This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'DTA Style/Writing/Brand Guides'.

for visual designers
Print and Digital 
Version 1.0 

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Our design principles 
Designing for the DTA 
Data visualisation 
We are here to help 

In 2021 the DTA executive decided a 
The DTA continues to manage 
change of brand was needed to 
whole-of-government digital 
compliment the Agency’s change 
procurement. We also continue to 
from focusing on delivering digital 
lead the development, delivery and 
and ICT projects to being a trusted 
monitoring of whole-of-government 
advisor to government on strategic 
strategies, policies and standards. 
planning, investment, contestability 
These guidelines are the foundation 
and assurance. 
for how the Digital Transformation 
As the government’s Chief Digital 
Agency (DTA) brand is now 
Advisor from 1 July 2021, the DTA is 
represented — why we look and 
now responsible for providing 
sound the way we do; why we do the 
strategic and policy leadership on 
things we do; and how we do them.
whole-of-government and shared 
These guidelines are intended to 
information and communications 
help maintain a strong brand identity 
technology (ICT) investments and 
for the DTA through consistent 
digital service delivery. 
application of the brand elements, 
including typography, colour, 
iconography and imagery.

Our design principles
When designing for the DTA it  
is important that the message  
is straightforward and easy  
Every DTA design element has a 
to understand.
clear purpose. Avoid unnecessary 
elements such as watermark images 
or decoration of any type.
Only use icons when they serve a 
The clarity of our visual design is 
clear purpose and are used 
paramount at the DTA. We create 
throughout the design. All icons must 
inclusive material that is 
have accompanying descriptive text.
straightforward to understand  
Ensure that any imagery used is 
and easy to navigate.
genuine and appropriate for the 
By removing all unnecessary visual 
subject matter. 
elements we enhance the readability, 
make things simpler and ensure that 
as many people as possible have 
access to our content.
DTA design communicates 
accurately and quickly. Good design 
emphasises key messages with less 
time required by users to consume 
our content. This is the cornerstone 
of all good design.

Designing for the DTA
Governments build reputation and 
trust with users by making content 
that is reliable and simple to use. 
Include only what is needed. Keep 
That is why it is our aim to 
simplicity in mind when designing for 
communicate not decorate.
the DTA. Only include elements that 
are needed.
Content first
If you become aware of an element 
that does not add meaning, then 
At the DTA, content is the priority 
remove it.
and is supported by visual design. 
Use consistent design patterns and 
Visual design provides the vector 
don’t reinvent the wheel. Col aborate, 
through which the content  
share assets, patterns and ideas. 
is delivered.
Al ow single elements of your design 
to serve many purposes. 
The hierarchy of objects on a page 
helps the user to navigate the 
Keep the design focused and easy  
priorities of the information 
to read. Use a grid system to create 
presented to them. Create a 
logical layouts and enhance flow 
hierarchy of importance within the 
within elements of the design. 
visual design. If everything is 
important, then nothing is important.
Constantly check balance as you  
add further elements.
Hierarchy allows for logical 
movement through the design, 
making the content easier to scan.
Try to avoid having more than 3  
levels of hierarchy on a single page.

Our Australian Government logo 
The Australian Government CoA 
contains the crest, the words 
crest should appear on all external 
CoA crest
‘Australian Government’, an underline 
facing products where there is 
and the words ‘Digital Transformation  sufficient space.
Agency’. It is the primary brandmark 
for the DTA. We use it as either a 
strip design or a stacked strip design. 
The placement, proportion and scale 
is predefined in the Australian 
Government Branding Policy an
d can 
not be modified. 
Digital Transformation Agency 
Digital Transformation Agency 
strip crest
stacked crest

Our wordmark has been careful y 
Although it is the secondary 
crafted. The proportions are 
brandmark for the agency, it is our 
designed to feel open and inviting, 
most recognisable brand element 
and increase readability when 
and should be used on all products 
applied at a small scale in mobile 
with the primary CoA crest to  
apps and on social media.  
create brand consistency and  
The chevron in the top right  
brand recognition.
corner, pointing outwards, 
symbolises progressive change – 
moving forwards and upwards.

Wherever possible our logos are  
always represented in ful -colour.  
Wordmark colour
They are always a single colour  
and must present a high contrast 
(WCAG AA compliant) to the 
background colour of the item they 
appear on.

The right amount of space around 
our brand marks help them look as 
intended. The clear space we’ve 
defined helps keep other graphics at 
a safe distance.

