FOI 24/25-0473
Research paper
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Research question: Is osteopathy effective in improving functional outcomes for people
with physical disability compared with physiotherapy?
Date: 31/10/2023
Requestor: Natasha s22(1)(a)(ii) - irrelevant material
Endorsed by: Katrin s22(1)(a)(ii)
- irreleva
Researcher: Aaron s22(1)(a)(ii)
- irrelevant ma
Cleared by: Stephanie s22(1)(a)(ii) - irrelevant mat
1. Contents
Osteopathy ................................................................................................................................. 1
Contents ....................................................................................................................... 1
Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2
Osteopathy Scope of Practice ...................................................................................... 2
3.1 Osteopathy and evidence-based practice .................................................................. 4
3.2 Doctors of Osteopathy ............................................................................................... 4
Efficacy ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Quality of evidence .................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Osteopathy for children .............................................................................................. 5
4.3 Pain related conditions .............................................................................................. 6
References ................................................................................................................... 7
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2. Summary
Osteopathy is an allied health profession focussing on treatment of pain and dysfunction
caused by musculoskeletal conditions. It is classed as a traditional or complimentary therapy
by the World Health Organisation.
There is low or very low quality evidence that osteopathic techniques are more effective in
reducing pain and improving function for people with pain-related conditions compared to
standard treatment such as physiotherapy, exercise or medication. Evidence is inconsistent
regarding treatment of children and non-pain related conditions.
Assessments of the quality of the literature vary. Some reviews suggest moderate quality
evidence exists for the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment in reducing pain
and improving function. However, the methodological quality of these reviews is low.
3. Osteopathy Scope of Practice
Osteopathy is an area of traditional or complementary medicine that uses manual techniques
to diagnose and treat mostly neuro-musculoskeletal and pain-related complaints (Osteopathy
Australia, 2023; WHO, 2019). Osteopathy is said to take a holistic approach to diagnosis and
Osteopathy is holistic in the sense that health, disease, and functional impairment are
multi-factorial, and an osteopath considers a client’s needs and goals in the relevant
biopsychosocial context. This applies equally for prevention, diagnosis or therapeutic
management (Osteopathy Australia, 2023, p.2).
Osteopathy is a discipline rather than a single technique and so practitioners can employ a
variety of manual techniques, some of which overlap with the practices of physiotherapists and
chiropractors (Steel, 2018). They may use common manual therapy techniques such as soft
tissue techniques, manipulation or mobilisation. Osteopaths may also prescribe exercise,
complete referrals or provide advice about lifestyle changes and available services
(Osteopathy Australia, 2023).
Table 1 details techniques and treatment strategies in use by
Australian osteopaths. Previous TAPIB research, RES 322 Manual therapy to address
neuromusculoskeletal function, contains further consideration of manual techniques.
Osteopathic practice in Australia focusses on musculoskeletal conditions, especially related to
treatment of pain conditions (Osteopathy Australia, 2023; Adams et al, 2018; Steel, 2018).
Practitioners frequently treat people with sports injuries, people with work-related injuries and
pregnant women. Around 12% of Australian osteopaths treat non-musculoskeletal conditions
(Adams et al, 2018).
In Australia, osteopaths are university-trained allied health professionals. Osteopathy is a
regulated health professional regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
Agency (AHPRA). Osteopaths must be registered with the Osteopathy Board of Australia and
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education includes training in osteopathic manual techniques and may include an emphasis on
preventive care (American Osteopathic Association, n.d.). DOs are fully qualified medical
doctors and practice in all medical specialties. A recent survey showed less than half of DOs
employ osteopathic techniques in their practice. Of those that do, 44% employ osteopathic
techniques infrequently (Healy et al, 2021).
4. Efficacy
4.1 Quality of evidence
The literature considering osteopathic techniques is generally of low quality (Bagagiolo et al,
2022), though there is some evidence that quality is improving in recent studies (Psadzki et al,
2022). Most studies investigate pain-related conditions, reflecting current osteopathic practice.
