This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Visual impairment and permanent blindness eligibility'.

Our reference: FOI 24/25-1105 
GPO Box 700 
Canberra   ACT   2601 
1800 800 110 
5 March 2025 
Clementine Saber 
Right to Know 
By email:  
Dear Clementine Saber 
Freedom of Information request — Notification of Decision 
Thank you for your correspondence of 22 October 2024, in which you requested access to 
documents held by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), under the Freedom of 
Information Act 1982
 (FOI Act). 
Scope of your request 
You have requested access to the fol owing documents: 
  “Dear National Disability Insurance Agency, 
I'm writing to request access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982: 
(1). Al  internal guidance and policy documents available for staff in the Scheme 

Eligibility Branch that address visual impairment and/or permanent blindness. 
(2). Al  research, digest, or other documents created by the Technical Advice and 

Improvement Branch that address visual impairment and/or permanent blindness. 
(3). Al  internal guidance and policy documents regarding NDIS eligibility with “List A”, 

“List B”, and “List D”. 
Please include all identified documents in full. I consider all parts of a document to be 

relevant, even if those parts are addressing topics other than the above. 
I can be contacted at this address if you require further information or clarification. 
Thank you for your assistance.” 
Processing period 
We have been experiencing processing delays and were not able to provide you with our 
decision by the due date. Consequently, we are deemed to have refused your application 
under section 15AC of the FOI Act. I sincerely apologise for the delay in releasing this 
decision to you.  


We have continued processing your request. In the interests of not causing any further 
delays, I have decided not to apply for an extension to the processing period from the Office 
of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) under section 15AC of the FOI Act to 
protect your internal review rights. However, your right to apply for an external review with 
the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner remains protected. Please see 
Attachment B for more information about your rights of review. 
Decision on access to documents 
I am authorised to make decisions under section 23(1) of the FOI Act. My decision on your 
request and the reasons for my decision are set out below.  
I have decided to refuse your request for access under section 24AB of the FOI Act.  
In reaching my decision, I took the fol owing into account: 
•  your correspondence outlining the scope of your request  
•  the FOI Act 
•  the FOI Guidelines published under section 93A of the FOI Act  
•  consultation with relevant officers of the NDIA 
•  the NDIA’s operating environment and functions. 
Reasons for decision - Refuse a request for access (section 24A) 
Section 24A of the FOI Act provides that an agency may refuse a request for access to a 
document if the work involved in the processing of this request would substantially and 
unreasonably divert the resources of the NDIA from its other operations. 
On 18 February 2025 we contacted you by email to advise: 
I am writing to advise that the work involved in processing your request in its current 
form would substantial y and unreasonably divert the resources of the NDIA from its 
other operations due to its size. This is called a ‘practical refusal reason’ under 
section 24AA of the FOI Act.  
On this basis, I intend to refuse your request. However, before I make a final 

decision, I am writing to provide you with an opportunity to revise your request. This 
is called a ‘request consultation process’ as set out under section 24AB of the FOI 
Act. You have 14 days to respond to this notice in one of the ways set out below. 
We advised the reason for why we intended to refuse your request: 

On 19 December 2024, we requested that you narrow the scope of your request 
because it appears to be large. I note that you provided a revised scope, however the 
scope is stil  voluminous. 
I have conducted a preliminary search for documents which are likely to be relevant 

to your request. This search has revealed that the NDIA is in possession of more 
than 86 individual documents matching the scope of your request, not including any 
attachments which may be contained within those documents. 
On my reasonable estimate, I consider that there is more than 860 pages worth of 

material that falls within the scope of your request as currently worded. At a 
conservative estimate of 1 minute per page, this would take an FOI officer more than 
14 hours to simply review and collate the documents.   
The documents that are assessed as being within scope of the request wil  then need 

to be reviewed for any sensitivities and possible exemption under the FOI Act and 
scheduled, we wil  need to consider any consultations and carry these out if required, 
a decision wil  need to be made on each document, and a decision letter prepared. 
This wil  significantly increase the hours that it wil  take an FOI officer to process your 
As a result, I am of the view that the work involved in the processing of this request 

would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the NDIA from its other 
During the 14-day consultation period, the agency did not receive a response. Consequently, 
under subsection 24AB(7), your request is now considered withdrawn. As this matter is 
deemed a decision under section 15AC of the FOI Act, I am obligated to issue a practical 
refusal rather than a withdrawal. 
Rights of review 
Your rights to seek a review of my decision, or lodge a complaint, are set out at Attachment A
Should you have any enquiries concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me 
by email at 
Yours sincerely 
Cooper (CHH674) 
Senior Freedom of Information Officer 
Complaints Management & FOI Branch 
General Counsel Division 

Attachment A 
Your review rights  
As this matter was a deemed refusal, internal review of this decision is not an option. 
However, if you have concern with any aspect of this decision, please contact the NDIA FOI 
team by email or by post: 
Freedom of Information Section 
Complaints Management & FOI Branch 
General Counsel Division 
National Disability Insurance Agency 
GPO Box 700 
Review by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 

The FOI Act gives you the right to apply to the Office of the Australian Information 
Commissioner (OAIC) to seek a review of this decision. 
If you wish to have the decision reviewed by the OAIC, you may apply for the review, in 
writing, or by using the online merits review form available on the OAIC’s website at, within 60 days of receipt of this letter.  
Applications for review can be lodged with the OAIC in the following ways: 
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
1300 363 992 (local cal  charge) 
Complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the 
Commonwealth Ombudsman 
You may complain to either the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the OAIC about actions 
taken by the NDIA in relation to your request. The Ombudsman wil  consult with the OAIC 
before investigating a complaint about the handling of an FOI request. 
Your complaint to the OAIC can be directed to the contact details identified above. Your 
complaint to the Ombudsman can be directed to: 
  Phone:  1300 362 072 (local cal charge) 
Your complaint should be in writing and should set out the grounds on which it is considered 
that the actions taken in relation to the request should be investigated. 


Document Outline