To ensure readability and legibility of 
The preferred placement of the 
the CoA crest and wordmark across 
wordmark is directly to the right  
Minimum sizes
all communication they should not be  of the CoA crest, with as much  
used below these specified sizes.
space between as possible.  
Where possible the CoA crest must 
In special circumstances it may  
have prominence over and above 
be placed below.
other images and graphic elements 
and therefore should be placed at 
the top left of the item it appears on.
Combined print
Combined screen

Our logo has been meticulously 
constructed and refined, so it  
What to avoid
should not altered in any way.
do not use two colours 
do not change proportions
do not rotate
do not constrain in box 
do not apply layer styles
do not apply own colours

Green is our signature colour.  
It’s anchored by our primary navy.
It signals a purposeful new direction 
We use #414141 for all body copy  
for the DTA embodying continual 
in print.
growth, change and sustainability.
RGB 105 235 165
RGB 41 180 130
RGB 40 130 100
RGB 30 60 80
RGB 200 235 215
RGB 65 65 65
HEX #29B480
HEX #288264
HEX #1E3C50
HEX #414141
PMS 353U
PMS 2414U
PMS 3415U
PMS 2965U
PMS 566U
PMS Hexachrome 
CMYK screen only
CMYK 73 0 62 0
CMYK 83 27 71 11
CMYK 91 69 47 39
CMYK 21 0 20 0
Black U
CMYK 68 60 60 4      

Our secondary colours complement 
our primary palette, helping us to 
create a distinctive personality. 
They’re mainly used to accent and 
highlight different types of content 
such as quotes and graphs.
RGB 250 214 115
RGB 233 245 212
RGB 255 194 176
PMS 127U
PMS 7485U
PMS 488U
CMYK 2 14 65 0
CMYK 21 0 20 0
CMYK 0 29 25 0

The colour palette can be used in 
multiple ways. We can dial it up to be 
fun and expressive or tone it down to 
be more serious and straight forward. 
A good rule of thumb is to use a light, 
medium and dark colour together.

Our neutral colour palette can be 
used for supporting graphic elements 
such as borders, rulers, backgrounds 
or secondary text such as 
RGB 39 41 43
RGB 112 118 123
RGB 159 164 167
RGB 202 204 206
RGB 244 245 245
HEX #27292B
HEX #70767B
CMYK 73 65 62 66
CMYK 58 46 43 11
CMYK 40 30 30 1
CMYK 20 15 15 0
CMYK 3 2 2 0

DTA uses Neue Haas Grotesk as it’s 
Grotesk Display for all headings  
primary typeface. It’s technical y 
and large format text.
Our typeface
precise, reliable and down-to-earth in  Both families are available through 
a friendly sort of way. The font has 
Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts.
two families, Text and Display.  
We use Neue Haas Grotesk Text for 
If you are designing for the Microsoft 
all body text. We use Neue Haas 
suite of products please use our 
fal back font of Arial.

Neue Haas Grotesk Display is  
our choice for headings, subheadings 
and pull quotes across our all  
our communications. It is available 
through Google Fonts and  
Adobe Fonts.

Neue Haas Grotesk Text has a more 
We use this for all body text  
relaxed spacing than the Display 
and other small text. It is available 
version, as well as improvements to 
through Google Fonts and  
improve readability of long form 
Adobe Fonts.
content. It also features tabular lining 
figures and fractions to increase the 
legibility of complex data tables. 

For the colour treatment of the text, 
It is important for both accessibility 
we’ve set up colour combinations 
and general readability that these 
Colour usage
that are high colour contrast.  
combinations are adhered to. Any 
These are particularly useful on  
deviation, particularly in relation to 
page sections, quotes and whenever 
lighter colours on a white background 
elements of the design need to  
wil  not pass accessibility guidelines.
be highlighted. 
For long body copy on a white 
background, please use DTA primary 
colour #414141.

Due to the limitation of licensing and 
This is especial y important when 
file sharing, fal backs should be used 
using shared platforms such as the 
to ensure content can be shared 
Microsoft Office suite. 
across platform without the 
Arial should be used on Windows and 
requirement for custom fonts to  
Helvetica should be used on Apple 
be instal ed. 
software and devices.
All Microsoft DTA templates will  
use Arial.

