Brand identity guidelines
June 2022
link to page 3 link to page 6 link to page 11 link to page 16 link to page 20 link to page 24 link to page 28 link to page 33 link to page 44
olours 13
system 17
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
This document outlines the guidelines and principles for using the Tertiary
Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Visual Identity. It
includes information about our logos, colours, graphic elements, typefaces
and photography as well as showcasing how they apply to a suite of
Correctly and consistently applying these elements will bring visual unity to our communication
products. Once established, it will project a coherent image of a modern and professional
agency. It will make it easier for the public to identify TEQSA material and position it as
accessible, innovative and committed.
Use of the Visual Identity is mandatory for all TEQSA communication materials. This includes
all products that are used to deliver the Agency’s messages— publications, banners, websites,
social media, stationery etc.
It is not expected that existing published material will be updated with the new design.
However, all new corporate products must comply with the new design.
All public facing material must be discussed with the Communications Team in the first
For more information and support in applying these guidelines, please contact the
Communications Team.
Note: These guidelines are a starting point only. They don’t provide answers to all questions
but rather outline clear principles which must always be applied. If you require clarification,
please contact xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx.
When consistently and correctly applied, our Visual Identity
will project a coherent image of an engaging, innovative
and professional Agency.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
What do we mean by brand?
An organisation’s brand encompasses its values, personality, attributes
and behaviours.
A brand is not just a logo or identity, it’s how our agency is perceived by others. A brand
includes a logo or brand mark of an organisation, its photography style, colour palette,
typography and language.
Brand is also experienced when people interact directly with any element of our business, so
brand extends to communication, customer service, queries management and all other touch
points of an organisation such as publications, websites, social media and events.
Each interaction is an opportunity to deliver on our brand promise, by building confidence,
loyalty and trust. Influencing what and how we want people to think and feel about our brand
is an opportunity to shape positive perceptions of TEQSA.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our crest
Our crest is an important element of our visual identity. It signifies our
status as a member of the Australian Government and it must be used on
all public facing material.
As a mark of authenticity, the crest’s value relies on consistent and correct application. Only
official versions of the logo should be used. Details of approved departmental crests and their
use are on page 5.
In common with other Australian Government Agencies, our logos feature the Australian Coat
of Arms. As such, their use is governed by guidelines issued by the Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet.
For more information, email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx or visit www.pmc.gov.au.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our crest
EPS, PNG and JPG formats of the TEQSA crest are contained within the logoset.
Dark blue
File: TEQSA-crest-dark-blue
File: TEQSA-crest-black
File: TEQSA-crest-reversed
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our crest
Best practice
Give it room to breathe
It is important not to crowd the crest. Allowing ample space around it ensures that other
graphic elements don’t interfere.
As a basic rule, a square space the height of the crest should be given on all sides of the
TEQSA crest.
Ensure it is big enough
Avoid using the crest at less than 20mm wide.
It is shown here at its ideal minimum size.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our crest
Things to avoid
Never overcomplicate it
Never use the crest on an image or
background that is either busy or
similar in colour.
Never rotate or skew it
Never rotate, skew, squash or alter our
crest in any way. Only use logos supplied
in the official logoset.
Never embellish it
Do not add virtual embel ishments like
embossment, drop-shadows, etc, to
our crest. Only use logos supplied in the
official logoset.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our wordmark
Our wordmark is the visual cornerstone of our brand. It expresses our
identity and ensures instant brand recognition. Please ensure it is used
consistently across all materials.
To function correctly as a brand identifier the wordmark relies on consistent and correct
Only official versions of the wordmark should be used. Details of the approved wordmark and
its use are on page 10 and can be downloaded from the TEQSA intranet.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our wordmark
EPS, PNG and JPG formats of the TEQSA wordmark are contained within the logoset.