In a bibliometric study of osteopathic research, Morin and Gaboury (2021) found that most
studies are published in osteopathy-focussed journals rather than general medical or allied
health journals.
4.2 Osteopathy for children
Bagagiolo et al (2022) found limited or inconclusive evidence that OMT could be beneficial in
the treatment of paediatric conditions. Psadzki et al (2022) reviewed 13 studies and found that
OMT has little or no effect on reducing the length of hospital stay of preterm infants or
improving breastfeeding. Results were inconsistent for other conditions such as asthma,
ADHD, otitis media, colic and headache.
Osteopathy Australia released a position statement on the use of osteopathy for children. They
Osteopathy Australia recommends that spinal manipulative techniques not be used on
babies, infants or children aged under 12 years, given limited systematic evidence of
clinical benefit for these patient groups. Further considerable public and regulatory
concern has been raised in relation to the practice…
A range of other clinical management approaches can be used to encourage range of
movement, physical mobility and age-appropriate skil growth while managing potential
clinical risk. Where relevant to a dif erential diagnosis, management options could
include soft tissue manual therapy approaches, positional or postural advice, aids, toy or
appliance prescription, play activity prescription and/or exercise programming
(Osteopathy Australia, 2022).
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4.3 Pain related conditions
There is evidence that manual therapy techniques can be effective at managing pain and
discomfort and improving physical functioning for people with musculoskeletal-related pain
conditions, especially low back pain and neck pain. Minimal evidence exists related to
improvements in function for people with non-pain related conditions. Refer to RES 322
Manual therapy to address neuromusculoskeletal function for more information around the
efficacy of manual therapy in general. This section wil consider the efficacy of specific
osteopathic manual techniques or manual therapy performed by an osteopath.
A recent narrative review (Licciardone et al, 2021) argues there is sufficient evidence for the
effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for lower back pain, citing large
effect sizes comparable to some pain medications. However, the authors do not report the
quality of these studies. They also note insufficient evidence for the effectiveness of OMT for
any other condition.
Rehman et al (2020) reviewed 16 randomly controlled trials into the effectiveness of OMT in
patients with non-specific cancer pain. They found moderate quality in favour of OMT in
reducing pain, disability and improving quality of life compared to control treatments including
exercise, physiotherapy and medication.
In their scoping review, Jara Silva et al (2022) found all included studies showed benefit of
OMT in at least one measure. However, the authors did not consider risk of bias or others
measures of the quality of included studies.
Dal Farra et al (2021) reviewed 10 studies of osteopathic techniques for the treatment of
chronic non-specific low back pain, including osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT),
myofascial release, craniosacral treatment and osteopathic visceral manipulation. The authors
found moderate-quality evidence in favour of myofascial release compared to control treatment
in the reduction in pain, but very low-quality evidence for its effectiveness in improving
functional status. They also found low quality evidence in favour of OMT for pain reduction and
improvement in functional status.
Bagagiolo et al (2022) assessed Rehman et al (2020) and Dal Farra et al (2020) as providing
low quality evidence. Al primary studies included in Rehman et al (2020) and Dal Farra et al
(2020) were rated at high risk of bias. Bagagiolo et al reviewed nine systematic reviews
investigating the effectiveness of OMT. They found evidence of possible reduction in pain and
improvement in functional status for people with lower back and neck pain and in chronic non-
specific cancer pain after OMT. They found limited or inconclusive evidence that OMT could
be beneficial in the treatment of migraine or tension headache. However, Bagagiolo et al also
noted that all included systematic reviews were low or critically low quality.
Bagagiolo et al (2022) found limited or inconclusive evidence that OMT could be beneficial in
the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. A more recent review presents similar results.
Buffone et al (2023) found low or very low-quality evidence that OMT could improve pain and
constipation associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
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5. References
Adams, J., Sibbritt, D., Steel, A., & Peng, W. (2018). A workforce survey of Australian
osteopathy: analysis of a nationally representative sample of osteopaths from the
Osteopathy Research and Innovation Network (ORION) project.