We believe that by employing a 
We don’t use all caps, but favour 
Although we aren’t prescriptive with 
consistent type hierarchy, our 
sentence or title case for all text.  
font use and size we expect a logical 
messages become more clear and 
We use colour sparingly to elevate  
hierarchy to be applied based on the 
meaningful. In general, maintain a 
our typographic communication  
example below. Examples of previous 
balanced contrast between 
with personality and style. 
files and Microsoft templates are 
headings, subheadings and  
available on request.
body copy. 
Display 65 Medium
Display 45 Light
Display 65 Medium
Text 55 Roman
Text 55 Roman

Avoid extremely relaxed or tight 
leading. Avoid overly wide or tight 
What to avoid
tracking. Avoid mixed weights on the 
same paragraph and avoid void all 
caps at any time. Avoid these type 
relaxed leading
tight leading
wide tracking
tight tracking
mixed weights
all caps

Everyone has the right to access 
for people with disability. However, 
Use built in tools
government information and services 
they also have benefits related to 
Ensuring everyone has  
regardless of their situation. All DTA 
general readability and 
Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word 
the ability to access our 
visual designs must maintain web 
have built in accessibility checkers. 
While these are not infal ible they are 
accessibility standards at all times. provides some excel ent 
This is currently WCAG 2.1 AA.
a good starting point to creating an 
explanatory information on the 
inclusive product.
Under the Disability Discrimination 
basics of accessibility.
Act 1992, it is a legal requirement  
for all Australian Government 
Request assistance
agencies to provide information and 
Use plain English
If you are unsure of your accessibility 
services in a non-discriminatory 
If you are creating written content,  
requirements or need help, please 
accessible manner. 
it must also fol ow the principle of  
contact the Content and Brand team 
Accessibility does not stop at digital 
simple, clear and fast. The use of 
by emailing:
content. By ensuring that all DTA 
plain English is helpful for people 
material is as accessible as possible 
with cognitive issues, as well as 
we choose to create content that 
users who may use English as a 
does not exclude anyone for  
second language.
any reason. 
The Style Manual is a guide for 
This makes it easier for all users  
anyone who writes, edits or approves 
to understand, interact with and 
Australian Government content. Use 
respond to our communications  
it to create clear and consistent 
and materials.
content that meets the needs  
of users.
The implementation of accessibility 
techniques is used to improve access 

Some basics
All images need alt text. This alt text 
Tables need extra formatting to make 
need to be intel igible to screen 
them accessible. Ensure that table 
readers and accurately describe  
header (TH) and table data (TD) tags 
the image. Every piece of non-text 
are implemented. For further 
content needs a text alternative 
information see Webaim’s techniques 
whether that is alt text or detailed 
for building accessible tables.
As a minimum, provide a text 
Headings need to be identified  
equivalent for all video content. Do 
(H1, H2, H3 etc.) and need to be 
not rely on closed captions as they 
structured correctly (H1 to H2,  
may not be visible on all playback 
not H1 to H3 etc.)
devices. Use open captions to ensure 
accessibility in as many situations  
as possible.
Colour contrast between type and 
background need to meet 
accessibility requirements. 
If you outsource to external vendors 
it is important to ensure they have a 
good understanding of the guidelines 
we fol ow. Be clear about our 
Links need to describe where the 
requirements and request evidence 
user is being inked to. Do not use 
that they’ve tested their product and 
‘click here’ or ‘read more’ or 
that it passes compliance.
something similar. Ensure the link 
makes sense when read in isolation.

Data visualisation
Data visualisation (data vis) is the 
When you design with accessibility in  Approximately 8% of the population 
graphical representation of data and 
mind, everyone benefits. 
has some form of colour-blindness. 
information. Data vis helps tell a 
As well as designing for standard 
When designing for data visualisation 
story, by displaying potential y 
WCAG 2.1 AA requirements, also 
ensure that colour is not the sole way 
impenetrable data sets in easy to 
keep in mind the fol owing when 
of navigating or understanding  
understand graphics. 
creating data vis:
the graphics. 
There are benefits to the use of data 
•  Keep the data vis simple - al ow 
Some things to keep in mind:
vis, however, its use can come at  
the actual data and the 
•  use suitable contrasted lines 
a price. The most obvious one  
communication goal to dictate  
between elements to help 
being that the reliance on visuals  
the format of graphic - not  
delineate different areas
can chal enge users with 
current trends
•  attach data to graphics so you 
accessibility issues. 
•  As well as the required alt text - 
aren’t solely relying on colour and 
Before creating data vis graphics, 
consider of using larger 
shape to impart knowledge.
make sure that the data set you are 
explanatory captions to explain  
trying to il ustrate wouldn’t be better 
the data
Unfortunately there are no perfect 
served using a table, a list of figures 
•  ensure data and variables  
colour-blind friendly palettes.  
or just plain text. Try not to 
are label ed
A palette that might work for one 
overcomplicate the delivery of 
•  make sure there is enough 
type of colour-blindness may not 
information. This is the main aim.
contrast between graphic 
work for another. This is why you 
have to ensure that other visual tools 
Data vis, graphs and charts need to 
elements that are close together - 
are used to ensure that the graphic  
represent the underlying data. 
use divider lines to enhance this
is understood.
Always refer back to the information 
•  consider making the data available 
you are using when creating your 
separately in a format that can be 
Always use brand colours if possible, 
graphics. The data and visuals need 
read by a screen reader
but if the graphic becomes too 
to work together.
•  do not rely on colour alone to 
complex for standard brand colours, 
convey information 
then use a combination of 
Final y, be aware that all graphics 
•  do not use areas of data that are 
contrasting patterns and to delineate 
need to be accessible. Alt text needs 
too small to be understood - such 
between data sets as can be seen 
to either describe the graphic in full 
as thin percentages on a pie chart.
here in the Australian Government 
or describe the trend that the graphic 
trial of Microsoft 365 Copilot web 
is il ustrating. Alternatively you can 
put all of this information in the 
caption for the graph. 