Dark blue
File: TEQSA-WM-dark-blue
File: TEQSA-WM-black
File: TEQSA-WM-reversed
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our wordmark
Best practice
Give it room to breathe
It is important not to crowd the wordmark. Allowing ample space around it ensures that
other graphic elements don’t interfere.
As a basic rule, a square space the height of the ‘T’ should be given on all sides of the
TEQSA wordmark.
Ensure it is big enough
Avoid using the wordmark at less than 27mm wide.
It is shown here at its ideal minimum size.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our wordmark
Things to avoid
Never overcomplicate it
Never use the wordmark on an image or
background that is either busy or similar
in colour.
Never rotate or skew it
Never rotate, skew, squash or alter our
wordmark in any way. Only use logos
supplied in the official logoset.
Never embellish it
Do not add virtual embel ishments like
embossment, drop-shadows, etc, to our
wordmark. Only use logos supplied in the
official logoset.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our colours
An engaging colour palette that strikes a balance between credibility and
innovation has been selected. Consistent use and reproduction of our
colours will ensure brand recognition.
Our two primary colours, dark blue and orange, form complementary colours on the graphic
design colour wheel. Complementary colours have a strong contrast resulting in a more
vibrant and accessible design. Blue represents trust, security, purpose, reliability, authority and
success. Orange represents energy, confidence, creativity, courage, enthusiasm and youth.
Use of secondary colours is typically restricted to specific TEQSA campaigns and initiatives.
Please email xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx to find out more.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our colours
The breakdown
Dark blue
PMS 295
PMS 152
C 99 M 51 Y 8 K 36
C 0 M 50 Y 100 K 0
R 0 G 78 B 125
R 247 G 148 B 29
Hex 004d7d
Hex f7941d
Light blue
PMS 571
PMS 3105
C 40 M 0 Y 25 K 0
C 44 M 0 Y 11 K 0
R 151 G 213 B 201
R 135 G 211 B 255
Hex #97d4c8
Hex #86d2e0
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our colours
The breakdown
PMS 316
PMS 1777
C 97 M 21 Y 33 K 73
C 0 M 66 Y 29 K 0
R 0 G 59 B 69
R 243 G 122 B 138
Hex #003b45
Hex #f2798a
Yel ow
PMS 7716
PMS 142
C 83 M 0 Y 40 K 11
C 0 M 24 Y 78 K 0
R 0 G 163 B 152
R 254 G 197 B 83
Hex #00a29c
Hex #fec552
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
graphic system
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our graphic system
Our graphic system was developed using tessel ation to represent our
internal and external structure, communications and values. A geometric
system that portrays a more engaging, innovative and cooperative ethos.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our graphic system
Relationship triad
The relationship between TEQSA, students and education providers reinforces the use of
a triangular system in the visual identity. It expressess openness through the sharing of
information and two-way communication.
Our triangle features a coloured border on the angled side. The two colours represent our
dual purpose in both protecting student interests and the reputation of Australia’s higher
education sector.
Please refer to the collateral section (page 31) of the guidelines for examples of how to
implement the graphic system successful y.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our graphic system
The use of a triangular system compounds our innovative, progressive and forward thinking
Please refer to the collateral section (page 31) of the guidelines for examples of how to
implement the graphic system successful y.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our typeface
Sofia takes a professional but approachable position, lending
communications credibility without alientating the reader.
It is a diverse font family available in sixteen weights ranging from
Ultralight to Black, with matching italics and full web font capabilities.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our primary typeface
Sofia Pro
Sofia Pro is to be applied to every professionally designed, outgoing communication
Sofia Pro Light
Sofia Pro Regular
Sofia Pro Bold
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our secondary typeface
Arial is to be used when access to Sofia Pro is not available (e.g. when producing documents in
Arial Regular
Arial Bold
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
image library
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our image library
Our people, whether they be staff, providers, experts or Commissioners,
are integral to our brand. Inclusion of imagery highlighting task-focussed
col aboration and activity adds authenticity and a human element to our
communications and should be incorporated where possible.