BMC health services
18(1), 352. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3158-y
American Osteopathic Association. (n.d.).
What is a DO? https://osteopathic.org/what-is-
Bagagiolo, D., Rosa, D., & Borrelli, F. (2022). Efficacy and safety of osteopathic manipulative
treatment: an overview of systematic reviews.
BMJ open,
12(4), e053468.
Buffone, F., Tarantino, A. G., Bel oni, F., Spadafora, A., Bolzoni, G., Bruini, I., Bergna, A., &
Vismara, L. (2023). Ef ectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Adults with
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Healthcare (Basel,
11(17), 2442. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11172442
Clifford, A., Segal, A., Guterres, A., & Orrock, P. J. (2022). An exploration of the clinical
reasoning used by registered osteopaths in their choice of therapeutic approach.
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 46, 19-28.
Dal Farra, F., Risio, R. G., Vismara, L., & Bergna, A. (2021). Effectiveness of osteopathic
interventions in chronic non-specific low back pain: A systematic review and meta-
Complementary therapies in medicine, 56, 102616.
Healy, C. J., Brockway, M. D., & Wilde, B. B. (2021). Osteopathic manipulative treatment
(OMT) use among osteopathic physicians in the United States.
Journal of osteopathic
121(1), 57–61. https:/ doi.org/10.1515/jom-2020-0013
Jara Silva, C. E., Joseph, A. M., Khatib, M., Knafo, J., Karas, M., Krupa, K., Rivera, B., Macia,
A., Madhu, B., McMil an, M., Burtch, J., Quinonez, J., Albert, T., & Khanna, D. (2022).
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and the Management of Headaches: A Scoping
14(8), e27830. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.27830
Leach, M. J., Sundberg, T., Fryer, G., Austin, P., Thomson, O. P., & Adams, J. (2019). An
investigation of Australian osteopaths' attitudes, skil s and utilisation of evidence-based
practice: a national cross-sectional survey.
BMC health services research,
19(1), 498.
Licciardone, J. C., Schultz, M. J., & Amen, B. (2020). Osteopathic Manipulation in the
Management of Chronic Pain: Current Perspectives.
Journal of pain research, 13,
1839–1847. https:/ doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S183170
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Morin, C., & Gaboury, I. (2021). Osteopathic empirical research: a bibliometric analysis from
1966 to 2018.
BMC complementary medicine and therapies,
21(1), 196.
Osteopathy Australia. (2023).
Statement of Scope of Practice in Osteopathy.
Osteopathy Australia. (2022).
Position statement: osteopathic clinical management for babies,
infants, and children. https://osteopathy.org.au/article/position-statement--osteopathic-
Posadzki, P., Kyaw, B. M., Dziedzic, A., & Ernst, E. (2022). Osteopathic Manipulative
Treatment for Pediatric Conditions: An Update of Systematic Review and Meta-
Journal of clinical medicine,
11(15), 4455.
Rehman, Y., Kirsch, J., Wang, M. Y., Ferguson, H., Bingham, J., Senger, B., Swogger, S. E.,
Johnston, R., & Snider, K. T. (2022). Impact of osteopathic manipulative techniques on
the management of dizziness caused by neuro-otologic disorders: systematic review
and meta-analysis.
Journal of osteopathic medicine,
123(2), 91–101.
Skinner, D., Esber, T., & Walkowski, S. (2022). Evocations of Osteopathy's founder and
questions for contemporary osteopathic professional identity: A thematic analysis.
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 46, 1-5.
Steel, A. (2018). Does osteopathy work?
The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/does-
Thomson, O. P., & MacMil an, A. (2023). What's wrong with osteopathy?
International Journal
of Osteopathic Medicine, 48, 100659. https:/ doi.org/10.1016/j.ijosm.2023.100659
World Health Organization. (2019).
WHO global report on traditional and complementary
medicine. World Health Organization. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/312342
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