Data visualisation
Column graph
Below are a selection of suggestions 
•  A widely used form of data display, 
for DTA data vis elements. These are 
easily able to convey and 
by no means exhaustive but are a 
differences between variables.
primer to assist you in creating data 
•  Try to limit the number of bars to  
vis for the DTA.
8 if possible.
•  Always label the bars with  
the data.
Stand out data
•  For data sets that do not have a 
set order (months for example) 
A great way to highlight points of 
consider ordering the data from 
data with a brief description - a way 
high to low. 
of conveying key messages.
•  If large labels are needed on the 
columns, consider orienting the 
graph horizontally.
A graphic showing 
data points 
represented by 
A column graph - 
percentage figures 
note the data 
and columns. Also 
labels and the 
included within the 
space between 
graphic is a 
description of the 
data set.
0 item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 item 5 item 6 item 7 item 8 item 9 item 10

Data visualisation
Stacked bar graph
Line graph
•  Good for displaying percentage 
•  A way of displaying trends  
breakdowns of simple data sets. 
over time.
•  Can also be used as a progress 
•  Use sparingly - column graphs  
bar for a single piece of data. 
may be more suitable
•  Avoid using large data sets.
•  Leave the data as lines - do not  
fill in negative space.
•  Use 4 lines maximum is possible.
•  Avoid if data points are  
close together.
Stacked bar charts can 
be used to break down 

the comparison for 
Line graphs are suitable 
categories across 
for simple data sets that 
multiple variables. 
show a trend over time.
Always ensure the range 
adds up to 100% - do not 

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Data set 1
Data set 2

Data visualisation
Combination charts
Doughnut and pie charts
•  Good way of combining a data 
•  Use sparingly - perception of 
trend with a goal.
percentages are much easier to 
•  A suitable way of showing 2 data 
understand in a linear graph.
sets on the same graphic.
•  Use no more than 6 variables.
•  Be wary of over-complicating.
•  If data is too small it may be lost to 
the audience.
•  Start the initial data point at the 
top of the chart.
•  Ensure contrast between sections
•  Label data sets.
52 total item 3
92 total item 1
A doughnut chart with 
Combination charts are a 
gaps between 
good way to show data vs 
sections to assist with 
a trend or goal.  
Two distinct data sets 
Also included are 
can be seen on one one 
labels showing an 
extra layer of 
information for the 

Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
256 total item 2
Data set 1
Data set 2

Only use icons when they serve a 
If you require an icon or an icon set 
clear purpose and are used 
that is not available please contact 
throughout the design. All icons must and we will create 
have accompanying descriptive text 
it for you.
at the correct size for the icon’s use. 
Please ensure that all icons used 
have alt text applied to them if used 
online and are displayed at a 
minimum size of 10mm width for print 
or 44x44 pixels for online use.

