Australian Government
Department of Education
Your Ref
Our Ref
LEX 1274
By email:
Dear CR
Your Freedom of Information request - decision
I refer to your request, received by the Department of Education (department) on
7 November 2024 and revised on 13, 14 and 15 November 2024, for access under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOi Act) to the following documents:
"1. ['Part 1' of your request]
All notices of a charge issued to FOi applicants between 1 July
2022 and 5 November 2024.
For the purposes of my request, o "notice of a charge" refers to a "written notice
outlining the preliminary ossessment of the charge", as defined by FOi Guidelines
{4.9}. Other terms synonymous with this definition include "charge notice" and
"charge letter."
Specifically, I request the following items from charge notices:
l.i -
That the applicant is liable to pay a charge, the preliminary assessment of the
charge and the basis for the calculation (FOi Guidelines [4.54a-b]), l.ii -
applicable) Any written explanation or justification as to whether the cost of
calculating and collecting the charge might exceed the cost to the agency or the
Commonwealth (FOi Guidelines {4.114(1)} and {4.4]}, and 1.iii -
The FOi reference
number and date of the letter.
To assist with processing, you may omit the rest of the charge notice. I expect details
such as applicant information, the scope of their request, and employee names,
signatures, and details to be excluded (s 22).
If multiple charge notices were issued for a single request (e.g., following further
review or scope reduction), all charge notices are in scope. Final charge notices
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