral to the ma er would assist the Applicant;
The agency officers recorded in the documents are not the decision makers in rela on to
the context and nature of the request. They only performed administra ve tasks and
recorded their name in the documents as administra ve requirement.
having considered the broad implica ons regarding disclosure of third par es in this
ma er, I am not sa sfied the Applicant’s interest is outweighed by the public interest in
ensuring the privacy of individuals who assist the Agency during their complaint is
This exemp on has been applied to certain informa on in Document 1, 2 and 3.
Sec ons 34(1)(b) and 34(4)(a)(ii) - Business, Commercial or financial informa on of an undertaking
Sec on 34(1)(b) provides a document is an exempt document if its disclosure under the FOI Act
would disclose informa on acquired by an agency from a business, commercial or financial
undertaking and:
The informa on relates to other ma ers of a business, commercial or financial nature;
The disclosure of the informa on would be likely to expose the undertaking unreasonably
to disadvantage.
A document is exempt under sec on 34(4)(a)(ii) if:
the agency is engaged in trade or commerce;
the document contains informa on of a business, commercial or financial nature; and
disclosure of which would be likely to expose the agency unreasonably to disadvantage.
These exemp ons have been applied to both document 2 and 3 in full.
To determine whether this exemp on applies, V/Line must provide the third party undertaking
with the opportunity to provide a submission establishing how the disclosure would expose it to
Under sec on 34(3) of the FOI Act, V/Line is required to no fy and seek the undertaking’s views
as to disclosure of informa on in the documents. V/Line received a submission from the
undertaking, who objected to the release of both documents 2 and 3 in full.
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
The undertaking submi ed the release of the informa on in both documents would likely
expose the undertaking unreasonably to disadvantage for the following reasons:
The associated contract is awarded following a compe
ve tender process run by the
State and these documents have the poten al to be used against the undertaking in
future business opportuni es.
The informa on is sensi ve and is not generally available to the public or compe tors.
The disclosure of this informa on could lead to unwarranted conclusions about the
undertaking’s obliga ons and posi on that may result in commercial and market
Having considered the informa on before me and the objec on from the undertaking, I am
sa sfied the informa on is sensi ve and may likely expose the undertaking unreasonably to
Dele on of exempt or irrelevant informa on
Sec on 25 of the FOI Act requires an agency to grant access to an edited copy of a document
containing exempt or irrelevant informa on if it is prac cable for the agency to delete that
informa on, and if the applicant is agreeable to receiving an edited copy.
Determining what is ‘prac cable’ requires us to consider the effort involved in making the
relevant dele ons and the effec veness of those dele ons – that is, whether edi ng the
document would render it meaningless.
In the current circumstances, I found it was prac cable to provide you with an edited copy of
the documents with exempt and irrelevant informa on deleted in accordance with sec on 25
of the FOI Act.
Access charges
Freedom of Informa on (Access Charges) Regula ons 2014 and sec on 22 of the FOI Act
outline that an agency may impose charges for providing access to a document and sets out
how to calculate those charges.
In this instance, I decided to waive the access charges, and you do not need to pay anything.
Receiving a copy of the documents
I have a ached copies of the released documents along with this decision le er.
Your review rights
If you are not sa sfied with my decision, you have the right to apply for a review of my decision
by the Informa on Commissioner under sec on 49A(1)(a) of the FOI Act.
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
A review applica on must be in wri ng, iden fy the decision to be reviewed and the agency
who made it.
An applica on must be made to the Informa on Commissioner within 28 days from the day you
receive this le er.
The Office of the Victorian Informa on Commissioner’s (OVIC) website has a review form you
may download, which contains more informa on about the review process and what you can
expect. OVIC’s contact details are:
Office of the Victorian Informa on Commissioner
PO Box 24274
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1300 00 6842 (1300 00 OVIC)
More informa on
If you have any ques ons about this decision, please contact us by email at
Yours sincerely,
Ashley Peter-Budge
Lawyer – Public Law and Li ga on
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
PROTECTED Legal Privilege
Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900
F (03) 9619 5000
Schedule of Documents
Date of
No. of pages
descrip on
Released in part
Sec on 33(1)
between agency
officers and
A marked up copy of the
incident report
document is provided with
this decision le er.
Incident report
Refused in full
Sec ons 33(1) and 34(1)(b),
Refused in full
Sec ons 33(1), 34(1)(b) and
V/Line Corporation, Level 6, 452 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, GPO Box 5343, Melbourne VIC 3001
T (03) 9619 5900 F (03) 9619 5000 ABN 91 273 289 190
PROTECTED Legal Privilege