Digital Transformation Agency 
Corporate Plan 2021–22
Our mission
Appendix A: Machinery of 
2.3  Manage whole-of-government digital procurement to simplify processes for 
government changes
Driving and securing the Government’s 
Corporate Plan
government agencies, reduce costs and generate reuse opportunities:
investment in Australia’s digital future
•  complete sourcing review
Following our move to the Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio in April 2021, several changes were 
•  manage whole-of-government digital and ICT 
sourcing deals
agreed by the Prime Minister to align the DTA with our new mandate. 
•  manage and refresh digital and ICT marketplaces 
and panels.
These changes will enable us to focus on our core policy responsibilities regarding ICT and digital 
Our mandate
Our priorities
What you can 
strategy, investment and assurance across the APS. 
The Digital Transformation Agency 
To achieve our mandate, we will 
expect from us
The machinery of government changes effective 5 July 2021 are:
(DTA) plays a central role in the 
focus on two strategic priority 
Performance measures – implementation oversight
Our new mandate represents 
•  ICT Investment Approval Process – from the Department of Finance to DTA
Government’s ambitious agenda to 
areas over the next 4 years:
a significant change to the 
•  Whole of Government Procurement of Major Office Machines – from the Department of Finance 
transform government services and 
management of the Government’s 
ICT systems.
1.  Direction setting 
to DTA
digital and ICT investment portfolio, 
Performance measure for 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
Targets 2021–22
We are a trusted advisor on digital 
•  Digital Identity (integrated delivery management) – from DTA to Services Australia and the 

We will provide strategic and 
so in our first year we wil :
and ICT investment decisions 
Australian Taxation Office
policy leadership on whole-of-
Parliament and agencies have confidence in the quality of advice, coordination  No target*
government and shared ICT 
and we drive strategic whole-of-
 Work with agencies to provide clear 
and assurance we provide.
•  myGov Enhancement (integrated delivery management) – from DTA to Services Australia
investments and digital service 
government digital policy and advice.
dire ction
We complete specific projects within identified timeframes.
• – from DTA to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (determining 
2.   Implementation oversight 
 Proactively communicate and 
content), and Services Australia (delivery)

We will provide whole-of-
engage with you
DTA contributions:
•  Government Domain Names – from DTA to the Department of Finance
government strategies, policies 
We ensure alignment to digital 
 Enhance the ICT assurance 
and standards for digital and ICT 
strategies and investment decisions 
•  we provide timely and useful analysis and advice to inform, prioritise and 
•  National Map – from DTA to Geoscience Australia
and priority areas and we simplify 
improve whole-of-government and shared digital and ICT investment 
• – from DTA to the Australian Bureau of Statistics
digital procurement to reduce costs 
 Continue to contribute to 

We will provide strategic 
•  we effectively manage the ICT investment approval process and check 
Government priorities.
•  COVIDSafe app – from DTA to the Department of Health
and increase reuse.
coordination and oversight 
compliance with standards, policy and strategic settings
functions for digital and ICT 
•  we provide timely and useful digital procurement advice and 
•  Australian Government Style Manual – from DTA to the Australian Public Service Commission
investments across the project 
effectively manage marketplaces, panels and whole-of-government 
•  Digital Profession – from DTA to the Australian Public Service Commission.
life cycle, including advice on 
sourcing arrangements.
whole-of-government reuse 
Machinery of government changes take time to implement and finalise. We intend to report back to 
Data source: DTA records, project proposals reviewed, strategy and policy developed  
the Prime Minister on our progress against all changes by mid-September 2021.
 DTA analysis and stakeholder feedback

We will deliver whole-of-
government digital procurement 
to simplify processes, reduce 
*  We are developing an appropriate methodology for assessing targets. We will update our corporate plan 
costs and generate reuse 
in 6 months. This will include setting appropriate targets (qualitative and quantitative) where reasonably 

We will provide advice to 
the Minister on whole-of-
government and shared digital 
and ICT investment proposals.
paticipant at recent meeting 

