Department of Justice
Right to Information and Privacy
50 Ann Street Brisbane
GPO Box 149 Brisbane
In reply please quote: 250373 / 7274618
Queensland 4001 Australia
Telephone 13 74 68 (13 QGOV)
Your reference: Previous Application - 250220
ABN 13 846 673 994
21 January 2025
Dear Bob
I refer to your application under the
Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) which was received
by the Department of Justice (DoJ) on 13 January 2025. I have interpreted the terms of your
access application as follows:
I require any documents, legislation or policy held by the Attorney General’s Department that
allows a Queensland Government employee to:
1) Deny or defer a man or woman access to a court venue to prosecute a claim in common law,
the law of the land
2) Deny a man or woman a right
3) To unlawfully change the status of a man or woman in common law, to that of a legal entity
Documents that the Attorney General’s Department have used to
administer/communicate/enforce the above (1297) 25 Edward 1 ch 29 Magna Carta with the
Queensland Courts.
Please advise this office by
7 February 2025 if managing the application in this way is
inconsistent with the intention of your request.
I am writing to advise you that as it currently stands your application is noncompliant with the
relevant application requirements of section 24 of the RTI Act. This means we cannot process
your application as it currently stands. In order for us to process your application you will need
to make it compliant by providing the following:
1. Provide payment of the $55.75 application fee as set out in the RTI Act. Applications that do not
concern the applicant’s personal information attracts this application fee and should be paid at
the time the application is made. As your request does not only seek information about yourself,
the application fee is payable. This can be paid by credit card, cheque or money order.
If you wish to pay by credit/debit card, please see the URL below:
Privacy Notice
The Department of Justice (DoJ) is authorised to collect personal information under the
Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) and the
Right to
Information Act 2009. This information will be used to process your application and may be disclosed to various officers within the department or
to consulted entities to obtain their views. The information may also be disclosed to other agencies where it is necessary to transfer the
application. You will be advised if a transfer or consultation occurs. DoJ may use your contact details to obtain feedback to improve service
delivery. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, unless authorised or required by law and will be
handled in accordance with the IP Act.
If you wish to pay by cheque or money order, please make it payable to the Department of
Justice and return to:
Please return your payment to:
Right to Information and Privacy
Department of Justice
GPO Box 149
2. As the scope of your application is broad, the documents you are seeking to access are not able
to be determined by DoJ. To clarify the scope of your application would you please provide DoJ
with more specific information about the scope of your application. This information will assist
DoJ to identify the relevant documents.
the date range of your request
Additional Information
DoJ business units provide Right to Information or Information Privacy documents responding
to an access application.
Based on the scope of your application, we are unable to identity the documents you want
access to. Therefore a business unit which may hold relevant documents will have to make a
value judgement about which documents are responsive to your application for items 1,2 and 3.
If the scope of an application requires the decision maker to choose what documents the
applicant should receive, or to undertake detailed investigation or analysis to identify the
documents the applicant wants to access, the application will not be compliant.
Guidelines, published by the Office of the Information Commissioner, provide further information
about “
Where the scope requires the decision maker to identify the documents that the applicant
seeks to access”.
Right to Information and Privacy accept electronic copies of documents (excluding those
containing credit card details) by email at
You will need to reply by
7 February 2025 otherwise, under the legislation, your application will
be deemed to be noncompliant.
For further enquiries please contact this office on telephone number (07) 3738 9893, or via email
at, quoting reference number
Yours sincerely
D Wilson
Deborah Wilson
Senior Administration Officer