For examples of use of imagery, see the items set out in the collateral section (page 31).
Screen resolution
Images that are to be used in screen environments should be set up at 72dpi and converted to
RGB colour mode.
Print resolution
Images that are to be used in print environments should be set up at 300dpi and use the
CMYK colour profile. If an RGB/72dpi image is used for print, the image will appear flat and
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our image library
Best practice
Our people should be the focus of our photography. Images should be positive and colours
should be as natural as possible without too much colour shift from artificial lighting or flash.
The photography should capture action shots of task-focussed collaboration and students
engaged in learning activity, to give a sense of place, relative to education.
For access to the TEQSA image library, contact xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our image library
Things to avoid
Avoid images where people look
awkwardly posed or unnatural.
Avoid awkward cropping of images.
People should always be the focus.
Avoid images with a strong colour cast.
Please colour correct if an alternate
image is not available.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our image library
Things to avoid
Avoid portraits where the background
doesn’t add context and sense of place.
Avoid images where people look
disengaged or bored.
Avoid images that may be sourced from
the internet and are of low image quality
and appear blurry or pixelated. These will
reproduce poorly in print as well as on
Avoid clip art in presentations.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our col ateral
The fol owing col ateral showcases how our brand works together in
forming a cohesive identity system that is engaging and flexible.
The following examples highlight best-case usage of our identity, and should be used to
inform design decisions. Templates have been developed for these items and are available via
the Communications Team and the TEQSA intranet.
It is preferrable that these files are used to generate new work rather than recreating elements
from scratch. For more information, contact xxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
External publication covers
Size: A4 210 x 297mm
Title of document over
two or three lines
Month Year
• Cover photography should be in graysacle to enhance and provide contrast with our brand colours.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
External publication spreads
Heading 1
vel lectus bibendum gravida. Sed lobortis ullamcorper congue. Suspendisse vel conval is
sem. Praesent ullamcorper volutpat mattis. Sed quis lectus vel nisl luctus eleifend a at
Size: A4 210 x 297mm
nunc. In egestas sol icitudin rhoncus. Nunc eu leo a diam tempus commodo at interdum
ex. Fusce malesuada varius arcu, eu imperdiet purus bibendum rhoncus.
Here is an example of
Heading 2
a publication internal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan leo
Donec scelerisque, purus ut placerat viverra, massa mauris tempor turpis, vitae
consectetur ante orci ut libero. Mauris blandit dui libero, et commodo eros eleifend
orci. Cras vel lorem vel lectus bibendum gravida.
eleifend. Curabitur auctor velit eros, id tempor nulla elementum a. Nam facilisis enim sem.
spread. Layouts should
Nullam eget mi mi. Phasel us quis dui id massa ornare interdum. Aliquam iaculis tempor
Sed lobortis ullamcorper congue. Suspendisse vel conval is sem. Praesent ullamcorper
augue a bibendum. Sed pretium purus eros, vitae conval is quam tristique ac. Etiam ut
volutpat mattis. Sed quis lectus vel nisl luctus eleifend a at nunc. In egestas sol icitudin rhoncus.
cursus lectus. Proin fermentum lacus sed dui ultricies fermentum. Nulla commodo augue
be kept clean and
Nunc eu leo a diam tempus commodo at interdum ex. Fusce malesuada varius arcu, eu
non orci iaculis rhoncus. Sed fermentum, ante sed efficitur pulvinar, tel us tortor eleifend
imperdiet purus bibendum rhoncus.
nulla, sed consectetur mi massa non risus.
• ornare
simple with lots of
Heading 2
• commodo
• efficitur.
white space and
Donec scelerisque, purus ut placerat viverra, massa mauris tempor turpis, vitae consectetur
ante orci ut libero. Mauris blandit dui libero, et commodo eros eleifend eleifend. Curabitur
auctor velit eros, id tempor nulla elementum a. Nam facilisis enim sem. Nullam eget mi mi.