Heading 3
Heading 5
Heading 2
Heading 4
Qui tem quuntiur ma volorib eatur, sita volupta volore 
Bus inumquo quaspedi aribus int as dol ectur mo blab id 
Qui tem quuntiur ma volorib eatur, sita volupta volore 
Everibust, que nem. Ita auta inul ecea doluptaspid 
ut erum il ipis nimus aut autem et eaquam, que cus suntis 
Title goes here can be two lines 
nos quat dolorestis magnate volor modit, omnimetur 
nos quat dolorestis magnate volor modit, omnimetur 
maximusciet, ut laut atur? Abo. Untibus antinis eum velessi 
modigendam, volorem hil am volessimus eiur re mo vel 
andaest pa si as volum verorpo rerspic iisciliquias aliquia 
modigendam, volorem hil am volessimus eiur re mo vel 
molestis aut pere restiam ium quiat volum et ea voluptatis 
ipitibus abor as a volorep udicips andunt expliant into 
se et quis imoloris corepudit etur acea volorepuda volor 
ipitibus abor as a volorep udicips andunt expliant into 
excessunt, occum simus quodio expero beat eumque 
et lique nobit, aligendam aut etur mil molorpos iur aut 
as es dolorem nam qui rectis quunti s volorro videssuntis 
et lique nobit, aligendam aut etur mil molorpos iur aut 
vol item reritatis sequatem quidit in nonecepel mi, optaspid 
maximum character length of 60
odignimol a dis dolupti onecum ipsam essit ut ommolore 
volo ipsum reruptatur? Es most la quo endignatibus int 
odignimol a dis dolupti onecum ipsam essit ut ommolore 
estessi maximusam qui corit faccus quia quatia prorehe 
molores aut ma si nosapic ipsam, que corectur, saeprae 
am quibea volupta quuntium rehenisti s aliqui ra aperfer 
molores aut ma si nosapic ipsam, que corectur, saeprae 
ndellor eceruptatur?
sequiae modigni hicabo. Cus quas imagnimporem doluptae 
ionecea ditatiore porem is et adipsum et volupti antotatur? 
sequiae modigni hicabo. Cus quas imagnimporem doluptae 
Ut quam fuga. Nemposandes qui offici tendeniendis eos 
quam volor as eicidi repel il aboribus sin repre comnit, 
Quibeaqui dolorep udander isquas rero eseque expla 
quam volor as eicidi repel il aboribus sin repre comnit, 
eate siti comnis rem doluptas et voluptae nam ipsunda 
volorrore, sit eos vol am etur, occusci.
Subtitle goes here, can go over two lines, maximum character 
ut offic tem volore nonet adistias et aliaspedi invenet la 
ut offic tem volore nonet adistias et aliaspedi invenet la 
eseditat quaspic totaspis volupta quam dia nament.
evelibus exernam nonsed et ent harum ut pa dis et undiscia 
■ Bul ets, coris nonsequis ped que eos sequi optam, 
evelibus exernam nonsed et ent harum ut pa dis et undiscia 
length is 80 characters
qui ul abo. Omnis as dolenit, arum non eosanda et iniento 
sequae cum haribernam quae qui berrum aborum faci 
qui ul abo. Omnis as dolenit, arum non eosanda et iniento 
eic to doluptaturi core vid exere si derferum re perem res is 
conet modion nonsed que pro quos vendebita pa que 
eic to doluptaturi core vid exere si derferum re perem res 
Heading 5
aute quid eliquis apici dolorpos aruptatesci is ut quam.
plignih itinull uptium facipis alibus aut alia qui as di sint.
is aute quid eliquis apici dolorpos aruptatesci is ut quam, ut 
Bus inumquo quaspedi aribus int as dol ectur mo blab id 
sitius suntium et dolupta tiaepta nient, eatem nonsendus, 
ut erum il ipis nimus aut autem et eaquam, que cus suntis 
untem nobit resequodio volore, ipsam, et eos exces etur, 
■ Bul ets erspere stinum dolorehendi tendit dolorer 
sitius suntium et dolupta tiaepta nient, eatem nonsendus, 
andaest pa si as volum verorpo rerspic iisciliquias aliquia 
qui am lab is reperatur molorerum et la vol ab invenim 
cienimo luptae nonemolum eicit recabor aliam is erum 
untem nobit resequodio volore, ipsam, et eos exces etur, 
se et quis imoloris corepudit eehenisti s aliqui ra aperfer 
fugiae lanihil ecto quae eum sitatem eserspero int 
nobis venihit ad quae solorest vol ant laudam, cor aceria 
qui am lab is reperatur molorerum et la vol ab invenim 
ionecea ditatiore porem is et adipsum et volupti antotatur? 
Summary of factsheet content
Header 3
resendae. Aruptat emperum et as dolor reium nonesci 
fugiae lanihil ecto quae eum sitatem eserspero int 
Quibeaqui dolorep udander isquas rero eseque expla 
liquunt ecerovidem vendam volores con que labo. 
■ reptiatatur moluptas reiuris ul escia voluptae velesecum 
resendae. Aruptat emperum et as dolor reium nonesci 
volorrore, sit eos vol am etur, occusci.
■ Essit exped maionetur? La cuptatia doluptis dolore dolupit a 
Mus. Ul iqui ut optatet es res aut 
