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FOI 24/25-0141
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
Partners can also use this information to understand the person’s situation. This helps them to 
support the person to connect with the right supports. 
New assessment and manual assessment 
new assessment refers to you completing a new PEDI-CAT or WHODAS assessment in 
PACE. To learn more, go to articles: 
  Record assessment – PEDI-CAT 
  Record assessment – WHODAS. 
manual assessment refers to any previously completed functional capacity assessments. 
For example, a person might give you a report from their doctor. You will enter the scores from 
the report in PACE. 
The participant, their nominee or child representative, or their treating health professional can 
provide the score of an external assessment. 
Before completing the assessment 
Before completing the assessment, check for any exceptions, including: 
  if the person does not want to complete assessment 
  if the person has a priority situation 
  if there are any identified risks 
  if they have reapplied within the last 6 months. 
When contacting an applicant, participant, their provider, or authorised representative, you 
  check their preferred communication method and authorisations    
  log an activity
Read the articles: 
  Checking and updating a participant’s preferred communication method  
  Using the activity panel for logging an activity or internal note
Complete a new assessment 
You need to make the person feel comfortable when communicating. When you are talking to 
them face to face or over the phone, make sure you: 
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FOI 24/25-0141
SGP Knowledge Article Template 
For Internal Use Only 
  prepare for the conversation 
  understand the person-centred approach 
  understand the question you are asking 
  tailor wording from assessment questions 
 build 
 actively 
  manage expectations with the individual that this does not mean they will get a funded 
NDIS plan. 
For more information, go to the Conversation Style Guide. 
To begin a functional capacity assessment, you must create a new Functional Capacity 
case. To do this, follow the steps in the article Create a new functional 
capacity assessment case
Types of functional capacity assessments 
There are many types of functional capacity assessments. We use them to help assess the 
level of impact a person’s developmental delay or disability has on their lives. 
For more information, go to articles: 
  Record information – life skills profile (LSP - 16) 
  Record assessment – WHODAS 
  Record assessment – PEDI-CAT 
Hearing loss 
  Record information – Functional Impact of Hearing Loss 
Vision loss 
  Record Information – Functional Impact of Vision Loss 
Spinal Injury 
  Record Information – Level of Lesion 
Traumatic brain injury 
  Record information – The care and needs scale 
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