Heading 3
clear headings.
Phasel us quis dui id massa ornare interdum. Aliquam iaculis tempor augue a bibendum. Sed
pretium purus eros, vitae conval is quam tristique ac. Etiam ut cursus lectus. Proin fermentum
Sed ut mi in odio auctor mattis. Ut porta sapien vitae lacus molestie euismod. Nunc
lacus sed dui ultricies fermentum. Nulla commodo augue non orci iaculis rhoncus. Sed
conval is tel us a libero feugiat laoreet. Donec ac sodales dolor, quis dignissim sem. Proin
fermentum, ante sed efficitur pulvinar, tel us tortor eleifend nulla, sed consectetur mi massa
nec nulla eget nisi sagittis iaculis vitae in ipsum. Cras sed eros et eros auctor suscipit
non risus.
eget vel ipsum. Curabitur viverra cursus libero mattis faucibus. Phasel us massa nulla,
venenatis in euismod vitae, condimentum in magna. Ut ac magna mattis, scelerisque est
• ornare
sed, rutrum ipsum. Vivamus vulputate lectus augue, nec viverra massa gravida gravida.
• commodo
• efficitur.
Table 1: Ut ac magna mattis
Heading 3
Sed ut mi in odio auctor mattis. Ut porta sapien vitae lacus molestie euismod. Nunc conval is
tel us a libero feugiat laoreet. Donec ac sodales dolor, quis dignissim sem. Proin nec nulla
eget nisi sagittis iaculis vitae in ipsum. Cras sed eros et eros auctor suscipit eget vel ipsum.
Curabitur viverra cursus libero mattis faucibus. Phasel us massa nulla, venenatis in euismod
vitae, condimentum in magna. Ut ac magna mattis, scelerisque est sed, rutrum ipsum.
Vivamus vulputate lectus augue, nec viverra massa gravida gravida. Cras mattis eu libero non
1. class
2. aptent
3. taciti.
TEQSA Publication 2022
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan leo orci. Cras vel lorem
vel lectus bibendum gravida. Sed lobortis ullamcorper congue. Suspendisse vel conval is
sem. Praesent ullamcorper volutpat mattis. Sed quis lectus vel nisl luctus eleifend a at nunc.
In egestas sol icitudin rhoncus. Nunc eu leo a diam tempus commodo at interdum ex. Fusce
malesuada varius arcu, eu imperdiet purus bibendum rhoncus.
Heading 2
Donec scelerisque, purus ut placerat viverra, massa mauris tempor turpis, vitae consectetur
ante orci ut libero. Mauris blandit dui libero, et commodo eros eleifend eleifend. Curabitur
auctor velit eros, id tempor nulla elementum a. Nam facilisis enim sem. Nullam eget mi mi.
Phasel us quis dui id massa ornare interdum. Aliquam iaculis tempor augue a bibendum. Sed
pretium purus eros, vitae conval is quam tristique ac. Etiam ut cursus lectus. Proin fermentum
lacus sed dui ultricies fermentum. Nulla commodo augue non orci iaculis rhoncus. Sed
fermentum, ante sed efficitur pulvinar, tel us tortor eleifend nulla, sed consectetur mi massa
non risus.
Image caption: Rem corio occatiur sin none nihictatus rem dis et fuga.
• ornare
• commodo
• efficitur.
Heading 2
Donec scelerisque, purus ut placerat viverra, massa mauris tempor turpis, vitae
Heading 3
consectetur ante orci ut libero. Mauris blandit dui libero, et commodo eros eleifend
eleifend. Curabitur auctor velit eros, id tempor nulla elementum a. Nam facilisis enim sem.