Nis etusapel moloria veles maiorae nit fugit, commos 
eturiaspe soloreriae es volut omnimenient id quae cus 
liquunt ecerovidem vendam volores cone odicaep 
volupta ecepell estiae pra velenis mintotatem qui nonsedita quo 
doluptatio od ul it dolore aut erum, offici 
discimaxim laboreped ut am, cum eostium quo omnim 
arit eumquunture cus.
eligenti sci dolum id ut invel estium ratendi cimaiorpore 
■ Bul ets, coris nonsequis ped que eos sequi optam, 
in cum int atio. Cernam none everent que eation eos explita 
ilia conseca ecatur ab iur.
il abore pliquod igenim quate plis assi beatestotat 
nissequo ma qui inim ni optis de con perumi beatestotat 
sequae cum haribernam quae qui berrum aborum faci 
nectem laborat officabor.
quodignis doluptatem volento corior rempore, comniatur, 
quodignis doluptatem volento corior rempore, comniatur, 
conet modion nonsed que pro quos vendebita pa que 
quuntem reria sit rem alignih iliquae. Ero core vel ma prae 
Heading 5
quuntem reria sit rem alignih iliquae. Ero core vel ma prae 
plignih itinull uptium facipis alibus aut alia qui as di sint
■ Tem qui nonsedita quo in cum int atio. Cernam none everent que 
Header 4
nihicae pratur?
nihicae pratur?
eation eos explita nectem laborat officabor ad esequid elique 
Endit exces dolorrori omnihiciae venti s arciur maxim re 
■ Bul ets erspere stinum dolorehendi tendit dolorer 
nectum net officiatiae dit, sit hi.
La cuptatia doluptis dolore dolupit 
vel ma si ratis doloraeped que volo dempore peribus et 
cienimo lupta.
a volupta ecepell estiae pra velenis 
Heading 4
et aut aspit, quisti dolupti scilique excea voloribus nonem 
■ Quo in cum int atio. Cernam none everent que eation eos 
mintotatem qui nonsedita quo in cum int 
nobitatur? Quis ipsam, a dolorum aligendendis erspedio. 
explita nectem laborat officabor ad esequid elique nectum net 
atio. Cernam none everent que eation eos 
Everibust, que nem. Ita auta inul ecea doluptaspid 
Nam aut que con et dolumet ut audaes magnitibus 
officiatiae dit, sit hiti nis nonseritios quis et esequia tiasim fugiti s 
explita nectem laborat officer.
maximusciet, ut laut atur? Abo. Untibus antinis eum velessi 
solorem anisqui disque que parunt, quam enimoluptae 
moluptiisim quod mo consequis es.
molestis aut pere restiam ium quiat volum et ea voluptatis 
non repudiam quia cus vol ab imolupt aturit, nonsequi idis 
excessunt, occum simus quodio expero beat eumque 
■ La cuptatia doluptis dolore dolupit a volupta ecepell estiae pra 
Header 5
eumquatio molendiam et quaspitate alicius explabo restio 
vol item reritatis sequatem quidit in nonecepel mi, optaspid 
velenis mintotatem qui nonsedita quo in cum int atio. Cernam 
beriberum aut fugit, qui ium autem. Estrumquia conem que 
estessi maximusam qui corit faccus quia quatia prorehe 
none everent que eation eos explita nectem laborat officabor ad 
La cuptatia doluptis dolore dolupit 
volupis nos as voluptatiore maximpo rporpor ersperspelis 
ndellor eceruptatur?
esequid elique nectum net officiatiae dit.
a volupta ecepell estiae pra velenis 
doluptium voloreh endaes et odis sae opta eum voluptaquis 
mintotatem qui nonsedita quo in cum int 
Ut quam fuga. Nemposandes qui offici tendeniendis eos 
volupta spernature doluptatemo inissium imusdandam, 
full page image useful only for diagrams and charts and on rare occaisions images use this 
■ hiti nis nonseritios quis et esequia tiasim fugiti s molupti sim 
atio. Cernam none everent que eation eos 
eate siti comnis rem doluptas et voluptae nam ipsunda 
cum rernati nvelessum quossequo quia dit pa sa ducimus, 
box for captions - do not alter width of box - alter height of box to contain text using margins 
quod mo consequis es es.
explita nectem laborat officer.
eseditat quaspic totaspis volupta quam dia nament.
nihiliquosti sinctur, ipsant voluptae aligni vel et ad eum 
supplied as shown here
You can email 
volectem sequi ut hil am as ventis ipidi coreped quate 
or phone 0439 079 947 for more 
nistius denis endaesendis maiones sandam quaturem 
reiunt verum voleste voluptatet faccum.
double column image used at top or bottom of page - do not split text - use this box for 
captions - do not alter width of box - alter height of box to contain text using margins 
supplied as shown here
Title title title title title  |  Ver.: xxxx  date: xx/xx/20xx 
Title title title title title  |  Ver.: xxxx  date: xx/xx/20xx 
Title title title title title  |  Ver.: xxxx  date: xx/xx/20xx 
Title title title title title  |  Ver.: xxxx  date: xx/xx/20xx 

