Our reference: FOI 24/25-0587
GPO Box 700
Canberra ACT 2601
1800 800 110
21 February 2025
David Wright
By email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
Dear David Wright
Freedom of Information request — Notice of Decision
Thank you for your correspondence of
13 October 2024, seeking access under the
of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to documents held by the National Disability Insurance
I apologise for the delay in processing your request.
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a decision on your request.
Scope of your request
You have requested access to the following documents:
“FOI 23/24-1400, Document 4, pages 40-41 makes reference to 'Yammer groups for
NDIS staff relating to ASD', which it describes as follows:
There are two Yammer groups for NDIS staff discussion that some TAT advisors
> Autism Spectrum Disorders
> Understanding the Autism Spectrum by Dr Bennett, PHD"
I seek a copy of all information contained in these Yammer groups.
Contact details and surnames of NDIA staff are irrelevant to my request."
On 11 December 2024 you responded to a 24AB request for consultation notice advising
“I am happy to limit the request to just posts and comments. Copies of the following
do not need to be provided:
Research Papers
Extension of time
On 28 October 2024, you agreed via email to a 30-day extension of time under section 15AA
of the FOI Act, making 12 December 2024 the new date to provide you with a decision on
Expiration of time
As we were not able to complete your application by the legislated due date of 12 December
2024, your application is regarded as a deemed refusal under section 15AC of the FOI Act.
Despite this, I have continued to process your application. I apologise for the delay and
confirm that you retain your right to seek external review of this decision. Details are set out
Attachment C to this letter.
Searches conducted
The NDIA’s Agency ICT Services
conducted searches and located 2 documents relevant to
the scope of your request.
I am the authorised officer pursuant to section 23(1) of the FOI Act to make a decision on
this FOI request.
I have decided to:
Grant access in part to 2 documents in accordance with section 22 – Access to
edited copies with exempt or irrelevant matter deleted and 47F – Public interest
conditional exemptions – personal privacy.
Section 22 – Access to edited copies with exempt or irrelevant material deleted
Section 22 of the FOI Act permits an agency to prepare and provide an edited copy of a
document where the agency has decided to refuse access to an exempt document or that to
give access to a document would disclose information that would reasonably be regarded as
irrelevant to the request for access.
On 28 October 2024, you confirmed via email that you had no objections to surnames and
contact details of NDIS staff being considered irrelevant to the scope of your request.
On 13 February 2025, I contacted you via email to explain concerns we had regarding the
safety of NDIA staff members personal privacy, and asked if you were agreeable to us only
providing staff members initials and considering the rest of their name irrelevant to your
request. You responded on 13 February 2025 stating you have no interest in the names of
staff, and were agreeable to us only providing initials.
I have identified both exempt and irrelevant material in 2 documents and am satisfied that it
is reasonably practicable to remove this material and release the documents to you in
material form.
The decision in relation to each document is detailed in the schedule of documents at
Attachment A.
A statement of reasons for this decision are set out in
Attachment B.
Rights of review
Your rights to seek a review of my decision, or lodge a complaint, are set out at
Attachment C.
Should you have any enquiries concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me
by email at xxx@xxxx.xxx.xx.
Yours sincerely
Patrick (PHO293) Senior Freedom of Information Officer
Complaints Management & FOI Branch
General Counsel Division
Attachment A
Schedule of Documents for FOI 24.25-0587
Access Decision
1 1-28
Yammer Group - autism spectrum disorder
Irrelevant material removed
Exemptions claimed:
under section 22 of the FOI
Date: 23 December 2024
s47F – personal privacy
2 29-86
Yammer Group - Understanding the autism
Irrelevant material removed
spectrum by Dr Bennett PhD
Exemptions claimed:
under section 22 of the FOI
s47F – personal privacy
Date: 23 December 2024
Attachment B
Statement of Reasons
FOI 24/25-0587
Personal privacy (section 47F)
Section 47F(1) of the FOI Act states:
A document is conditionally exempt if its disclosure under this Act would involve the
unreasonable disclosure of personal information about any person (including a
The FOI Act shares the same definition of ‘personal information’ as the
Privacy Act 1988
(Cth). Paragraph 6.123 of the FOI Guidelines provide that:
Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual,
or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:
(a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
(b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in material form or not.