Sed ut mi in odio auctor mattis. Ut porta sapien vitae lacus molestie euismod. Nunc conval is
Nullam eget mi mi. Phasel us quis dui id massa ornare interdum. Aliquam iaculis tempor
tel us a libero feugiat laoreet. Donec ac sodales dolor, quis dignissim sem. Proin nec nulla
augue a bibendum. Sed pretium purus eros, vitae conval is quam tristique ac. Etiam ut
eget nisi sagittis iaculis vitae in ipsum. Cras sed eros et eros auctor suscipit eget vel ipsum.
cursus lectus. Proin fermentum lacus sed dui ultricies fermentum. Nulla commodo augue
Curabitur viverra cursus libero mattis faucibus. Phasel us massa nulla, venenatis in euismod
non orci iaculis rhoncus. Sed fermentum, ante sed efficitur pulvinar, tel us tortor eleifend
vitae, condimentum in magna. Ut ac magna mattis, scelerisque est sed, rutrum ipsum.
nulla, sed consectetur mi massa non risus.
Vivamus vulputate lectus augue, nec viverra massa gravida gravida. Cras mattis eu libero non
• ornare
1. class
• commodo.
2. aptent
3. taciti.
Heading 3
Sed ut mi in odio auctor mattis. Ut porta sapien vitae lacus molestie euismod. Nunc
conval is tel us a libero feugiat laoreet. Donec ac sodales dolor, quis dignissim sem. Proin
nec nulla eget nisi sagittis iaculis vitae in ipsum. Cras sed eros et eros auctor suscipit
eget vel ipsum. Curabitur viverra cursus libero mattis faucibus. Phasel us massa nulla,
venenatis in euismod vitae, condimentum in magna.
TEQSA Publication 2022
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
Internal publication (Word)
Size: A4 210 x 297mm
Internal publications
are largely identical to
Title of document over two or
external publications,
three lines
with the major difference
Month Year
being the use of Arial
instead of Sofia.
Heading 1
Pull-Out Text: Conval is metus sed lorem bibendum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pel entesque
pellentesque. Nulla vitae sagittis velit
porttitor libero nec ex dignissim, sed semper lacus ultricies. Duis in est
id sem ullamcorper venenatis. Aenean pharetra eros in ex accumsan
Curabitur sit amet sollicitudin est. Morbi eros libero, faucibus ac fermentum ut, mollis eu
pulvinar. Aliquam eget sollicitudin neque. Ut facilisis velit ut accumsan
dolor. Nul a a tortor risus. In efficitur nul a augue, at semper lacus egestas malesuada.
scelerisque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer congue elementum
Nam a scelerisque massa. Ut nunc dolor, dictum et ipsum nec, dignissim venenatis mi.
lobortis. Nul am urna ex, semper non lobortis vitae, commodo eget
Vestibulum consectetur, augue vitae vehicula ullamcorper, diam mi mol is ipsum, non
imperdiet nisl nul a ac massa. Phasel us dignissim odio vitae bibendum eleifend. Cras
non velit nulla.
Vestibulum pellentesque pellentesque ante, nec tempus neque finibus ut. Curabitur
Table 1. Default Table 1 – Table titles go above the table and are auto-numbered
ipsum dolor, blandit ac ef icitur id, suscipit sit amet nibh. Curabitur eget mi semper,
tempus risus eu, ullamcorper massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et
Column Header
Column Header
Column Header
Column Header
Column Header
netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi sagit is efficitur tellus, in eleifend diam
mattis sit amet. Duis mattis leo quis arcu finibus rutrum. Donec sit amet cursus nunc.
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Integer sollicitudin nisl quis tellus dapibus, a vulputate nulla tristique. In hendrerit, est
port itor convallis posuere, ante quam posuere odio, non semper quam velit quis dolor.
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Etiam eros nisi, venenatis vitae quam et, tempor malesuada dolor.