top edge hidden
top edge hidden
Pull-up banners
Excel ence
We ensure alignment 
to digital strategies  
We strive for 
and priorities.
excel ence in 
all we do.
bottom edge hidden
bottom edge hidden
Pull Up Banners 850mm wide FINAL.indd   11
16/02/2022   1:53:31 PM
Pull Up Banners 850mm wide FINAL.indd   4
16/02/2022   1:53:30 PM

Always use the purpose of the social 
Use generous margins for 
to inform on the content.
typography as some platforms crop 
Social media
Use photos of people when available 
images unpredictably.
to engage viewers. When a photo is 
Avoid using information graphics as 
not available use typographic social 
social graphics unless they are 
graphics to cut through the noise of 
simple and can be read on mobile.
social feeds.

MS Word template
Always start from a new template
Body Text This template uses the font Arial as it is available on al  
Document Title
devices. Content and Brand professional y designs products using 
Haas Neue Grotesk for headings and for body. If you need a version of 
this template with these fonts, please contact
Heading 2
Write using plain language
Plain language helps with clearer decision-making and increases 
trust. Use our Content Guide to make sure your writing is easy to 
Heading 3
understand — even when writing to a specialist audience.
Heading 4
The paragraph styles include space before and after headings. 
There’s no need to insert and blank lines or extra returns between 
Heading 5
Use single spaces between words and after punctuation marks.
Body Text This template uses the font Haas as it is available on al  
devices. Content and Brand professional y designs products using 
Examples of bul eted lists fol ow. If the dot points are sentence 
Haas Neue Grotesk for headings and for body. If you need a version 
fragments, fol ow these conventions:
of this template with these fonts, please contact
•  no capitals at beginning 
a.   List Alphabet Level 1 
•   no ‘and’ after the second to last dot point 
i.  List Alphabet Level 2 
•   no full stop at the end of each dot point
A.  List Alphabet Level 3 
If the dot points are full sentences:
1.  List Numbered Level 1 
a.  List Numbered Level 2 
•    Each should start with a capital letter 
i.  List Numbered Level 3
(style=List Bul et Level 1)
•   Each should end in a full stop.
•  List Bul et Level 1 
−  List Numbered Level 2
Digital Transformation Agency
Document Title
Digital Transformation Agency
Document Title

MS PowerPoint

Photography captures the DTA  
Successful photography tel s the 
the style of the image fits in with the 
brand in a way that other tools can’t.  
story by using wide shots to set the 
regular DTA photographic style. 
You get a feel for the aesthetic, 
scene, and close-ups to show the 
Please contact if 
culture and situational engagement  
detail, and by creating a focal points 
you would like to access our in-house 
in an instant.
to lead the viewers eye.
photography library.
We use photography to show who we  We avoid the use of stock imagery 
are and how we work. We use real 
wherever possible, however, at times 
images of our people, products and 
their use is necessary. When 
activities wherever possible.
choosing stock imagery ensure that 

Avoid staged or cliché images. Avoid 
If you need to resort to stock 
using low resolution images - ensure 
photography try and ensure that the 
What to avoid
the image is suitable for the end 
images chosen are as authentic 
product. Do not use images with a 
looking as possible and not too 
text overlay. Do not use images with 
over saturated or changed colours. 
Aim for authenticity in all you use 
where possible.

We are here to help
To ensure that the work you create 
Final artwork
aligns with the visual style and 
guidelines of the DTA there are a 
Once the concept stage has been 
number of stages at which we like to 
approved and you have no further 
be involved.
questions, we would like to see the 
final draft. 
Concept stage
This should be a straight forward 
process given that the approved 
Once you have had your initial client 
concept has been fol owed.
discussions, we can meet with you  
Please contact at 
to discuss concepts. This is a great 
any time if you need information  
opportunity to ensure that your  
or clarification.
visual work aligns with the DTA  
and reduces the risk of issues  
Also contact us if you have 
arising later.
comments, feedback or suggestions 
about this guide.
General feedback
We are available to assist you with 
any questions you may have during 
the design process. Please do not 
hesitate to contact us if you have any 
questions or need help during your 

Document Outline