Documents relevant to the scope of your request contain details of personal experiences of
staff members.
In my assessment of whether the disclosure of this personal information is unreasonable, I
have considered the following factors in accordance with section 47F(2) of the FOI Act:
(a) the extent to which the information is well known;
(b) whether the person to whom the information relates is known to be (or to have
been) associated with the matters dealt with in the document;
(c) the availability of the information from publicly accessible sources; and
(d) the affect the release of the personal information could reasonably have on the
third party.
I found that the specific personal information contained within the documents:
is not well known
is in relation to individuals that are not known to be or have been associated with the
matters dealt with in the documents
is not available from publicly available sources
would have a negative effect on the individuals if released
Accordingly, I am satisfied that the documents are conditionally exempt under section 47F of
the FOI Act.
Public interest considerations – Section 47F
Section 11A(5) of the FOI Act states:
The agency or Minister must give the person access to the document if it is
conditionally exempt at a particular time unless (in the circumstances) access to the
document at that time would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest.
Irrelevant factors
I have examined the irrelevant factors in section 11B(4) of the FOI Act and I am satisfied I
have not taken into account any irrelevant factors in reaching my decision.
Factors favouring disclosure
I have considered the factors favouring disclosure as set out in section 11B(3) of the FOI
Act. The relevant factors being whether access to the document would:
(a) promote the objects of this Act (including all the matters set out in section 3 and
(b) inform debate on a matter of public importance;
(c) promote effective oversight of public expenditure
In favour of disclosure, I have considered these factors, and have determined that disclosure
of the information in the documents would promote the objects of the FOI Act (including all
matters set out in sections 3 and 3A).
This is because providing access to documents held by the NDIA allows for increased
scrutiny, discussion, comment, and review of government held information.
I have therefore decided to afford significant weight to this factor in favouring disclosure of
the document to you.
Factors weighing against disclosure
The FOI Act does not list any factors weighing against disclosure. These factors will depend
on the circumstances. However, the inclusion of the exemptions and conditional exemptions
in the FOI Act recognises that harm may result from the disclosure of some types of
documents in certain circumstances.
Paragraph 6.233 of the FOI guidelines provides a non-exhaustive list of public interest
factors against disclosure. The factors I find relevant to this request are that release of this
information could reasonably be expected to prejudice:
the protection of an individual’s right to privacy
While I accept that there is a public interest in allowing scrutiny, discussion, comment and
review of information held by the NDIA, there is also a strong public interest in maintaining
an individual’s right to privacy.
On balance
I am satisfied, based on the above, the public interest factors against disclosure outweigh
the factors for disclosure, and that, on balance, it is against the public interest to release the
information to you. Accordingly, I find that the information is exempt under sections 47F, 47G
and 47E(d) of the FOI Act.
Your review rights
As this matter was a deemed refusal, internal review of this decision is not an option.
However, if you have concern with any aspect of this decision, please contact the NDIA FOI
team by email xxx@xxxx.xxx.xx or by post:
Freedom of Information Section
Complaints Management & FOI Branch
General Counsel Division
National Disability Insurance Agency
GPO Box 700
Review by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
The FOI Act gives you the right to apply to the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner (OAIC) to seek a review of this decision.
If you wish to have the decision reviewed by the OAIC, you may apply for the review, in
writing, or by using the online merits review form available on the OAIC’s website at
www.oaic.gov.au, within 60 days of receipt of this letter.
Applications for review can be lodged with the OAIC in the following ways:
Online: www.oaic.gov.au
Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Email: xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx
Phone: 1300 363 992 (local call charge)
Complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the
Commonwealth Ombudsman
You may complain to either the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the OAIC about actions
taken by the NDIA in relation to your request. The Ombudsman will consult with the OAIC
before investigating a complaint about the handling of an FOI request.
Your complaint to the OAIC can be directed to the contact details identified above. Your
complaint to the Ombudsman can be directed to:
Phone: 1300 362 072 (local call charge)
Email: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
Your complaint should be in writing and should set out the grounds on which it is considered
that the actions taken in relation to the request should be investigated