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Table text
Morbi leo lacus, vulputate eu sodales non, consectetur ac libero. Sed cursus, mi in
consectetur fermentum, ipsum urna placerat dolor, ac efficitur mi turpis in magna. Ut eu
Total Row
Total Row
Total Row
Total Row
Total Row
velit ac nibh convallis sagittis sed vitae est. Proin vitae lacus vitae nisl commodo rhoncus
in quis neque. Donec sapien nisl, pulvinar at dolor eget, ullamcorper suscipit sapien.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
Donec sapien nisl, pulvinar at dolor eget, ullamcorper suscipit sapien. Class aptent taciti
himenaeos. Curabitur rutrum posuere lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur rutrum
primis in faucibus. Etiam mi nisi, commodo ac leo nec, mollis euismod massa. Vestibulum
posuere lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam mi
sit amet metus sed eros luctus cursus. Phasellus aliquam sapien cursus turpis tempor
nisi, commodo ac leo nec, mollis euismod massa. Vestibulum sit amet metus sed eros
ullamcorper. Etiam commodo, massa sit amet finibus porta, est ante fringil a dolor, sed
luctus cursus. Phasellus aliquam sapien cursus turpis tempor ullamcorper.
lobortis lorem enim id leo.Pull Out – Pink
Nullam cursus lorem viverra volutpat tincidunt. Quisque fringil a efficitur congue. Curabitur
lacus enim, ultrices ac leo at, aliquam placerat felis. Phasellus nunc augue, ullamcorper
Heading 2
et faucibus ultrices, sollicitudin eu sem. Praesent dui mauris, gravida tincidunt enim et,
lobortis rhoncus nibh. Aenean dapibus orci a elementum egestas. Integer non accumsan
Aenean dapibus orci a elementum egestas. Integer non accumsan mauris. Maecenas
mauris. Maecenas posuere auctor ultricies. Morbi tempus risus augue. Mauris
posuere auctor ultricies. Morbi tempus risus augue. Mauris ullamcorper malesuada
ullamcorper malesuada massa, eu tincidunt mauris volutpat a. Morbi fringil a dolor sit
massa, eu tincidunt mauris volutpat a. Morbi fringil a dolor sit amet varius consequat.
amet varius consequat. Donec tincidunt sed lacus sit amet faucibus. Cras dictum elit sem,
Donec tincidunt sed lacus sit amet faucibus. Cras dictum elit sem, ac pellentesque eros
ac pellentesque eros lacinia ullamcorper. Vivamus lacinia, neque eu ornare tempus,
lacinia ullamcorper.
ipsum massa vestibulum purus, faucibus sagittis libero ante sit amet ligula. Donec
congue vel sapien a consequat. Nulla rutrum, velit tincidunt facilisis blandit, sapien nibh
vulputate arcu, a accumsan risus mi condimentum elit.
Title of document over two or three lines
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
PowerPoint template
Size: 16:9 (widescreen)
Presentation title (size 32 point)
Presentation subtitle (size 20 point)
Presented by First-Name Family-Name (size 10 point)
Presented 00 Month 2022
Slide heading (size 28 point)
Slide subheading (size 20 point)
(Size 16 point) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi at bibendum nibh,
maximus fermentum massa. Proin consequat quis nunc accumsan semper.
• Bullet 1
– Bullet 2
» Bullet 3
Bullet 4
Branded icons used throughout presentations (no clip art)
• Headings should be Arial size 28, dark blue
• Subheadings should be Arial size 20, dark blue
• Body text should be Arial size 16, black
• Text should be kept to a minimum
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
Pull-up banners
Size: 800 x 2000mm
TEQSA brand identity guidelines

Our collateral
Size: A4 210 x 297mm
GPO Box 1672
Melbourne VIC 3001
Level 14, 530 Collins Street
1300 739 585
Melbourne VIC 3000
Title Name
Address (email or postal)
Dear Title Family-Name,
Subject: Insert letter.
Kind regards,
16 June 2022
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our collateral
Business cards
Size: 90 x 55mm
FirstName FamilyName
Level 14, 530 Collins Street
Job Title
Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 1672
Melbourne VIC 3001
+61 3 1234 5678
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our collateral
Email signature
First Name Family Name
Job Title
Business Group
Teritary Education Quality and Standards Agency
T: 03 1234 5678 M: 0400 123 456
E: xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx
A: Level 14, 530 Col ins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
W: teqsa.gov.au
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our collateral
With compliments slip
Size: DL 99 x 210mm
Level 14, 530 Collins Street
W: teqsa.gov.au
Melbourne VIC 3000
E: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xx
GPO Box 1672
T: 1300 739 585
Melbourne VIC 3001
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
brand voice
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
TEQSA’s brand characteristics
When developing a brand’s characteristics, it can be helpful to imagine that brand as a person
and the attributes they would have. It is also useful to imagine the attributes the brand wishes
to develop.
TEQSA’s purpose, our values, our legislated role and work, perceptions of TEQSA within the
sector and how we wish to be seen by the sector, can be understood through the following
‘personality’ attributes.
We’re open and
Use active, plain
Use passive,
approachable. We
English language and complex, highly
engage our stakeholders,
technical language.
partners and the
Be truthful and
Share information
Australian public in
accurate when
which is incorrect.
a transparent and
engaging with
accessible manner. We
Ignore requirements
each other and our
value and encourage
for document
two-way communication
internally and externally.
Ensure content
meets accessibility
Avoid overusing
Provide opportunities
for contact or
We strive to provide best
Make the case for any Fail to consider
practice quality assurance required change.
user needs when
and regulation that meets
Celebrate success and planning projects
the current and future
acknowledge when
or implementing
needs of Australia’s higher we got it wrong as
changes to our
education sector. Our
part of our continual
work initiates change
Not acknowledge
and has a profound
when things
and positive impact on
go wrong or
improving the sector.
celebrating when
things go right.
We’re committed to
Incorporate and live
Act outside of the
excel ence in our work,
our TEQSA values
TEQSA Values
underpinned by our
and the APS Code of
and APS Code of
values and legislated
Conduct in our work.
Ensure that our
decisions, interactions
and actions are of the
highest standard.
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our brand voice
A brand voice is how we speak and write, internal y and external y.
TEQSA’s brand voice underpins everything we write and say, from our publications and
website to our media releases, social media posts and language in communications and at
It suggests what tone and voice to use so we can communicate consistently.
The TEQSA brand voice aligns with our vision and our values and reflects our brand
characteristics (Accessible, Innovative, Professional).
We should always aim to use at least one brand characteristic in our writing. Combinations of
two characteristics can also be used.
Accessible and Professional are the base traits, used in most communications. Innovation is
there to add an extra level demonstrating our leadership and work to build the standing and
reputation of Australian higher education.
When we apply the brand voice, we always follow the TEQSA Editorial Style Guide to ensure
consistency within the agency and alignment with the Australian Government Style Manual.
Sector feedback has informed the development of a new, simpler template for
guidance notes that will be rol ed out in the coming months. TEQSA will engage
with the sector as we update the existing suite of guidance notes (Accessible). This
work will reinforce the role of guidance notes to focus on specific sections of the
Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) (Professional). The revised notes will
also show connections with other sections of the standards and highlight potential
compliance issues (Innovative).
TEQSA’s functions include col ecting and analysing information about registered
providers to ensure compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework
(2021). (Professional) As part of TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve sector
understanding of compliance matters, we have published our 2021 Compliance
Report (Innovative). This report is available on our website and outlines compliance
activities in 2021 and TEQSA’s priorities for 2022. (Accessible)
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Our brand voice
Relationship triad
The TEQSA brand voice aligns with our vision and our values and reflects our brand
characteristics (Accessible, Innovative, Professional).
TEQSA brand identity guidelines
Document Outline